European Patent Academy
The European Patent Academy provides patent-related education to stakeholders in Europe and beyond. Training activities and learning materials are based on the pillars of digitisation, co-operation, modularity and certification and focus on three areas: patent granting, patent knowledge and technology transfer, and patent litigation and enforcement.
Together, these domains cover the entire life cycle of a patented invention. Activities are aimed at a wide range of audiences from examiners and national patent office staff to patent attorneys and professionals, inventors, businesses, universities and technology transfer centres and the general public.
Our learning activities include self-paced training courses and learning events. Self-paced training courses are available any time and can be completed at a speed that suits you. Learning events are usually live e-learning activities that require pre-registration.
Self-paced training
Dive deeper into the world of IP by enrolling in our self-paced courses. Choose from a variety of topics and levels to maximise your knowledge.
All self-paced trainingLearning events
Explore all upcoming learning events and join us at the next courses, lecture, seminars, study visit, workshop or conference.
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Learning activities and paths
Find out more about the different types of learning activities and paths.

Are you a current or potential EQE or EPAC candidate? Check this section to find all relevant information and materials.

Learning resources by area of interest
Interested in patent granting and innovation? Explore our learning resources tailored by area of interest.

Learning resources by profile
Browse our resources aimed at specific profiles such as attorneys, lawyers, businesses, universities and more.