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Designations as contracting states

This analysis1 shows the number of designations for each of the EPO states2.

Country of residence of the patentee3



ALAlbania108 61299,2%
ATAustria109 45499,9%
BEBelgium109 44999,9%
BGBulgaria109 45299,9%
CHSwitzerland109 37199,9%
CYCyprus109 45299,9%
CZCzech Republic109 45199,9%
DEGermany109 46799,9%
DKDenmark109 45599,9%
EEEstonia109 45199,9%
ESSpain109 45699,9%
FIFinland109 45399,9%
FRFrance109 501100,0%
GBUnited Kingdom109 06599,6%
GRGreece109 45299,9%
HRCroatia109 18399,7%
HUHungary109 45099,9%
IEIreland109 37199,9%
ISIceland109 44099,9%
ITItaly109 46799,9%
LILiechtenstein109 37199,9%
LTLithuania109 43799,9%
LULuxembourg109 44899,9%
LVLatvia109 41499,9%
MCMonaco109 44899,9%
MEMontenegro3 3663,1%
MKMacedonia, Former Yugoslav Republic of108 99199,5%
MTMalta109 29399,8%
NLNetherlands109 46299,9%
NONorway109 18499,7%
PLPoland109 44699,9%
PTPortugal109 45499,9%
RORomania109 45199,9%
RSSerbia108 43199,0%
SESweden109 45499,9%
SISlovenia109 45099,9%
SKSlovakia109 45199,9%
SMSan Marino108 87099,4%
TRTürkiye109 45199,9%
Total 4 158 324 


Source: EPO
Status: 3.2.2025
1 The analysis is based on published patents granted by the EPO 
2 EPO states: the 39 member states of the European Patent Organisation, which includes the 27 states of the EU 
3 In cases where several patentees are mentioned on the published patent, the country of residence of the first patentee listed applies