3. Instruction
En mirroir des procédures orales par visioconférence, les règles 117 et 118 CBE modifiées entrées en vigueur au 1er janvier 2021 concernent les mesures d'instruction par visioconférence (voir JO 2020, A132).
L'art. 117 CBE intitulé "Moyens de preuve et instruction" est applicable devant toutes les instances de l'OEB, y compris la section de dépôt, la division d'examen et la division d'opposition, la division juridique et les chambres de recours.
- T 423/22
Hearing a witness in first instance proceedings by videoconference allowed sufficient interaction between the deciding body, the parties and the witness. Albeit a part of the witness' body language was not visible to the participants, this did not amount to an infringement of the parties' right to be heard since the judgement on the witness' credibility was mainly based on the conclusiveness of his/her testimony and the absence of contradictions within the witness' own testimony, between the testimonies of several witnesses and/or contradictions between the witness' testimony and information derivable from supporting documents (reasons, point 2).
- Compilation 2023 “Abstracts of decisions”