Aligned with our Strategic Plan 2028, our sole focus will be on sustainability. We are dedicated to creating a more sustainable patent organisation, patent system and world.
We are committed to achieving this goal by adhering to best practices and a modern sustainability framework, focusing on:
- Reducing our environmental impact
- Ensuring our work benefits society
- Maintaining effective governance for efficient operations as a trusted public service institution
- Ensuring financial sustainability

We are continuously working towards reducing our Office’s direct impact on the environment with the aim of achieving carbon neutrality by 2030.

We are committed to making a positive societal impact. The EPO promotes diversity and inclusion in all its initiatives. Our goal is to make patent knowledge more accessible through various platforms, studies and reports.

Governance and Financial sustainability
We are continuously improving our governance and transparency – both internal and external. As a self-funded organisation, our financial sustainability is of utmost importance. It is a prerequisite for the future of the EPO and directly related to our ability to have a positive impact on the patent system and society.