EP bibliographic data (EBD)

EBD provides details of all newly published applications and patents, as well as recent changes to previously published patents.
The data includes the date of filing, titles, applicant data, classification and priority data. It is the same as the data in the European Patent Bulletin.
With EBD you can:
- integrate records from the European Patent Bulletin into your own search interface, database or search engine
- download weekly frontfiles (EBD)
- combine frontfiles (EBD) and an annual backfile (European Patent Register data)
- Getting started
- Check the information on the main features of our bulk data sets.
- Download the weekly exchange files (available every Wednesday at 14.00 hrs CET).
- Conditions
Coverage Current year Format XML ST36 ("EPO B tags") Volume Frontfile: approx. 20 MB zipped Delivery Current data is available as a weekly download. Publication takes place every Wednesday at 14.00 hrs CET.
Backfile in same format is not available.The EPO's bulk data sets are also referred to as "raw data products" or "EPO databases".
The terms and conditions for licensing of EPO databases apply.
- Further information
EBD includes the data listed in Rule 143 EPC
The data is available in the form of "raw", unformatted, but highly structured data files. It is extracted from EPASYS, the EPO's administrative database. The files are not a cumulative record of all the changes. There is a clear distinction between A and B publications, which are separate documents for publication purposes.
Note: The system processing the files must be able to read the UTF-8 character set.
EBD weekly files in XML ST36 do not give the whole history and status of an EPO application or patent but you can partly combine EBD files with our European Patent Register data backfile.
Please note that the European Patent Register data backfile can only partly be matched with the EBD weekly frontfile.
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