4.5.4 Cogent reasons put forward by party to demonstrate exceptional circumstances
In T 2486/16 the board emphasised that, when filing new submissions in the appeal phase specified in Art. 13(2) RPBA 2020, a party, in providing "cogent reasons", should not only identify the circumstances invoked and explain why they should be regarded as exceptional but also explain why these circumstances had the direct result of preventing it from filing its requests at an earlier stage. In the case in hand, the appellant, which had filed the new request at issue and was successor in title of the original applicant, had invoked receivership and a transfer of ownership as exceptional circumstances. However, in the view of the board, even if these difficulties experienced by the original applicant were considered to constitute exceptional circumstances within the meaning of Art. 13(2) RPBA 2020, the requirement of establishing a causal link had not been fulfilled. The new appellant had submitted no evidence that the original applicant had been experiencing any such difficulties at the date of filing the statement of grounds of appeal, i.e. at the time when any auxiliary requests on which the appellant wished to rely should have been filed pursuant to Art. 12(3) RPBA 2020. See also T 482/19 and T 2463/16.
In T 2539/16 the board remarked that filing new requests more than eight months after the communication under Art. 15(1) RPBA 2020 and only a few weeks before the oral proceedings would not even have been justifiable under Art. 13(2) RPBA 2020 if there had been surprising statements in the communication.
Likewise in T 1707/17, which concerned a request filed during oral proceedings, the board emphasised that Art. 13(2) RPBA 2020 required the party not only to explain why the case involved exceptional circumstances but also to explain why its amendment, in terms of both content and timing, was a justified response to these circumstances. In particular, where a party sought to amend its case at a very late stage in the proceedings, the cogent reasons referred to in Art. 13(2) RPBA 2020 should include reasons why it had not been possible to file such an amendment earlier. In this context the board referred to T 1033/10, which had held with regard to Art. 13(1) RPBA 2007 that the state of the proceedings and the need for procedural economy taken together implied a requirement on a party to present appropriate requests as soon as possible if such requests were to be admitted and considered. In the board's view, there were no such cogent reasons in the case in hand.
However, in other decisions no such causal link condition was required. In T 545/18 the appellant had argued for the first time during oral proceedings before the board that a violation of its right to be heard had occurred in examination proceedings. The board acknowledged that there were exceptional circumstances within the meaning of Art. 13(2) RPBA 2020, considering the great importance of this right and the facts that no other party was affected by the late filing and that the board was in a position to take a decision on this issue without needing to postpone oral proceedings. For a further decision in which "exceptional circumstances" were construed broadly, see T 713/14 (summarised in chapter V.A.4.5.4a)).
- T 2843/19
Zur Notwendigkeit einer rechtzeitigen Replik:
1. Unter der seit 1. Januar 2020 geltenden Verfahrensordnung der Beschwerdekammern (VOBK 2020) obliegt es den Parteien, ihren Vortrag so rechtzeitig im Verfahren zu bringen, dass die Beschwerdekammer ihn bereits bei Abfassung des Ladungsbescheids berücksichtigen kann.
2. Soweit die Beschwerdeführerin einen Teil ihres Vortrags nicht, wie es Artikel 12 Abs. 3 VOBK 2020 eigentlich fordert, bereits in der Beschwerdebegründung unterbreiten kann, weil es sich um die Antwort auf Angriffe bzw. Hilfsanträge handelt,die nicht bereits Gegenstand der angegriffenen Entscheidung waren, sondern von der Beschwerdegegnerin in der Beschwerdeerwiderung unterbreitet wurden, stellt eine Replik hierauf für die Beschwerdeführerin das geeignete Mittel der Wahl dar, um ihre Antwort rechtzeitig vorzubringen. Gerade aus diesem Grund sieht Artikel 15 (1) VOBK 2020 vor, dass die Kammer sich bemüht, nicht früher als zwei Monate nach Erhalt der Beschwerdeerwiderung (gemäß Artikel 12 (1) c) VOBK 2020) die Ladung zu versenden.
3. Das Argument, es sei nicht zumutbar, Kaskaden von Argumentationslinien im Hinblick auf jede denkbare Einschätzung der Kammer vortragen zu müssen, greift nicht. Im zweiseitigen Beschwerdeverfahren trifft die Parteien die Pflicht zur sorgfältigen und beförderlichen Verfahrensführung, aus Gründen der Fairness gegenüber der anderen Partei, aber auch um das Verfahren innerhalb einer angemessenen Verfahrensdauer zum Abschluss zu bringen. Artikel 13 (2) VOBK 2020 sanktioniert diese Pflicht zur Verfahrensförderung.
4. Das Argument der Beschwerdeführerin, es sei der Kammer und auch der Patentinhaberin zumutbar, sich in der mündlichen Verhandlung mit der Diskussion eines einfachen neuen Sachverhaltes zu beschäftigen, lässt den Einfluss auf den weiteren Verfahrensverlauf außer Acht. Die erstmalige Diskussion einer Argumentationslinie in der mündlichen Verhandlung mag zu einer Situation führen, in der die andere Partei ihre Verteidigungslinie erstmalig in der mündlichen Verhandlung überdenken und ggf. anpassen muss, was zu einer deutlichen Verzögerung des Verfahrens führen und eine sachgerechte ntscheidung in der mündlichen Verhandlung erschweren oder unmöglich machen kann.
- T 1869/18
While objections raised by the Board for the first time in a communication under Article 15(1) RPBA 2020 may be considered to give rise to exceptional circumstances within the meaning of Article 13(2) RPBA 2020, and may possibly justify the filing of amendments which specifically respond to the new objections, this does not open the door to additional amendments which are unrelated to the new objections, and for which no exceptional circumstances exist (Reasons, point 3.10).- T 1190/17
- Catchword/headnote...
- Annual report: case law 2022
- Summaries of decisions in the language of the proceedings