Management Advisory Committee

Under Article 10(1) of the European Patent Convention (EPC), the President manages the European Patent Office, and is responsible to the Administrative Council for the Office's activities. In managing the Office, the President is assisted by a body known as the Management Advisory Committee (MAC), in particular in ensuring the effectiveness of the Office's activities, the implementation of the Office's strategy and the long-term sustainability of its operations. Moreover, the President may seek the MAC's advice when contemplating strategic or other important decisions.

The President presides over the MAC and appoints its members from among the Office's senior management. The current members of the MAC are:


António Campinos

António Campinos


Stephen Rowan

Stephen Rowan

Patent Granting Process

Nellie Simon

Nellie Simon

Corporate Services

Christoph Ernst

Christoph Ernst

Legal / International Affairs

Management Advisory Committee members

Telmo Vilela

Telmo Vilela

Principal Advisor to the President

Konstantinos Kortsaris
Konstantinos Kortsaris

Senior Advisor President’s Office

Tilman Quarch
Tilman Quarch

Senior Advisor President’s Office

Yann Ménière

Yann Ménière

Chief Economist


Patrice Pellegrino

Brussels Office

Luis Berenguer Giménez

Luis Berenguer Giménez


Gilles Requena

Gilles Requena

Chief Patent Research and Policy Officer

Razik Menidjel

Razik Menidjel

Principal Advisor for Patents and Technology

Laura Smith-Hewitt

Laura Smith-Hewitt

(as observer)
Internal Audit and Professional Standards

Thomas Groffmann

Thomas Groffmann

(as observer)
Administrator of the Reserve Funds

Simona Barbieri
Simona Barbieri

Data Protection Officer

Laurent Germond

Laurent Germond

Employment Law and Social Dialogue Advice

Jakob Kofoed

Jakob Kofoed


Angel Aledo Lopez

Angel Aledo Lopez

Chief Operating Officer & Chief Technology Officer

Francesco Zaccà

Francesco Zaccà


Emma Ó Donnabháin

Emma Ó Donnabháin

Quality and Practice Harmonisation

Yorick Lostetter

Yorick Lostetter

Business Planning and Performance

Niclas Morey

Niclas Morey

Customer Journey and Key Account Management

Peter Albrecht

Peter Albrecht

Principal Advisor with focus on SMEs and Research Institutions  

Andreas Sattler

Andreas Sattler

Principal Advisor Corporate Services

Roberta Romano-Götsch

Roberta Romano-Götsch

Chief Sustainability Officer

Beatrice Marliani
Beatrice Marliani

Corporate Performance, Risk and Compliance

Richard Flammer

Richard Flammer

Head of Vienna Sub-Office

Vincent Kos

Vincent Kos

Chief Financial Officer

Gema Sempere Requena

Gema Sempere Requena

Chief People Officer 

Raffaella de Greiff

Raffaella de Greiff

People Engagement & Partnership

Elodie Bergot

Elodie Bergot

Welfare and Remuneration

Florian Grundies

Florian Grundies

General Administration

Patrick Bodart

Patrick Bodart

Principal Advisor to the Chief Technology Officer

Åsa Ribbe

Åsa Ribbe

Search and Patent Grant Process Products in BIT

Diego Eguidazu Alonso

Diego Eguidazu Alonso

Chief Information Officer

Mariya Koleva

Mariya Koleva

Procurement and Vendor Management

Kris De Neef

Kris De Neef

Head of Performance and Process Office

Mariana Karepova

Mariana Karepova

European and International Affairs and Principal Advisor to the President

Mihály Zoltán Ficsor

Mihály Zoltán Ficsor

Legal Affairs

Heli Pihlajamaa
Heli Pihlajamaa

Patent Law and Procedures

Xavier Seuba

Xavier Seuba

Patent Intelligence