Transitional provisions

Under Article 7 of the Revision Act , the Administrative Council was empowered to take a decision on the application of the revised version of the EPC

  • to European patents already granted at the time of entry into force of the revised version of the EPC and
  • to European patent applications pending at that time.

On 28.6.2001, the Administrative Council decided on the transitional provisions:

Decision of the Administrative Council

Detailed explanatory remarks accompany the transitional arrangements adopted by the Administrative Council:

Explanatory remarks

The Special edition No. 1 OJ EPO 2007 carries a comprehensive Table on the transitional provisions of the EPC 2000 .

Notice from the European Patent Office dated 20 September 2007 on implementation of the transitional provisions of the EPC 2000 applicable during the transition from the EPC 1973 to the EPC 2000

Implementation of the Decision of the Administrative Council of 28 June 2001 on the transitional provisions under Article 7 of the Act revising the European Patent Convention of 29 November 2000 (in English only)

Travaux préparatoires to the transitional provisions under the EPC 2000

Preparatory discussions on the transitional provisions took place in the Committee on Patent Law in May 2001, on the basis of the following documents:

CA/PL 3/01 dated 29.3.2001
Revision of the EPC: transitional provisions

CA/PL 3/01 Rev. 1 dated 4.5.2001
Revision of the EPC: transitional provisions
This document supersedes CA/PL 3/01 of 29.3.2001. The amendments were agreed at the 15th meeting of the Committee on Patent Law on 3.5.2001

CA/PL PV 15 Minutes of the 15th meeting of the Committee on Patent Law (Munich, 2 to 4 May 2001)