New text

Under Article 3(1) of the Revision Act , the Administrative Council was authorised to draw up, at the proposal of the President of the EPO, a new text of the EPC, with a view to align, where necessary, the wording of the provisions of the EPC in the three official languages.

On 28.6.2001, the Administrative Council adopted the new text of the EPC 2000:

Decision of the Administrative Council

New text of the EPC - Explanatory remarks

On its adoption, the new text of the EPC 2000 became an integral part of the Revision Act (see Article 3(2) of the Revision Act ), and it is this text which will eventually enter into force:

EPC 2000 as adopted by decision of the Administrative Council of 28.6.2001

Travaux préparatoires to the new text of the EPC 2000

Preparatory discussions on the new text of the EPC 2000 took place in the Committee on Patent Law in May 2001, on the basis of the following documents:

CA/PL 6/01 dated 20.4.2001
New text of the EPC (submitted by the President of the EPO)

CA/PL 8/01 dated 3.5.2001
Proposals re new text of the EPC (submitted by the Swiss and the United Kingdom delegations)

CA/PL PV 15 Minutes of the 15th meeting of the Committee on Patent Law (Munich, 2 to 4 May 2001)

A working document presented by the President of the EPO to the Administrative Council identifies all the changes made to the text of the EPC following the authorisation given by the Administrative Council by Article 3 (1) of the Revision Act .

CA/26/01 dated 7.6.2001 New text of the EPC