European Patent Register

The European Patent Register is the most complete and up-to-date source of publicly available procedural information on European patent applications as they pass through each stage of the EPO granting process and on European patents with unitary effect.
This free online service contains procedural and legal information on all European patent applications from the moment they are published, and on Unitary Patents from the moment that unitary effect has been requested. It includes links to the patent registers of many EPO member states, showing the status of European patents after grant, when national patent offices take over responsibility for them, as well as information on the opt-out from the exclusive competence of the Unified Patent Court.
You can use the European Patent Register to:
- find out what stage in the procedure a European patent application has reached
- see whether or not a European patent application has been granted
- check whether any oppositions to a European patent have been filed
- read correspondence between the EPO and patent applicants/attorneys
- see whether or not unitary effect has been requested or registered
- find out if a European patent has been opted-out
- Getting started
Register Assistant, an e-learning module
- Conditions
The European Patent Register is available free of charge, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
It is not intended for bulk data retrieval and users are limited to ten search-related actions per minute. The service does not support automated searches (robots) and will deny access to any robots it identifies.
For more details please read our fair use charter.
The terms and conditions of use for the website apply.
- Further information
Special features
When you use the European Patent Register, you also have access to a number of useful tools and resources. They are also free of charge.
Register Alert
The Register Alert service allows you to monitor changes to data in the European Patent Register. You can monitor up to 5 000 files of your choice and opt to receive an e-mail alert every time a change triggering a Register event occurs to one of your selected files.
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Register Alert – Introductory videoFederated Register
The Federated European Patent Register displays data relating to European patents in the post-grant phase. This information is made available by the national offices of the states concerned.
Information on the content provided by participating national patent offices
Federated Register – Introductory videoGlobal Dossier
Applicants often file patent applications for the same invention at multiple patent offices. Global Dossier brings these documents together in one place, to give you access to the correspondence (or “file wrapper”) between applicants/attorneys and the offices concerned for Canadian, Chinese, European, Japanese, Korean, US and PCT applications. It also offers you automatic machine translations of Chinese, Japanese and Korean documents into English.
Global Dossier is available from the European Patent Register and Espacenet.
Learn more about Global Dossier
Global Dossier – Introductory videoRelease notes
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