Our mission, vision, values and corporate policy


As the patent office for Europe, we are proud to deliver high-quality patents and efficient services that foster innovation, competitiveness and economic growth.


We will empower and motivate our staff to set worldwide standards in intellectual property. Our Office will be effective and transparent, respond to the needs of our users and be agile in managing the changing demands and conditions of a dynamic global patent system. Our work will contribute to a safer, smarter and more sustainable world.


All our relationships within our Office and with partners around the world will prosper through trust, fairness, mutual respect, adaptability, collaboration and a commitment to excellence.

Read the handbook for workplace ethics

Business slogan

Committed to excellence

Corporate policy


At the EPO, our commitment to quality defines our products and services. It is our overall goal to contribute to a safer, smarter and more sustainable world. We are focused on being effective and transparent, responding to the needs of our users and being agile in managing the changing demands and conditions of a dynamic global patent system.

As a means of achieving excellence, we are developing an all-time learning organisation which empowers and motivates its diverse and knowledgeable staff to set worldwide standards in intellectual property. We invest in technology to modernise and simplify our processes and focus on the agility, reliability and security of our systems. We aim at providing all staff with a modern working environment meeting state-of-the-art sustainability, health and safety standards.

We are therefore including the following principles in building our integrated management system that will incorporate recognised international management standards in Quality (ISO 9001), Environment (EMAS Regulation and ISO 14001), Occupational Health and Safety (ISO 45001), Information Security (ISO 27001) and more.