Alphabetical Keyword Index
Alphabetical Keyword Index
Safety provision for late replenishment of deposit accounts A‑X, 6.2.2
Same invention F‑VI, 2.2
Same-day corrections A‑II, 6.6
Scale of drawings A‑IX, 7.4
Schemes rules and methods
Schemes, rules and methods for performing mental acts, playing games or doing business G‑II, 3.5
Schemes, rules and methods for doing business G‑II, 3.5.3
Schemes, rules and methods for performing mental acts G‑II, 3.5.1
Schemes, rules and methods for playing games G‑II, 3.5.2
Scientific theories G‑II, 3.2
List of exclusions G‑II, 3.2
Scope of application of Rule 134 E‑VIII,
Scope of first analysis for generally deficient applications B‑XI, 3.4
Scope of the examination D‑X, 4.3
Scope of the search B‑III, 2
Completeness of the search B‑III, 2.1
Effectiveness and efficiency of the search B‑III, 2.2
Internet searches B‑III, 2.4
Invitation to pay additional search fees combined with invitation to restrict the scope of the search C‑III, 3.2.3
Search in neighbouring fields B‑III, 2.3
Scope of the technical opinion E‑XIII, 2
Search A‑III, 10.2, A‑VI, 1.3, B‑II, 4, B‑III, 3.1, B‑III, 3.2, B‑IV, 1.2, B‑IV, 1.3, B‑VIII, 3.4, B‑VIII, 4.5, B‑X, 7, F‑II, 2.2, F‑II, 2.6
Accelerated search E‑VIII, 4.1
Additional search D‑VI, 5
Aim of the search B‑II, 2
Amendments required by a limitation of the search under Rule 62a and/or Rule 63 H‑II, 5
Auxiliary requests, in the search phase H‑III, 3.2
Basis for the search B‑III, 3.1
Characteristics of the search B-III
Complete search despite lack of unity B‑VII, 2.2
Completeness of the search B‑III, 2.1
Copy of the search results for the priority or priorities A‑III, 6.12, C‑II, 5
Correct application documents or parts filed after the search has started A‑II, 6.7
Documents discovered after completion of the search B‑IV, 3.2
Effectiveness and efficiency of the search B‑III, 2.2
Filing, search and designation fee(s) A‑IV, 1.4.1
International applications with supplementary search F‑V, 7.2
International applications without supplementary search F‑V, 7.1
Invitation to indicate subject-matter for search B‑VIII, 3.1
Invitation to indicate which independent claim to search B‑VIII, 4.1
IPC classification where the scope of the invention is unclear (e.g. a partial search) B‑V, 3.2
Means of searching systematically B‑IX, 1.2
No meaningful search possible B‑VIII, 3
Opinions of the search division B‑III, 1
Opinions on matters relating to limitation of the search B‑III, 1.2
Procedure in the case of lack of unity during search F‑V, 4
Provisional opinion accompanying the partial search results F‑V, 4.1
Relation to unity in search C‑III, 3.2, C‑III, 3.2.1
Scope of the search B‑III, 2
Search and substantive examination B‑II, 1
Contact between the applicant and the search division B‑II, 1.1
Search at the examination stage C‑IV, 7.4
Search division has more than one member B‑I, 2.2
Search division has more than one member, further searches in a different technical field for a non-unitary application B‑I, 2.2.2
Where claimed unitary subject-matter covers more than one technical field B‑I, 2.2.1
Search divisions B‑I, 2, B‑II, 4.1
Consultation with other examiners B‑I, 2.1
Organisation and content of the documentation available to the search divisions B‑IX, 1.1
Search division's approach B‑XI, 3.7
Search division's dossier B‑XI, 3.1
Search documentation B‑II, 3, B-IX
Access to EPO documentation for the national patent offices B‑IX, 5
Non-patent literature arranged for library-type access B‑IX, 4
Non-patent literature arranged for systematic access B‑IX, 3
Patent documents arranged for systematic searching B‑IX, 2
Search fee
Additional search fees paid C‑III, 3.2.2
Applicant has not paid all further search fees B‑VII, 1.2.3
