Reduction in the fees for the international search and the international preliminary examination in favour of nationals of certain states
Since 1 January 2009, natural persons who are nationals of and residents in a state classified as a low-income or lower-middle-income economy by the World Bank have been benefitting from a 75% reduction of the international search and preliminary examination fees in accordance with Decision of the Administrative Council CA/D 7/08 of 21 October 2008 (for further details, see OJ EPO 11/08, 521). As of 1 April 2020, this reduction has been extended to the supplementary international search fee (for further details, see CA/D 13/19).
Since 1 April 2020, natural persons who are nationals of and residents in a state classified as a low-income or lower-middle-income economy by the World Bank or natural/legal persons who are national of and resident in a state in which a validation agreement with the EPO is in force benefit from a 75% reduction of the international search and preliminary examination fees in accordance with Decision of the Administrative Council CA/D 13/19 of 12 December 2019 (for further details, see CA/D 13/19).
States classified as a low-income or lower-middle-income economy by the World Bank
Decision of the Administrative Council CA/D 7/08 of 21 October 2008 (OJ EPO 11/08, 521)
Decision of the Administrative Council CA/D 13/19 of 12 December 2019 (OJ EPO 2020, A4)