Linked open EP data

Linked open EP data creates a public web of interlinked patent data from EPO and other data publishers that can be queried, retrieved and viewed using standardized web technologies like HTTP, URI, RDF and SPARQL.
Linked open EP data uses Uniform Resource Identifiers (URIs) to identify patent applications, publications and other resources present in patent data. This allows data in one dataset to be linked to data in another dataset. Given its URI, data about a resource can be retrieved in a variety of formats over the web. For occasional use there is a simple data browser, an API and a query interface. For heavier use, bulk data is available for download.
With linked open EP data you can:
- retrieve up to date information about EP publications and e.g. incorporate it in web pages
- connect to data from other patent data publishers
- download the data to create your own database
- easily combine patent data with business or other non-patent information
- freely reuse the data on the basis of an open data license
- Getting started
- Conditions
Linked open EP data is a free-of-charge service and is governed by a fair use policy.
The EPO grants usage of Linked open EP data under "Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International Public" License (further information).
Fair use policy
Linked open EP data provides a reference data service. It provides data about resources (patent applications, publications etc.) identified by EPO linked data URIs.
The data browser, linked data API and the SPARQL endpoint are provided for occasional use. They allow consulting reference data, exploring the data and trying out ideas on a small scale. They can be used to look up patent data with a known URI, to see what data is available or to try out a simple API call or SPARQL query.
They are not designed to provide a backend database service for production applications. For these uses, please download the data in bulk.
For access to full text publications the fair use policy of the European Publication Server applies.
The EPO reserves the right to take any measure necessary to protect the availability of its service.
Linked open EP data do not constitute any official publication of the European Patent Office. For official publications of European patent applications, search reports, granted patents corrections and alike please refer to the European Publication Server.
- Further information
The data set covers the most relevant, but not all available bibliographic data elements for patents and not all data elements from the CPC scheme. It also includes references to the full text publication in PDF, HTML and XML format, which are stored on the European Publication Server. Access of these files can be done via the REST service of the European Publication Server according to its fair use policy.
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