European search A‑III, 13.1, A‑IV, 1.4.1, A‑X, 10.2.1, F‑V, 1
Filing and search fees A‑III, 13
Filing fee and search fee A‑X, 5.2.1
Filing fee, designation fee, request for examination and search fee E‑IX, 2.1.4
Invitation to pay additional search fees combined with invitation to restrict the scope of the search C‑III, 3.2.3
Invitation to pay further search fees B‑VII, 1.2
Limitation to searched invention, no additional search fees paid C‑III, 3.2.1
Reduction of the search fee for a supplementary European search A‑X, 9.3.1
Refund of additional search fees C‑III, 3.4
Refund of the further search fee A‑X, 10.2.2
Refund of the search fee A‑X, 10.2.1
Request for refund of further search fees B‑VII, 2.1
Supplementary European search A‑X, 9.3.1, A‑X, 10.2.1, B‑VII, 2.3, B‑VIII, 3.4, B‑VIII, 4.5, E‑IX, 2.1.4, F‑V, 7.1
Search for conflicting European patent applications C‑IV, 7.1
Search in neighbouring fields B‑III, 2.3
Search on dependent claims B‑III, 3.8
Search opinion B-XI, B‑XI, 1.1
Amendments made in response to the search opinion C‑III, 2.1
Analysis of the application and content of the search opinion B‑XI, 3
Art. 124 and the utilisation scheme B‑XI, 9
Basis for the search opinion B‑XI, 2
Comments and amendments in response to the search opinion B‑XI, 3.3
No search opinion is issued B‑XI, 7
Priority claim and the search opinion B‑XI, 4
Response to the extended European search report (EESR) B‑XI, 8
Response to the search opinion A‑VI, 3, C‑II, 3.1
Search opinion where the search was limited B‑XI, 6
Transmittal of the search report and search opinion B‑X, 12
Unity in relation to the search opinion B‑XI, 5
Use of "P" and "E" documents in the search opinion B‑XI, 4.1
Search opinion is part of the EESR B‑XI, 1
Position of the examining division B‑XI, 1.2
Search procedure and strategy B-IV
Procedure after searching B‑IV, 3
Procedure before searching B‑IV, 1
Search report B‑II, 4, B‑IX, 2.3, B-X
Additional European searches B‑II, 4.2
Admissibility in the examination procedure, after receipt of the search report - Rule 137(2) H‑II, 2.2
Admissibility in the examination procedure, before receipt of the search report - Rule 137(1) H‑II, 2.1
Amendments made in response to the WO‑ISA, IPER or supplementary international search report C‑III, 2.2
Application documents for the supplementary European search report B‑II, 4.3.3
Applications for which a supplementary European search report is prepared E‑IX, 3.1, E‑IX, 3.2
Authentication and dates B‑X, 10
Citing documents not mentioned in the search report C‑IV, 7.5
Classification of the European patent application B‑X, 5
Content of the extended European search report (EESR) B‑VIII, 3.3, B‑VIII, 4.3
Copies to be made available with the search report B‑X, 11
Different types of search report drawn up by the EPO B‑X, 2
Dispensing with the supplementary European search report B‑II, 4.3.1
Documents found in the search B‑X, 9
Drawing up the search report B‑IV, 3.1
Errors in the search report B‑IV, 3.3
European search report A‑VI, 1.3, A‑X, 9.3.1, B‑II, 4, B‑II, 4.3, B‑VII, 2.3, B‑X, 4, B‑X, 7, C‑II, 1.2, C‑II, 3.1, C‑IV, 7.3, E‑IX, 2.5.2, F‑V, 7.1, F‑V, 7.2
European searches B‑II, 4.1
Evaluation of prior-art documents cited in the search report and late priority claim C‑III, 7
Form and language of the search report B‑X, 3
Identification of documents in the search report B‑X, 9.1
Identification of the European patent application and the search report type B‑X, 4
International (PCT) searches B‑II, 4.4
International-type searches B‑II, 4.5
IPC classification of late-published search reports B‑V, 3.1
Opinions in relation to the search report B‑III, 1.1
Partial European search report B‑VII, 1.1
Relevant date for documents cited in the search report B‑VI, 5
