Fees for international applications (applicable as of 1 January 2025)

Fees payable to the EPO for international applications in the international phase (applicable as of 1 January 2025)[ 1 ] 

CodeEPO receiving OfficeEUR
019Transmittal fee
R. 14 PCT; R. 157(4) EPC
003Search fee
R. 16 PCT
1 845.00 [ 2 ] ​
225International filing fee
R. 15.2 PCT
1 417.00 [ 3 ]
222Supplement for each sheet in excess of 30 sheets16.00



PCT reduction for filing in electronic form
- PDF request and specification

- request in character-coded format (XML) + PDF specification

- request and specification in character-coded format (XML)



029Issue of a certified copy of a European patent application or an international application (priority document) if not requested using MyEPO Portfolio [ 4 ]​​​​​​
R. 17.1(b) PCT; R. 54 EPC
063Late payment fee
R. 16bis.2 PCT [ 5 ]

50% of the unpaid fee(s) but not to exceed EUR  708.50
013Fee for requesting restoration of right of priority
R. 26bis.3(d) PCT
CodeEPO International Searching Authority; Supplementary International Searching AuthorityEUR
003Additional search fee
R. 40.2(a) PCT; R. 158(1) EPC
1 845.00
 Fee for a supplementary international search
R. 45bis.3(a) PCT
1 845.00 [ 2 ] ​[ 6 ] [ 7 ]
066Fee for the late furnishing of sequence listings
R. 13ter.1(c) and R. 13ter.2 PCT
062Protest fee
(R. 158(3) EPC, R. 40.2(e) and 68.3(e) PCT) relating to an additional international search
1 020.00
069Review fee (R. 45bis.6(c) PCT) relating to a supplementary international search1 020.00
 Supplementary search handling fee
(R. 45bis.2 PCT)
CHF 200.00
[ 6 ]

Late payment fee relating to a supplementary international search
(R. 45bis.4(c) PCT)

50% of the supplementary search handling fee

CHF 100.00
[ 6 ]
CodeEPO International Preliminary Examining AuthorityEUR
224Handling fee
R. 57 PCT
213.00 [ 3 ]
021Fee for preliminary examination
R. 58 PCT; R. 158(2) EPC
1 915.00 [ 2 ] ​

Late payment fee [ 8 ]
R. 58bis.2 PCT

50% of the unpaid fee(s) but not to exceed EUR 426.00

066Fee for the late furnishing of sequence listings
R. 13ter.1(c) and R. 13ter.2 PCT
062Protest fee
(R. 158(3) EPC, R. 40.2(e) and 68.3(e) PCT) relating to an additional international search
1 020.00

Fees payable to the EPO for international applications upon entry into the "regional phase" (Euro-PCT applications) [ 1 ] [ 9 ] [ 10 ] (applicable as of 1 April 2024)

CodeEPO European phaseEUR
 Filing fee 
  • online filings of EPO Form 1200
  • other filing methods
520Additional fee for a European patent application comprising more than 35 pages (not counting pages forming part of a sequence listing)
for the 36th and each subsequent page
005Designation fee685.00
410(ME) [ 11 ]
Extension fee for each extension state102.00
420(MA)Validation fee for Morocco (MA)240.00
421(MD)Validation fee for the Republic of Moldova (MD)200.00
422(TN)Validation fee for Tunisia (TN)180.00
423(KH)Validation fee for Cambodia (KH)180.00
424(GE)Validation fee for Georgia (GE)200.00

Claims fee [ 10 ]
Search fee [ 12 ]
Examination fee [ 13 ]

Amounts and fee codes are the same as for European patent applications

033Renewal fee for the 3rd year, calculated from the date of filing690.00
013Fee for requesting restoration of right of priority
R. 49ter.2(d) PCT
013Fee for reinstatement of rights
R. 49.6(d) PCT

[ 1 ] Fees set by the EPO last amended by decision of the Administrative Council CA/D 16/23 of 14.12.2023 (OJ EPO 2024, A3), entered into force on 1.4.2024. PCT fees fixed by WIPO in Official Notices (PCT Gazette) of 14 November 2024, pages 195-196. See also OJ EPO 2024, A103

[ 2 ] See decision of the Administrative Council CA/D 13/19 of 12.12.2019 concerning the reduction of this fee in favour of nationals of certain states (OJ EPO 2020, A4) and notice from the EPO of 3.7.2024 concerning the reduction of the fees for the international search and the international preliminary examination carried out on international applications in favour of nationals of certain states – revised list of states (OJ EPO 2024, A69).

[ 3 ] The international filing fee (where applicable, as reduced for filing in electronic form), and the handling fee are reduced by 90% if the international application is filed by:

(a) an applicant who is a natural person and who is a national of and resides in a State that is listed as being a State whose per capita gross domestic product is below US$ 25 000 (according to the most recent 10-year average per capita gross domestic product figures at constant 2005 US$ values published by the United Nations), and whose nationals and residents who are natural persons have filed less than 10 international applications per year (per million population) or less than 50 international applications per year (in absolute numbers) according to the most recent five-year average yearly filing figures published by the International Bureau; or

(b) an applicant, whether a natural person or not, who is a national of and resides in a State that is listed as being classified by the United Nations as a least developed country;
provided that, if there are several applicants, each must satisfy the criteria set out in either sub-item (a) or (b).  The lists of States referred to in sub-items (a) and (b) shall be updated by the Director General at least every five years according to directives given by the Assembly. The criteria set out in sub-items (a) and (b) shall be reviewed by the Assembly at least every five years. 

[ 4 ] OJ EPO 2024, A5. No fee is due if the request is made using MyEPO Portfolio.

[ 5 ] OJ EPO 1992, 383.

[ 6 ] This fee must be paid in CHF to the International Bureau of WIPO.

[ 7 ] The amount in CHF is shown in the PCT Fee tables.

[ 8 ] OJ EPO 1998, 282.

[ 9 ] Fee reductions may apply pursuant to Rules 7a or 7b EPC and Art. 14(1) Rules relating to Fees. See also notice from the EPO dated 25 January 2024 concerning fee-related support measures for small entities (OJ EPO 2024, A8). 

[ 10 ] See Article 153(2) EPC and Rules 159 EPC, 162 EPC. Please indicate the European application number when making payments. Once the international application has been published, you can retrieve this number by entering the international application or publication number in the European Patent Register. If you are unable to cite the European application number at the time of payment, you may indicate the PCT filing number.

[ 11 ] Montenegro became an EPC Contracting state on 1 October 2022 and is therefore no longer eligible as an extension state for international applications with a filing date on or after 1 October 2022. 

[ 12 ] No fee for a supplementary European search is payable when the international search report or a supplementary international search report has been drawn up by the EPO. 
For international applications filed on or after 1 July 2005 for which the international search report or a supplementary international search report was drawn up by the Austrian Patent Office, by the Spanish Patent and Trademark Office, by the Swedish Patent and Registration Office, by the National Board of Patents and Registration of Finland, by the Turkish Patent and Trademark Office, by the Visegrad Patent Institute or by the Nordic Patent Institute, the fee for a supplementary European search is reduced by EUR 1 300 if it is paid on or after 1 April 2024.  

[ 13 ] See Rule 159 (1)(f) EPC regarding the period for payment of the examination fee. The examination fee is reduced by 75% if the EPO drew up an international preliminary examination report (IPER) pursuant to Rule 70 PCT (Article 14(2), first sentence, RFees).