Alphabetical Keyword Index
Alphabetical Keyword Index
Factors affecting the unity of the European patent D‑VII, 3.2
Facts and evidence
New facts and evidence E‑VI, 2.2.1
Not submitted in due time E‑VI, 2
Facts and submissions E‑X, 1.3.2, E‑X, 2.4
Decisions taken by the examining or opposition divisions E‑X, 2.4
Form and content E‑X, 1.3.2
Facts, evidence or amendments introduced at a late stage E‑III, 8.6
Facts, evidence or grounds not submitted in due time E-VI
Examination by the EPO of its own motion E‑VI, 1
External complaints E‑VI, 4
Late-filed submissions E‑VI, 2
Observations by third parties E‑VI, 3
Failure to reply in time B‑VIII, 4.2.1
Failure to respond within a time limit E‑VIII, 1.8
Time limits and loss of rights resulting from failure to respond within a time limit E‑VIII, 1
Features described in a document cross-referenced in the description H‑IV, 2.2.1
Features of the invention F‑IV, 2.1, F‑IV, 2.2, F‑IV, 4.5.1, F‑V, 2, G‑I, 1
Additional search fees paid C‑III, 3.2.2
Administrative fees A‑XI, 1, A‑XI, 2.2, E‑XIV, 3
Applicant has not paid all further search fees B‑VII, 1.2.3
Calculation of claims fees H‑III, 5
Cases under Rule 62a where claims fees have not been paid B‑VIII, 4.4
Claims fees due in response to Rule 71(3) communication C‑V, 1.4
Claims fees payable before the grant of the European patent A‑X, 7.3.2
Claims fees payable on filing the European patent application A‑X, 7.3.1
Crediting of claims fees A‑X, 11.2
Crediting of fees paid voluntarily C‑V, 4.2
Crediting of fees under Rule 71a(5) A‑X, 11
Crediting of fees under Rule 71a(5), further processing fee and crediting of fees A‑X, 11.4
Currencies A‑X, 3
Date considered as date on which payment is made A‑X, 4
Designation fees, extension and validation fees C‑II, 4
Due date for fees A‑X, 5
Fee for grant and publishing A‑X, 5.2.3, C‑V, 4.8.2
Crediting of the fee for grant and publishing A‑X, 11.1
Due date for specific fees A‑X, 5.2.3
Refund of the fee for grant and publishing A‑X, 10.2.5, C‑V, 9
Separate crediting of the fee for grant and publishing and claims fees A‑X, 11.3
Fee payments lacking a legal basis A‑X, 10.1.1
Fees for limitation/revocation, opposition, appeal, petition for review A‑X, 5.2.6
Fees paid by bank transfer - application of Art. 7(3) and (4) RFees A‑X, 6.2.1
Fees payable for procedural and other requests A‑X, 5.2.7
Fees to be paid within the second Rule 71(3) period C‑V, 4.8
Claims fees C‑V, 4.8.1
Fees, refund A‑X, 10.2.1, B‑VII, 2.1, C‑III, 3.4
Filing and search fees A‑III, 13
Filing, search and designation fee(s) A‑IV, 1.4.1
Indication of the purpose of payment in the case of claims fees A‑X, 7.3
Indication of the purpose of the payment in the case of designation fees A‑X, 7.2
Invitation to pay additional search fees combined with invitation to restrict the scope of the search C‑III, 3.2.3
Invitation to pay further search fees B‑VII, 1.2
Late payment of fees A‑X, 6.2
Limitation to searched invention, no additional search fees paid C‑III, 3.2.1
Loss of earnings, fees E‑IV, 1.10.2
Methods of payment A‑X, 2
No deferred payment of fees, no legal aid, no discretion A‑X, 8
Payment in due time A‑X, 6
Payment of fees A‑X, 2
Purpose of payment A‑X, 7
Reduction and refunds of fees in respect of international (PCT) applications E‑IX, 2.6
Reduction of fees A‑III, 13.1, A‑X, 9
Refund of additional search fees C‑III, 3.4
Refund of fees A‑X, 10
Reimbursement of appeal fees E‑XII, 7.3
Renewal fees A‑IV, 1.4.3
Request for amendments or corrections in reply to the Rule 71(3) communication, no payment of fees or filing of translations necessary C‑V, 4.1
Request for refund of further search fees B‑VII, 2.1
Time limit for payment of extension and validation fees A‑III, 12.2
Figure accompanying the abstract A‑III, 10.3, A‑IX, 2.3, F‑II, 2.4
Abstract A‑III, 10.3
Representation of drawings A‑IX, 2.3
Figures (Numbering of ~) A‑IX, 5.2
File inspection E‑XIII, 5.5
Conducting file inspections A‑XI, 2.2
Documents open to file inspection A‑XI, 2.1
File inspection before publication of the application A‑XI, 2.5
Restrictions to file inspection A‑XI, 2.3