Response to the extended European search report (EESR) B‑XI, 8
Restriction of the searched subject-matter B‑X, 8
Searches on national applications B‑II, 4.6
Separate publication of the European search report A‑VI, 1.5
Supplementary European search report B‑X, 9.1.4
Supplementary European search report is required B‑II, 4.3.2
Supplementary European searches B‑II, 4.3
Technical fields searched B‑X, 6
Title, abstract and figure to be published with the abstract (as indicated on supplemental sheet A) B‑X, 7
Transmittal of the search report and search opinion B‑X, 12
Search strategy B‑IV, 2
Carrying out the search B‑IV, 2.3
Closest prior art and its effects on the search B‑IV, 2.5
Devising a search strategy B‑IV, 2.2
End of search B‑IV, 2.6
Record of search strategy B‑X, 3.4
Redefining the searched subject-matter B‑IV, 2.4
Restrictions B‑IV, 2.1
Subject-matter of the search B‑IV, 2.1
Types of documents B‑IV, 2.3
Search summary B‑X, 3.3
Search, publication and request for examination of divisional applications A‑IV, 1.8
State of the art at the search stage B-VI
Subject-matter excluded from search B‑III, 3.11
Subject-matter to be excluded from the search B-VIII
Supplementary international search B‑III, 3.3.2
Where the EPO does not perform a supplementary search H‑II, 6.4.1
Where the EPO performs a supplementary search H‑II, 6.4.2
Widening of the search B‑VI, 5.3
Searches on national applications B‑II, 4.6
Searches under Rule 164(2) C‑III, 3.1
Search-related issues in examination C‑IV, 7
Additional searches during examination C‑IV, 7.3
Citing documents not mentioned in the search report C‑IV, 7.5
National prior rights C‑IV, 7.2
Search at the examination stage C‑IV, 7.4
Search for conflicting European patent applications C‑IV, 7.1
Second non-medical use G‑VI, 6.2
Second Rule 71(3) communication based on higher-ranking request initially rejected in first Rule 71(3) communication C‑V, 4.6.2
Second Rule 71(3) communication reversing the amendments proposed by the examining division in first Rule 71(3) communication C‑V, 4.6.1
Secondary indicators G‑VII, 10
Arbitrary choice G‑VII, 10.1
Bonus effect G‑VII, 10.2
Commercial success G‑VII, 10.3
Long-felt need G‑VII, 10.3
Non-functional modification G‑VII, 10.1
Predictable disadvantage G‑VII, 10.1
Unexpected technical effect G‑VII, 10.2
Sectional diagrams A‑IX, 7.3.1
Selection inventions G‑VI, 7, G‑VII, 12
Error margins in numerical values G‑VI, 7.1
Inventive step G‑VII, 12
Novelty G‑VI, 7
Separate crediting of the fee for grant and publishing and claims fees A‑X, 11.3
Separate hearings E‑IV, 1.6.4
Separate publication of the European search report A‑VI, 1.5
Sequence information filed under Rule 56 A‑IV, 5.1
Sequence information filed under Rule 56a A‑IV, 5.2
Sequence listing A‑III, 1.2, A‑III, 16.2, B‑IV, 1.2, E‑IX, 2.4.2, F‑II, 6
Content of a European patent application (other than claims) F‑II, 6
Instructions in Chapter A‑IV ("Special provisions") E‑IX, 2.4.2
Reference to sequences disclosed in a database F‑II, 6.1
Sequence listings filed after the date of filing H‑IV, 2.2.5
Sequence listings of a divisional application A‑IV, 5.4
Sequence listings of an application filed by reference to a previously filed application A‑IV, 5.3
Sequence of proceedings D‑VII, 1
Exceptions D‑VII, 1.2
Sequence of requests H‑III, 3.1.1
Sequences and partial sequences of genes G‑III, 4
Sequences of divisional applications A‑IV, 1.1.2
Sequences that need to be itemised in the sequence listing F‑II, 6.2
Qualifier "mol_type" F‑II, 6.2.4
Requirements relating to sequence length and enumeration of residues F‑II, 6.2.1
Sequences comprising residues that are not specifically defined (n or X) F‑II, 6.2.2
Variants F‑II, 6.2.3
Filing of applications by delivery by hand or by postal services A‑II, 1.2
