2. Equity of a different apportionment of costs – case groups
2. Equity of a different apportionment of costs – case groups
There is no definition of equity in the EPC. The boards of appeal therefore had to develop the criteria determining whether costs were to be apportioned on a case-by-case basis. In a number of decisions it has generally been stated that apportionment of costs is justified if the conduct of one party is not in keeping with the care required, that is if costs arise from culpable actions of an irresponsible or even malicious nature (see, for example, T 765/89, T 26/92 and T 432/92).
In T 1714/14 the board held that "reasons of equity" exist when a party's costs arise from culpable actions of another party, or even abusive behaviour. If, however, there was nothing to indicate negligence, wrongdoing, or an abuse of procedure, a different apportionment of costs was not justified.
Requests for a different apportionment of costs are often filed in various scenarios in which costs are incurred for:
- late submission of documents and/or requests (see in this chapter III.R.2.1.);
- acts or omissions prejudicing the timely and efficient conduct of oral proceedings (see in this chapter III.R.2.2.);
- filing of opposition or appeal (see in this chapter III.R.2.3.);
- withdrawal of opposition or appeal at short notice (see in this chapter III.R.2.4.);
- other cases (see in this chapter III.R.2.5.).
- T 967/18
Where opposition proceedings have been interrupted under Rule 142(1)(b) EPC, acts done by the parties or the competent body of the EPO during the period of interruption are considered invalid. An appeal against a decision taken during the interruption is inadmissible, because it has no valid subject eligible for a judicial review. The RPBA also apply to requests for apportionment of costs under Article 104(1) EPC. A negligent behaviour may also justify apportionment of costs. However, the negligence must be serious enough to be considered equivalent to wilful misconduct.
- T 964/21
In T 964/21 the patent proprietor (appellant) requested, among other things, that the opposition division's decision as to the apportionment of costs be set aside. The formulation of that decision was set out in the Reasons of the impugned decision as follows: "... the Opposition Division apportions to the Proprietor the costs of the remuneration of the representatives of the parties in respect to oral proceedings and for the undue delaying of the procedure in respect of late filing".
The board emphasised that an order for the apportionment of costs under Art. 104 EPC must clearly state (at least) the kind of costs to be borne by the burdened party. According to the board, the order referred to above did not comply with this requirement. The order was so vague that it was not possible to clearly determine (a) whether the representatives' costs of preparing for the oral proceedings were included, and (b) whether the representatives' costs for both oral proceedings (i.e. for the one of 8 October 2019 and also for the later one of 26 April 2021) were included.
In this regard the board noted that according to the minutes of the oral proceedings of 8 October 2019 before the opposition division, the costs for both oral proceedings should be borne by the patent proprietor. This however was not properly reflected in the order and could not be assumed to be covered by it. Furthermore, in view of the fact that parties to opposition proceedings have a right to oral proceedings, such a ruling – without any limitations of the specific costs to be borne in relation to the oral proceedings and without providing sound reasons for such a decision – would not comply with the right to be heard in oral proceedings as enshrined in the EPC.
The board found that, even on the basis of the foregoing alone, the decision on the apportionment of costs was to be set aside.
Furthermore, the board held that the opposition division's decision also failed in terms of substance. According to established case law, a board should overrule a discretionary decision only if they conclude that it was taken in accordance with the wrong principles, without taking the right principles into account or in an arbitrary or unreasonable way, thereby exceeding the proper limits of its discretion (see Case Law of the Boards of Appeal, 10th ed. 2022, V.A.3.4.1b); emphasis by the board). A substantive review of a discretionary decision was therefore not excluded in the present case.
According to the board, the fact that the patent proprietor did not contest the earliest priority claimed for D22 in view of the embodiment of Figures B34A and B34B until the first oral proceedings before the opposition division could not justify a different apportionment of costs. In this regard it had to be taken into account that a novelty objection based on the embodiment of Figures B34A and B34B of D22 was raised for the first time in said oral proceedings. Even if a novelty objection based on the embodiment of Figure 1B of D22 was already in the proceedings, this did not mean that the patent proprietor would have been obliged to consider the validity of the priorities of D22 in relation to that objection.
With regard to the late filing of amended requests, the board did not see any procedurally abusive behaviour on the part of the patent proprietor, nor did the effort of the opponents caused by the late filing of the requests – which was partly due to the late submission of the objections based on D22 – appeared to be unduly high. The efforts for the preparation of the issue of admittance of the newly filed requests did not appear to the board to have caused unreasonable expense to the opponents. Moreover, such preparatory work could in no way justify the award of the entire costs of the oral proceedings.
Thus, the board found it appropriate for each party to bear its own costs. The decision of the opposition division as to the apportionment of costs was set aside.
- T 846/22
In T 846/22 the respondent (patent proprietor) had requested that its costs from the first and second instance proceedings should be charged to the appellant (opponent). The respondent argued that these costs were incurred through an abuse of procedure by the appellant, namely acting throughout the opposition and appeal proceedings whilst being a dormant company with the aim of circumventing possible remedies given to the parties by Art. 104 EPC. The board noted that acting on behalf of a third party could not be seen as a circumvention of the law unless further circumstances were involved (G 3/97, OJ 1999, 245, point 3.2 of the Reasons) and there was no requirement under the EPC that a party be equipped with sufficient financial means to comply with a merely hypothetical costs order. Moreover, the EPC did not offer the patent proprietor any kind of guarantee that an opponent would be able in fact to reimburse costs awarded against him (G 3/97, point 3.2.6 of the Reasons). Hence, the board concluded that there was no abuse of procedure in this respect and refused this request for apportionment of costs.
The respondent had further requested that its costs incurred for the preparation of the oral proceedings be charged to the appellant, who had only informed the board the day before the oral proceedings that it would not attend them. In particular, the respondent argued that, had it been informed, the costs for the preparation of at least part of the oral proceedings would not have been incurred, in view of the board's preliminary opinion, which was favourable to the respondent in respect of a number of issues. The board stated that the oral proceedings would have had to have taken place anyway. This was because of the respondent's auxiliary request for oral proceedings. Hence, in contrast to the case underlying T 475/07, the appellant's conduct had had no impact on the necessity of holding oral proceedings. The board noted that even when all parties attended oral proceedings, it was possible that not all the issues addressed in the preliminary opinion would be discussed, since for some of them the parties could refer to their written submissions. The board also pointed out that the respondent could not be sure that the preliminary opinion would be maintained in the oral proceedings. Deciding not to be prepared for an issue which could potentially be discussed at the oral proceedings, irrespective of the board's preliminary view on the issue, always involves some risk and it is the parties' responsibility to decide what to prepare for. In any case, it could not be asserted beforehand that the board's preliminary opinion would have rendered the oral proceedings unnecessary. For these reasons, the board did not consider it equitable to order the apportionment of costs in favour of the respondent. Hence, this request was refused too.
- 2023 compilation “Abstracts of decisions”