Alphabetical Keyword Index
Alphabetical Keyword Index
Lack of support vs. insufficient disclosure F‑IV, 6.4
Lack of unity B‑III, 3.12
Complete search despite lack of unity B‑VII, 2.2
Insufficient grounds for lack of unity F‑V, 2.1
IPC classification in cases of lack of unity of invention B‑V, 3.3
Lack of unity and Rule 62a or Rule 63 B‑VII, 3
Minimum requirements for reasoning of lack of unity F‑V, 3.3.1
Procedure in the case of lack of unity during search F‑V, 4
Procedure in the case of lack of unity during substantive examination F‑V, 5
Procedures in cases of lack of unity B‑VII, 2
Reasoning for a lack of unity objection F‑V, 3.3
Admissible languages on filing A‑VII, 1
Admissible non‑EPO languages A‑VII, 3.2
Authentic text of the application or patent A‑VII, 8
Citation of documents corresponding to documents not available or not published in one of the EPO's official languages B‑VI, 6.2
Correction and certification of the translation A‑VII, 7
Derogations from the language of the proceedings in oral proceedings A‑VII, 4
Documents filed in the wrong language A‑VII, 5
Information modelling, activity of programming and programming languages G‑II, 3.6.2
Language of a contracting state or other language E‑V, 2
Language of proceedings A‑IV, 1.3.3, A‑VII, 1.3, A‑VII, 2, A‑VII, 3.2, A‑VII, 4, A‑VII, 8, B‑X, 3.2, E‑IX, 2.1.3
Derogations from the language of the proceedings in written proceedings A‑VII, 3.2
Filing a divisional application A‑IV, 1.3.3
Form and language of the search report B‑X, 3.2
Languages A‑VII, 2, A‑VII, 4, A‑VII, 8
Language of the documents cited B‑X, 9.1.3
Language requirements A‑IV, 1.3.3
Derogations from language requirements D‑III, 4
Language to be used E‑XIII, 4
Language used by employees of the EPO E‑V, 5
Language used in the minutes E‑V, 6
Language used in the taking of evidence E‑V, 4
Documents which have to be filed within a time limit A‑X, 9.2.1, E‑IX, 2.1.3
Language(s), EPO A‑III, 3.2, H‑III, 2.1
Languages of publication A‑VII, 6
Minutes of oral proceedings E‑III, 10.2
Late arrival, non-appearance and failure to connect E‑III, 8.3.3
Procedure in examination proceedings E‑III,
Procedure in opposition proceedings E‑III,
Late filing of claims A‑III, 15
Late filing of missing drawings or missing parts of the description A‑II, 5, A‑II, 5.1, A‑II, 5.2
Additional fee for pages A‑II, 5.6
Filing date changes A‑II, 5.3
Missing parts of the description or missing drawings based on the priority application, no change in filing date A‑II, 5.4
On invitation A‑II, 5.1
Withdrawal of late-filed missing drawings or missing parts of the description A‑II, 5.5
Without invitation A‑II, 5.2
Late payment of fees A‑X, 6.2
Amount of fee payable A‑X, 6.2.4
Debit orders filed with a competent national authority A‑X, 6.2.3
Fees paid by bank transfer - application of Art. 7(3) and (4) RFees A‑X, 6.2.1
Noting of loss of rights A‑X, 6.2.5
Safety provision for late replenishment of deposit accounts A‑X, 6.2.2
Late payments A‑X, 10.1.2
Late receipt of documents E‑VIII, 1.7
Late filed
Late-filed missing parts when priority is claimed A‑II, 5.4.1
Late-filed requests after summons to oral proceedings in examination H‑II, 2.7
Concept of "clear allowability" H‑II, 2.7.1
Late-filed requests in opposition proceedings H‑II, 3.5
Late-filed submissions E‑VI, 2, E‑X, 2.10
General principles in opposition proceedings E‑VI, 2.1