Notification by postal services E‑II, 2.4
Shading A‑IX, 7.2
SI base units F-II, An. 2, 1.1
Special name and symbol of the SI derived unit of temperature for expressing Celsius temperature F-II, An. 2, 1.1.1
SI derived units F-II, An. 2, 1.2
General rule for SI derived units F-II, An. 2, 1.2.1
SI derived units with special names and symbols F-II, An. 2, 1.2.2
SI units and their decimal multiples and submultiples F-II, An. 2, 1
Prefixes and their symbols used to designate certain decimal multiples and submultiples F-II, An. 2, 1.3
Special authorised names and symbols of decimal multiples and submultiples of SI units F-II, An. 2, 1.4
Signature A‑III, 4.2.2, C‑VIII, 6, D‑III, 3.4
Examination of the request for grant form A‑III, 4.2.2
Signature of documents A‑VIII, 3
Documents filed after filing the European patent application A‑VIII, 3.1
Documents forming part of the European patent application A‑VIII, 3.2
Form of signature A‑VIII, 3.3
Joint applicants A‑VIII, 3.4
Signature of the notice of opposition D‑III, 3.4
Submission in writing D‑III, 3.4
Work within the examining division C‑VIII, 6
Signed authorisation A‑VIII, 1.6
Simulation, design or modelling G‑II, 3.3.2
Situation in which it has to be checked whether the application from which priority is actually claimed is the "first application" within the meaning of Art. 87(1) F‑VI, 2.4.4
Skilled person (Common general knowledge of the ~) G‑VII, 3.1
Small and medium-sized enterprises A‑X, 9.2.1
Some examples of determining priority dates F‑VI, 2.4
Intermediate publication of another European application F‑VI, 2.4.2
Intermediate publication of the contents of the priority application F‑VI, 2.4.1
Multiple priorities claimed for different inventions in the application with an intermediate publication of one of the inventions F‑VI, 2.4.3
Situation in which it has to be checked whether the application from which priority is actually claimed is the "first application" within the meaning of Art. 87(1) F‑VI, 2.4.4
Special applications C-IX, H‑IV, 2.3
Applications filed by reference to an earlier application H‑IV, 2.3.1
Applications resulting from a decision under Art. 61 C‑IX, 2, H‑IV, 2.3.3
Applications where a reservation has been entered in accordance with Art. 167(2)(a) EPC 1973 C‑IX, 3
Divisional applications C‑IX, 1, H‑IV, 2.3.2
International applications H‑IV, 2.3.4
International applications (Euro-PCT applications) C‑IX, 4
Special authorised names and symbols of decimal multiples and submultiples of SI units F-II, An. 2, 1.4
Special circumstances C‑VI, 1.2
Special name and symbol of the SI derived unit of temperature for expressing Celsius temperature F-II, An. 2, 1.1.1
Special provisions A-IV
Applications relating to biological material A‑IV, 4
Applications relating to nucleotide and amino acid sequences A‑IV, 5
Art. 61 applications and stay of proceedings under Rule 14 A‑IV, 2
Conversion into a national application A‑IV, 6
Display at an exhibition A‑IV, 3
European divisional applications A‑IV, 1
Instructions in Chapter A‑IV ("Special provisions") E‑IX, 2.4
Special reductions A‑X, 9.3
Reduction of the examination fee where the international preliminary examination report is drawn up by the EPO A‑X, 9.3.2
Reduction of the search fee for a supplementary European search A‑X, 9.3.1
Special refunds A‑X, 10.2
Refund of the appeal fee A‑X, 10.2.6
Refund of the examination fee A‑X, 10.2.3
Refund of the fee for grant and publishing A‑X, 10.2.5
Refund of the further search fee A‑X, 10.2.2
Refund of the search fee A‑X, 10.2.1
Refund under Rule 37(2) A‑X, 10.2.4
Special technical features F‑V, 2
Specific rules applicable to Euro-PCT applications B‑III, 3.3.2
Standard marks for indicating amendments or corrections by the divisions C-V, An.
