Legal texts
The official source of up-to-date legal texts from the European Patent Office (EPO).
European Patent Convention (EPC)
The European Patent Convention provides an autonomous legal system for the granting of European patents via a single, harmonised procedure before the EPO.
Read moreOfficial Journal
The Official Journal contains decisions of the Administrative Council of the European Patent Organisation, decisions of the President of the EPO and detailed further information relevant to the EPC and its implementation.
Read moreGuidelines
The official collection of all important information about the EPC Guidelines, the PCT-EPO Guidelines and their revision cycle, including the results of the online user consultation and the two annual meetings of the SACEPO Working Party on Guidelines.
Guidelines for Examination in the EPOGuidelines for Search and Examination at the EPO as PCT AuthorityUnitary Patent GuidelinesRead more about the Guidelines
Extension/validation system
Applicants for a European patent have a simple and cost-effective way of obtaining patent protection in third countries on the basis of the extension and validation systems.
Read moreLondon Agreement
The London Agreement (Article 65 EPC) is aimed at reducing translation costs for European patents.
Read moreNational law relating to the EPC
A concise and reliable guide to the most important provisions and requirements of EPO contracting and extension states' national law as applicable to European patent applications and patents.
Read moreUnitary Patent system
The most important legal texts relating to the Unitary Patent.
Read moreNational measures relating to the Unitary Patent
This booklet provides a concise overview of the most important national measures accompanying the implementation of the Unitary Patent in the participating Member States having ratified the Agreement on a Unified Patent Court.
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