
USS 2022-2023 survey results infographic

As part of our quality management system and commitment to responsiveness to user needs, the EPO carries out ongoing reviews of the quality of services and efficiency of procedures.

To help us do this we rely not only on direct engagement with users and their representatives, but also on the broad, representative feedback we get from our user satisfaction surveys.

The results from these help us continually improve our products and services.


Results of the 2022/2023 user satisfaction surveys

The user satisfaction surveys for 2022/2023 were conducted between September 2022 and April 2023. Thank you very much to all respondents to these surveys; we highly appreciate your feedback.


User satisfaction survey - keyboard expressions


EPO launches new round of user satisfaction surveys

​​Contribute your feedback on our products and services​.


The target groups for most of these surveys are patent applicants and attorneys, so, it may be that some respondents are asked to participate in more than one exercise, although we are currently looking into ways of reducing the demands on individual participants. 

We would like to take this opportunity to thank all participants for taking the time to respond to our requests for feedback. 

This part of the site explains the purpose of each of the surveys, along with the methods used, the target groups involved, and how often they are carried out. 

The user satisfaction surveys aim to take the pulse of our users. They remain flexible and adaptable to the current needs for feedback on products and services offered. Different surveys may therefore be conducted in each cycle. 

Further information 

2024 Annual Quality Action plans 

2023 Annual Quality Report