Standard marks for indicating amendments or corrections by the divisions, further ways to accelerate examination C‑VI, 3
Standard marks for indicating amendments or corrections by the divisions, further communication with the applicant C‑VIII, 5
When can a summons to oral proceedings be issued in substantive examination? C‑VIII, 5.1
Standard of proof G‑IV, 7.3.4, G‑IV, 7.5.2
Internet disclosures G‑IV, 7.5.2
State of the art made available by means of oral description G‑IV, 7.3.4
Standards and standard preparatory documents G‑IV, 7.6
State of the art E‑IX, 2.5.1, F‑II, 4.3, G-IV, G‑IV, 5.1, G‑IV, 5.2, G‑VII, 1, G‑VII, 2
Conflict with national rights of earlier date G‑IV, 6
Conflict with other European applications G‑IV, 5
Conflict with other European applications G‑IV, 5.1, G‑IV, 5.2
Cross-references between prior-art documents G‑IV, 8
Date of filing or priority date as effective date G‑IV, 3
Description (formal requirements) F‑II, 4.3
Different text in respect of the state of the art according to Art. 54(3) EPC and Art. 54(4) EPC 1973 H‑III, 4.2
Documents defining the state of the art and not prejudicing novelty or inventive step B‑X, 9.2.2
Documents in a non-official language G‑IV, 4
Doubts about the state of the art B‑VI, 5.6
Enabling disclosure G‑IV, 2
Errors in prior-art documents G‑IV, 9
General remarks and definition G‑IV, 1
Invention G‑VII, 1
Patentability G-IV
State of the art at the search stage B-VI
Conflicting applications B‑VI, 4
Contents of prior-art disclosures B‑VI, 6
Filing and priority date B‑VI, 5
Internet disclosures ‒ technical journals B‑VI, 7
Oral disclosure, use, exhibition, etc. as state of the art B‑VI, 2
Priority B‑VI, 3
Relevant date for documents cited in the search report B‑VI, 5
State of the art made available by means of oral description G‑IV, 7.3
Cases of oral description G‑IV, 7.3.1
Matters to be determined by the division in cases of oral description G‑IV, 7.3.3
Non-prejudicial oral description G‑IV, 7.3.2
Standard of proof G‑IV, 7.3.4
State of the art made available to the public "by means of a written or oral description, by use, or in any other way" G‑IV, 7
Internet disclosures G‑IV, 7.5
Matters to be determined by the division as regards prior use G‑IV, 7.2
Standards and standard preparatory documents G‑IV, 7.6
State of the art made available to the public in writing and/or by any other means G‑IV, 7.4
Types of use and instances of state of the art made available in any other way G‑IV, 7.1
State of the art pursuant to Art. 54(2) G‑VI, 1
State of the art pursuant to Art. 54(3) G‑IV, 5.1
Accorded date of filing and content of the application still subject to review G‑IV, 5.1.2
Requirements G‑IV, 5.1.1
Disparaging statements A‑III, 8.2, F‑II, 7.3
General statements, "spirit of the invention", claim-like clauses F‑IV, 4.4
Positive statements B‑XI, 3.2.2
Positive statements/suggestions C‑III, 4.1.2
Statement in the decision of the amended form of the European patent D‑VIII, 1.4.2
Statement of withdrawal E‑VIII, 8.3
Stay of proceedings D‑VII, 4.1
Art. 61 applications and stay of proceedings under Rule 14 A‑IV, 2
Legal character and effect of the stay of proceedings D‑VII, 4.1.2
Stay of proceedings for grant A‑IV, 2.2
Date of the stay of proceedings A‑IV, 2.2.2
Interruption of time limits A‑IV, 2.2.4
Legal nature and effects of the stay A‑IV, 2.2.3
Responsible department A‑IV, 2.2.1
Resumption of the proceedings for grant A‑IV, 2.2.5
Stay of proceedings under Rule 14 due to pending national entitlement proceedings E‑VII, 2
Stay of proceedings when a referral to the Enlarged Board of Appeal is pending E‑VII, 3
