Customer services

The EPO regularly conducts surveys to monitor user satisfaction with its products and services.

The input gathered from these surveys enables us to review the quality and efficiency of our internal processes and services.

The surveys are carried out on our behalf by a contractor. For the period 2024-2025, the contractor is BERENT Deutschland GmbH.


Our Customer sentiment survey takes the form of a short web interview of less than one minute in duration.

All users who have registered an enquiry through our Customer Services Management (CSM) system are invited to complete the survey via a link in a separate email sent after their case has been closed.

This survey responses serve as a continuous source of data helping us to monitor user satisfaction with our Customer Services. Any negative user feedback will be dealt with immediately by Customer Services.

Every second year, we run an additional survey to include more general questions on our Customer Services or other services we offer. The web interview for this takes about five minutes and the results give us a broader picture of user satisfaction with the EPO.

Data is grouped and analysed on a purely statistical basis. Aggregated results are reported to senior EPO management and to the directors of the technical areas concerned.


Satisfaction with Customer Services is monitored constantly through the Customer sentiment surveys. More detailed surveys are conducted every two years.


For more information, or if you do not wish to participate in these surveys, please write to

Further information: 

Data protection statement on the processing of personal data within the framework of the user satisfaction surveys