Standing Advisory Committee before the EPO (SACEPO)



SACEPO is the EPO's main advisory body and is consulted on all major issues relating to the development of the European patent system.


The Standing Advisory Committee before the European Patent Office (SACEPO) was formed in 1978 on the initiative of the first President of the EPO, Bob van Benthem, to involve user representatives in the development of the European patent system. The regular engagement of external stakeholders in the framework of the SACEPO is a valued part of the EPO’s commitment to transparency. The SACEPO enables the EPO to gather feedback from users to better respond to their needs and remain agile in managing the changing demands and conditions of a dynamic and global patent system.

Membership is comprised of representatives from leading industrial property associations and industry federations from all over the world, as well as representatives of European and international patent attorney associations. In addition, the President of the EPO also appoints recognised experts in the field of IP law as ad personam members of the SACEPO. Membership has expanded significantly in recent years, and the EPO now welcomes a group of 132 engaged, active and vocal users representing 24 associations from all over the world, as well as 58 ad personam members, reflecting the EPO’s commitment to diversity and inclusion. The members of the SACEPO are nominated for a three-year term of office. The current term of office runs from 2024 to 2026.

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Useful links

European associations

epi – European Patent Institute
FEMIPI - European Federation of Intellectual Property Agents in Industry
Union-ip – UNION of European Practitioners in Intellectual Property

Worldwide associations

AIPPI – International Association for the Protection of Intellectual Property
FICPI – International federation of intellectual property attorneys

Overseas associations

AIPLA – American Intellectual Property Law Association
ASIPI - Inter-American Association of Intellectual Property
IPO - Intellectual Property Owners Association
JIPA - Japan Intellectual Property Association
JPAA - Japan Patent Attorneys Association
KINPA - Korea Intellectual Property Association

SACEPO and its Working Parties

Five Working Parties have been established within the framework of the SACEPO to address particular areas.

Members' area

For SACEPO Members - everything about SACEPO Main and SACEPO Working Party meetings in one place

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SACEPO members meet regularly to discuss major issues relating to the development of the European patent system.

Upcoming and past meetings
