Learning resources by area of interest
OverviewPatent granting

Deepen your knowledge of patent granting and searching with these valuable resources.
Upcoming training events
Upcoming training events
iLearn together
Patenting semiconductor technologies
Clarity and sufficiency of disclosure
Materials and publications
Materials and publications
Discover more on EPO publications focused on granting:
E-learning resources
E-learning resources
Browse and discover all e-learning resources provided by the EPO:
EPO tools for searching and applying
Find here useful resources on how to use the EPO tools for applying and searching for patents!
- Tutorials for applying, for online filing, central fee payment, mailbox and myEPO
- Patent information tools page, including video tutorials on Espacenet, the Global Dossier, Data Services and many more. Take also a look at the:
- The PI Tour: a comprehensive e-learning module that helps you understand the technical, legal and business-relevant information contained in patents. Take the tour and test your knowledge!
- The European Patent Register assistant: an e-learning module guiding you through all the publicly available information on European patent applications as they pass through the grant procedure, including oppositions, patent attorney/EPO correspondence and more.
See also
See also
Explore additional resources in this section:
European Patent Convention
Guidelines for Examination in the European Patent Office
European Patent Guide - How to get a European patent
Euro-PCT guide - PCT procedure at the EPO
Searching for patents - Products and services
Finding sustainable technologies in patents
Conference report: Blockchain
Conference report: Patenting Artificial Intelligence