Subject matter
Subject-matter excluded from patentability under Art. 52(2) and (3) B‑VIII, 2.2
Computer-implemented business methods B‑VIII, 2.2.1
Subject-matter of a dependent claim F‑IV, 3.6
Subject-matter of minutes E‑III, 10.3
Subject-matter of the European patent extending beyond the original disclosure D‑V, 6
Basis of this ground for opposition D‑V, 6.1
Distinction between allowable and unallowable amendments D‑V, 6.2
Subject-matter of the search B‑III, 3, B‑IV, 2.1
Abandoned claims B‑III, 3.4
Amended claims, missing parts (Rule 56) or erroneously filed application documents or parts (Rule 56a) B‑III, 3.3
Anticipation of amendments to claims B‑III, 3.5
Basis for the search B‑III, 3.1
Broad claims B‑III, 3.6
Combination of elements in a claim B‑III, 3.9
Different categories B‑III, 3.10
Independent and dependent claims B‑III, 3.7
Interpretation of claims B‑III, 3.2
Lack of unity B‑III, 3.12
Search on dependent claims B‑III, 3.8
Subject-matter excluded from search B‑III, 3.11
Technological background B‑III, 3.13
Subject-matter taken from the description H‑IV, 4.1.2
Subject-matter to be excluded from the search B-VIII
Claims contravening Art. 123(2) or Art. 76(1) B‑VIII, 6
Considerations relating to specific exclusions from and exceptions to patentability B‑VIII, 2
Invitation under both Rule 62a(1) and Rule 63(1) B‑VIII, 5
More than one independent claim per category (Rule 62a) B‑VIII, 4
No meaningful search possible B‑VIII, 3
Subject-matter to be excluded is disclosed in the application as originally filed H‑V, 4.2.2
Subject-matter to be excluded is not disclosed in the application as originally filed (so-called undisclosed disclaimers) H‑V, 4.2.1
Submission in writing D‑III, 3
Form of the opposition D‑III, 3.1
Notices of opposition filed by fax D‑III, 3.3
Notices of opposition filed electronically D‑III, 3.2
Signature of the notice of opposition D‑III, 3.4
Submissions by the parties E‑III, 8.5
Use of computer-generated slideshows in oral proceedings E‑III, 8.5.1
Written submissions during oral proceedings by videoconference E‑III, 8.5.2
Submissions filed in preparation for or during oral proceedings E‑VI, 2.2
Amendments filed in preparation for or during oral proceedings E‑VI, 2.2.2
Costs E‑VI, 2.2.5
New facts and evidence E‑VI, 2.2.1
Principles relating to the exercise of discretion E‑VI, 2.2.3
Right to be heard E‑VI, 2.2.4
Subsequent application considered as first application F‑VI, 1.4.1
Subsequent filing of documents A‑II, 1.4
Subsequent procedure D‑IV, 1.6
Subsequent procedure in the event of deficiencies which may no longer be remedied D‑IV, 1.4
Deficiencies which may no longer be remedied in accordance with Rule 77(1) and (2), resulting in the opposition being rejected as inadmissible D‑IV, 1.4.2
Deficiencies which may no longer be remedied, as a result of which the opposition is deemed not to have been filed D‑IV, 1.4.1
Substances and compositions G‑II, 4.2
Substantiation of the request E‑VIII, 3.1.4
Substantive examination
Substantive examination (limitation) D‑X, 4
Basis for the examination D‑X, 4.2
Department responsible D‑X, 4.1
Scope of the examination D‑X, 4.3
Substantive examination (limitation), further stages of the examination D‑X, 4.4
Third-party observations during the examination D‑X, 4.5
Substantive examination of a Euro-PCT application accompanied by an IPER E‑IX, 4.3
Basis for substantive examination E‑IX, 4.3.2
Comparative test results E‑IX, 4.3.1
Consideration of the contents of the IPER E‑IX, 4.3.3
Substantive examination of opposition D-V
Beginning of the examination of the opposition D‑V, 1
