Integrated management at the EPO

Our integrated management system (IMS) consolidates all of our organisation's systems and processes into one overall framework, enabling us to work more effectively as a single unit with unified objectives. The IMS is designed to foster a collaborative and holistic management approach, supporting a positive continuous improvement culture, underpinned by effective quality and risk management frameworks.

We currently apply the following international standards, i.e. we integrate the best practices prescribed by these standards into our daily work:

  • ISO 9001 on quality management – applied since 2014 in managing the quality of the patent process and since 2022 in managing quality throughout the Office
  • ISO 45001 on occupational health and safety management – applied since 2020 in safeguarding the health and safety of our staff and visitors
  • ISO 27001 on information security – applied since 2022 in protecting data entrusted to us

Each year independent external ISO auditors conduct a certification process confirming that we comply with these standards.

Our ISO certificates underscore our commitment to organisational excellence, safety and security: