The EPO art collection

Paper Transformation art competition

Paper Transformation art competition

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The collection
Art and architecture significantly contribute to the EPO’s corporate identity by bringing cultural responsibility to life. They express the core values and heritage of our international organisation and underpin the EPO’s commitment to offering a stimulating and inspiring working environment for more than 6000 employees in Europe. By reflecting the dynamic, innovative nature of the EPO, which combines creativity, technical expertise and high-quality products and services, the EPO art collection has become one of the world’s leading corporate art collections.
Let's talk about art

In 2020, the European Patent Office acquired works from artists from Albania, China, Croatia, Estonia, Iran, Monaco, Norway and the United Kingdom.

Five up-and-coming artists have been invited to take part in temporary interventions at the EPO Boards of Appeal site in Haar (19.11.- 05.12.2019).

The EPO has been honoured with the Corporate Art Award at an event held on 28 November in the context of the European Year of Cultural Heritage.

Special EPO programme inspires some 1 500 visitors during Long Night of Munich Museums 2024

New “Transformation” exhibition showcases art from the EPO’s collection

Four new EPO artworks explore collaborative innovation, digital transformation and sustainability

Art tours and a new Culture Space in the EPO’s main building on the Isar

Ein attraktives Erlebnis für die Besucher der Münchner „Langen Nacht“.

A highly successful Girl's Day at the European Patent Office concluded with a lively tour of the works from the EPO art collection in PschorrHöfe 8.

During the Long Night of Museums in Munich on 15 October 2022, the European Patent Office offered guided tours of its art collection.

Two art works have been commissioned for the permanent art collection of the European Patent Office (EPO).

As part of the Study Visit to the EPO, Kristine Schönert (Cultural affairs officer, EPO) spoke about the EPO art collection.

Art and innovation meet sustainability in a new thought-provoking book that also features several outstanding works from the EPO art collection.

Ever wanted to escape the crowds and discover some of Munich's less travelled but no less impressive cultural pathways?

Presentation of the film “Exploring Art at the European Patent Office” & night tours on art in the public space around the EPO.

The first ever Art@Five talk "features Julian Nida-Rümelin and Annemieke Reedijk on "The interface of technology and art: the EPO collection".

In 2020, the European Patent Office acquired works from artists from Albania, China, Croatia, Estonia, Iran, Monaco, Norway and the United Kingdom.

Five up-and-coming artists have been invited to take part in temporary interventions at the EPO Boards of Appeal site in Haar (19.11.- 05.12.2019).

The EPO has been honoured with the Corporate Art Award at an event held on 28 November in the context of the European Year of Cultural Heritage.

Special EPO programme inspires some 1 500 visitors during Long Night of Munich Museums 2024

New “Transformation” exhibition showcases art from the EPO’s collection

Four new EPO artworks explore collaborative innovation, digital transformation and sustainability

Art tours and a new Culture Space in the EPO’s main building on the Isar

Ein attraktives Erlebnis für die Besucher der Münchner „Langen Nacht“.

A highly successful Girl's Day at the European Patent Office concluded with a lively tour of the works from the EPO art collection in PschorrHöfe 8.

During the Long Night of Museums in Munich on 15 October 2022, the European Patent Office offered guided tours of its art collection.

Two art works have been commissioned for the permanent art collection of the European Patent Office (EPO).

As part of the Study Visit to the EPO, Kristine Schönert (Cultural affairs officer, EPO) spoke about the EPO art collection.

Art and innovation meet sustainability in a new thought-provoking book that also features several outstanding works from the EPO art collection.

Ever wanted to escape the crowds and discover some of Munich's less travelled but no less impressive cultural pathways?

Presentation of the film “Exploring Art at the European Patent Office” & night tours on art in the public space around the EPO.

The first ever Art@Five talk "features Julian Nida-Rümelin and Annemieke Reedijk on "The interface of technology and art: the EPO collection".

In 2020, the European Patent Office acquired works from artists from Albania, China, Croatia, Estonia, Iran, Monaco, Norway and the United Kingdom.

Five up-and-coming artists have been invited to take part in temporary interventions at the EPO Boards of Appeal site in Haar (19.11.- 05.12.2019).

The EPO has been honoured with the Corporate Art Award at an event held on 28 November in the context of the European Year of Cultural Heritage.
Media Library

Exhibition: START-UP

Talk: Art@Five

Trailer Exploring art at EPO

Film: Exploring art at the EPO

5629055 by Lidia Sigle

The Long Night of Museums 2024

Film: Light art at the EPO

Talk: Art at the workplace

About Marie-Thérèse Vacossin

About Nikolaus Moser

About John M Armleder

About Bernhard Luginbühl

About Beat Zoderer

About Sylvie Fleury

About Jeremy Moon

About Malgosia Jankowska

About Markus Stangl

About Hans-Peter Feldmann

About Margriet Smulders

About Heringa & van Kalsbeek

Talk: Rolf Lieberknecht

Exhibition: START-UP

Talk: Art@Five

Trailer Exploring art at EPO

Film: Exploring art at the EPO

5629055 by Lidia Sigle

The Long Night of Museums 2024

Film: Light art at the EPO

Talk: Art at the workplace

About Marie-Thérèse Vacossin

About Nikolaus Moser

About John M Armleder

About Bernhard Luginbühl

About Beat Zoderer

About Sylvie Fleury

About Jeremy Moon

About Malgosia Jankowska

About Markus Stangl

About Hans-Peter Feldmann

About Margriet Smulders

About Heringa & van Kalsbeek

Talk: Rolf Lieberknecht

Exhibition: START-UP

Talk: Art@Five

Trailer Exploring art at EPO

Film: Exploring art at the EPO
What's on

The Dutch-Brazilian artist Rafaël Rozendaal is a well-known pioneer of digital art and now on show at the Folkwang Museum exhibition until 20.08.2023

At the National Museum of Qatar, Icelandic-Danish artist Ólafur Elíasson continues his experimentation.

The Albertina in Vienna is to show a major Katharina Grosse exhibition, beginning 1 November 2023.

Works by Dutch artist Afra Eisma are on show in a colourful interactive exhibition at The Tetley until 22 October 2023

Isa Melsheimer participating at States of Uncertain Domesticities - a <performative> exhibition

Belgian artist reimagines light and space in Beijing

In his multimedia work, Daniel Canogar (*1964 Madrid, ES) deals with the influence of technology on social life.

The Dutch-Brazilian artist Rafaël Rozendaal is a well-known pioneer of digital art and now on show at the Folkwang Museum exhibition until 20.08.2023

At the National Museum of Qatar, Icelandic-Danish artist Ólafur Elíasson continues his experimentation.

The Albertina in Vienna is to show a major Katharina Grosse exhibition, beginning 1 November 2023.

Works by Dutch artist Afra Eisma are on show in a colourful interactive exhibition at The Tetley until 22 October 2023

Isa Melsheimer participating at States of Uncertain Domesticities - a <performative> exhibition

Belgian artist reimagines light and space in Beijing

In his multimedia work, Daniel Canogar (*1964 Madrid, ES) deals with the influence of technology on social life.

The Dutch-Brazilian artist Rafaël Rozendaal is a well-known pioneer of digital art and now on show at the Folkwang Museum exhibition until 20.08.2023

At the National Museum of Qatar, Icelandic-Danish artist Ólafur Elíasson continues his experimentation.

The Albertina in Vienna is to show a major Katharina Grosse exhibition, beginning 1 November 2023.

Works by Dutch artist Afra Eisma are on show in a colourful interactive exhibition at The Tetley until 22 October 2023