Clarity of claims and support by the description D‑V, 5
Extent of the examination D‑V, 2
Insufficient disclosure of the invention D‑V, 4
Non-patentability pursuant to Art. 52 to 57 D‑V, 3
Subject-matter of the European patent extending beyond the original disclosure D‑V, 6
Sufficiency of disclosure F-III, F‑III, 1
Art. 83 vs. Art. 123(2) F‑III, 2
Burden of proof as regards the possibility of performing and repeating the invention F‑III, 4
Cases of partially insufficient disclosure F‑III, 5
Insufficient disclosure F‑III, 3
Inventions relating to biological material F‑III, 6
Proper names, trade marks and trade names F‑III, 7
"Reach-through" claims F‑III, 9
Reference documents F‑III, 8
Sufficiency of disclosure and clarity F‑III, 11
Sufficiency of disclosure and inventive step F‑III, 12
Sufficiency of disclosure and Rules 56 and 56a F‑III, 10
Summaries, extracts or abstracts B‑X, 11.5
Summary of the processing of applications and patents at the EPO General Part, 5
Summoning of parties, witnesses and experts E‑IV, 1.5
Summons to oral proceedings D‑VI, 3.2, E‑III, 6
Invitation to file observations D‑VI, 3.2
Late-filed requests after summons to oral proceedings in examination H‑II, 2.7
Oral proceedings E‑III, 6
Summons to oral proceedings as the first action in examination C‑III, 5
When can a summons to oral proceedings be issued in substantive examination? C‑VIII, 5.1, E‑III, 5.1
Supplementary European search B‑VII, 2.3, E‑IX, 2.5.3
Application documents for the supplementary European search report B‑II, 4.3.3
Applications for which a supplementary European search report is prepared E‑IX, 3.1, E‑IX, 3.2
Dispensing with the supplementary European search report B‑II, 4.3.1
Instructions in Chapter A‑VI ("Publication of application; request for examination and transmission of the dossier to examining division") E‑IX, 2.5.3
Procedures in cases of lack of unity B‑VII, 2.3
Reduction of the search fee for a supplementary European search A‑X, 9.3.1
Supplementary European search report is required B‑II, 4.3.2
Supplementary European search report B‑X, 9.1.4
Application documents for the supplementary European search report B‑II, 4.3.3
Applications for which a supplementary European search report is prepared E‑IX, 3.1, E‑IX, 3.2
Dispensing with the supplementary European search report B‑II, 4.3.1
Supplementary European search report is required B‑II, 4.3.2
Supplementary European searches B‑II, 4.3
Application documents for the supplementary European search report B‑II, 4.3.3
Dispensing with the supplementary European search report B‑II, 4.3.1
Supplementary European search report is required B‑II, 4.3.2
Supplementary international search B‑III, 3.3.2
Amendments made in response to the WO‑ISA, IPER or supplementary international search report C‑III, 2.2
Supplementary technical information H‑V, 2.3
Support for dependent claims F‑IV, 6.6
Support in description F‑IV, 6
Definition in terms of function F‑IV, 6.5
Extent of generalisation F‑IV, 6.2
Lack of support vs. insufficient disclosure F‑IV, 6.4
Objection of lack of support F‑IV, 6.3
Support for dependent claims F‑IV, 6.6
Surgery G‑II,
Methods for treatment by surgery G‑II, 4.2, G‑II, 4.2.1
Methods for treatment of the human or animal body by surgery or therapy and diagnostic methods practised on the human or animal body B‑VIII, 2.1
Surgery, therapy and diagnostic methods G‑II, 4.2
Limitations of exception under Art. 53(c) G‑II, 4.2.1
Methods for screening potential medicaments and clinical trials G‑II, 4.2.2
Surgical uses pursuant to Art. 54(5) G‑VI, 6.1.4
Surrender of patent E‑VIII, 8.4
Suspensive effect E‑XII, 1