Offices des brevets des Etats membres

Albanian General Directorate of Industrial Property
Austrian Patent Office
Bulgaria - Bulgarian Patent Office
Belgian Patent Office (Ministry of Economic Affairs)
Croatian State Intellectual Property Office
Czech Republic - Industrial Property Office
Danish Patent Office
Estonia - The Estonian Patent Office
Oficina Española de Patentes y Marcas
Finnish Patent and Registration Office
Institut National de la Propriété Industrielle (France)
German Patent and Trademark Office / Deutsches Patent- und Markenamt
Greek Industrial Property Organisation
Hungarian Intellectual Property Office
The Icelandic Patent Office
Intellectual Property Office of Ireland
Italian Patent and Trademark Office
Patent Office of the Republic of Latvia
Information about patent law in Liechtenstein
The State Patent Bureau of the Republic of Lithuania
Office de la propriété intellectuelle (Luxembourg)
Malta Industrial Property Registration Directorate
State Office of Industrial Property of the Republic of North Macedonia
Direction du Développement Economique - Division de la Propriété Intellectuelle (Monaco)
Montenegro - Ministry of Economic Development
Octrooicentrum Nederland (The Netherlands Patents Office)
Norwegian Patent Office 
Patent Office of the Republic of Poland
Portuguese Institute of Industrial Property
Romanian State Office for Inventions and Trademarks 
Patent and Trademark Office of the Republic of San Marino
Republic of Serbia - Intellectual Property Office
Slovak Republic - Industrial Property Office
Slovenian Intellectual Property Office 
Swedish Intellectual Property Office
Swiss Federal Institute of Intellectual Property 
Turkish Patent and Trademark Office
United Kingdom Intellectual Property Office