Submissions filed in preparation for or during oral proceedings E‑VI, 2.2
Later stages of examination C‑IV, 4
Later-filed correct application documents or parts when priority is claimed A‑II, 6.4.1
Leading lines A‑IX, 7.5.1
Legal character and effect of the stay of proceedings D‑VII, 4.1.2
Legal co-operation E‑IV, 3.1
Legal Division A‑IV, 2.2.1, D‑VII, 4.4, E‑VII, 1.2, E‑XIV, 2
Legal nature and effects of the stay A‑IV, 2.2.3
Legal remedy A‑VI, 2.3
Legal status of decisions D‑X, 8
Legally qualified members D‑II, 2.2
Letters rogatory E‑IV, 3.1, E‑IV, 3.3
Exclusive licence E‑XIV, 6.1
Licences and other rights E‑XIV, 6
Cancellation of the registration E‑XIV, 6.2
Registration E‑XIV, 6.1
Registration of changes of name, transfers, licences and other rights E-XIV
Sub-licence E‑XIV, 6.1
Limitation and revocation procedure D-X
Decision on request for revocation D‑X, 3
Different sets of claims D‑X, 10
Examination for deficiencies in the request D‑X, 2
Formal procedure for limitation when the request is allowable D‑X, 5
Legal status of decisions D‑X, 8
Multiple requests D‑X, 11
Rejection of the request D‑X, 6
Relation to opposition proceedings D‑X, 7
Substantive examination (limitation) D‑X, 4
Withdrawal of the request D‑X, 9
Limitation is different for different contracting states because the claims as granted were different for different contracting states D‑X, 10.2
Limitation of the option to withdraw the European patent application A‑IV, 2.3
Limitation procedure D‑X, 2.1, D‑X, 4.2, D‑X, 5
Amendments in limitation procedure H‑II, 4
Limitation results in the claims becoming different in different contracting states D‑X, 10.1
Limitation to searched invention C‑III, 3.2
Additional search fees paid C‑III, 3.2.2
Invitation to pay additional search fees combined with invitation to restrict the scope of the search C‑III, 3.2.3
Limitation to searched invention, no additional search fees paid C‑III, 3.2.1
Relation to unity in search C‑III, 3.2.1
Limitations of exception under Art. 53(c) G‑II, 4.2.1
Diagnostic methods G‑II,
Surgery G‑II,
Therapy G‑II,
Limits on the obligation to undertake examination E‑VI, 1.2
List of exceptions (Rule 28) G‑II, 5.3
List of exclusions G‑II, 3
Aesthetic creations G‑II, 3.4
Discoveries G‑II, 3.1
Mathematical methods G‑II, 3.3
Presentations of information G‑II, 3.7
Programs for computers G‑II, 3.6
Schemes, rules and methods for performing mental acts, playing games or doing business G‑II, 3.5
Scientific theories G‑II, 3.2
List of professional representatives A‑VIII, 1.2
Long-felt need G‑VII, 10.3
Loss of earnings, fees E‑IV, 1.10.2
Loss of right to priority A‑III, 6.10
Loss of rights A‑III, 11.2.5, A‑X, 6.2.5, E‑VIII, 1.9, E‑VIII, 1.9.1, E‑IX, 2.1.4
Cases of loss of rights E‑VIII, 1.9.1
Decision on a notified loss of rights at the request of the person concerned D‑VIII, 2.3
Decision on loss of rights E‑VIII, 1.9.3
Entry into the European phase E‑IX, 2.1.4
European patent applications filed on or after 1 April 2009 A‑III, 11.2.5
Loss of rights and legal remedies A‑III, 6.8.3
Noting and communication of loss of rights E‑VIII, 1.9.2
Noting of loss of rights A‑X, 6.2.5
Time limits and loss of rights resulting from failure to respond within a time limit E‑VIII, 1.9
Time limits and loss of rights resulting from failure to respond within a time limit E‑VIII, 1
Time limits, loss of rights, further and accelerated processing and re-establishment of rights E-VIII