Certified copies of documents from the files or of other documents A‑XI, 5.1
Communication of information contained in the files A‑XI, 1, A‑XI, 3
Inspection of files A-XI, A‑XI, 1, A‑XI, 2, A‑XI, 2.1, E‑IX, 2.10
Accorded date of filing and content of the application still subject to review G‑IV, 5.1.2
Admissible languages on filing A‑VII, 1
Amendment by submitting missing documents or by filing replacement pages H‑III, 2.2
Applications containing claims filed after the accorded filing date B‑XI, 2.2
Citation of prior art in the description after the filing date H‑IV, 2.2.7
Claims fees payable on filing the European patent application A‑X, 7.3.1
Claims filed after accordance of a date of filing C‑III, 1.1.2
Claims filed after the date of filing H‑IV, 2.2.4
Correct application documents based on priority application, no change in the filing date A‑II, 6.4
Date of filing A‑II, 4.1.5, A‑IV, 1.2.1, G‑VII, 2
Date of filing of a divisional application A‑IV, 1.2
Date of filing or priority date as effective date G‑IV, 3
Determination of filing date in the case of erroneously filed elements or parts of the international application E‑IX, 2.9.4
Documents filed after filing the European patent application A‑VIII, 3.1
Filing a divisional application A‑IV, 1.3, C‑III, 3.3
Designation of contracting states A‑IV, 1.3.4
Extension and validation states A‑IV, 1.3.5
Language requirements A‑IV, 1.3.3
Request for grant A‑IV, 1.3.2
Where and how to file a divisional application A‑IV, 1.3.1
Filing a new application A‑IV, 2.5
Filing a new priority claim A‑III, 6.5.1
Filing and priority date B‑VI, 5
Documents published after the filing date B‑VI, 5.4
Doubts about the state of the art B‑VI, 5.6
Doubts about the validity of the priority claim B‑VI, 5.3
Intermediate documents B‑VI, 5.2
Non-prejudicial disclosures B‑VI, 5.5
Verification of claimed priority dates B‑VI, 5.1
Widening of the search B‑VI, 5.3
Filing and search fees A‑III, 13
Additional fee (if application documents comprise more than 35 pages) A‑III, 13.2
Additional fee for divisional applications A‑III, 13.3
Payment of fees A‑III, 13.1
Filing by reference A‑VII, 1.2
Filing date as effective date F‑VI, 1.1
Filing date changes A‑II, 5.3, A‑II, 6.3
Correction of erroneously filed application documents or parts A‑II, 6.3
Late filing of missing drawings or missing parts of the description A‑II, 5.3
Filing fee A‑III, 13.1, A‑III, 13.2, A‑III, 16.2, A‑VII, 1.1, A‑X, 9.2.1
Additional fee as part of filing fee A‑III, 13.2, A‑III, 13.3
European divisional application A‑III, 13.1, A‑IV, 1.4.1
Filing fee and search fee A‑X, 5.2.1
Filing fee, designation fee, request for examination and search fee E‑IX, 2.1.4
Reduction of the filing fee A‑X, 9.2.2
Filing of amended documents in reply to the notice of opposition D‑IV, 5.3
Filing of amendments A‑V, 2.1
Filing of applications and examination on filing A-II
Correction of erroneously filed application documents or parts A‑II, 6
Examination on filing A‑II, 4
Instructions in Chapter A‑II ("Filing of applications and examination on filing") E‑IX, 2.2
Late filing of missing drawings or missing parts of the description A‑II, 5
Persons entitled to file an application A‑II, 2
Procedure on filing A‑II, 3
Where and how applications may be filed A‑II, 1
Filing of applications by delivery by hand or by postal services A‑II, 1.2
Filing of applications by means of electronic communication A‑II, 1.1
Filing of applications by fax A‑II, 1.1.2
Filing of applications in electronic form A‑II, 1.1.1
Filing of applications by other means A‑II, 1.3
Filing of opposition after decision on limitation D‑X, 7.2
Filing of subsequent documents A‑VIII, 2.5
Filing with a competent national authority A‑II, 3.2
Filing, search and designation fee(s) A‑IV, 1.4.1
Additional fee for divisional applications of second or subsequent generations A‑IV,
First filing A‑III, 6.1, A‑III, 6.2, E‑VIII, 8.1, F‑VI, 1.3, F‑VI, 1.4.1
Late filing of claims A‑III, 15
Minimum requirements for according a date of filing A‑II, 4.1
Missing parts of the description or missing drawings based on the priority application, no change in filing date A‑II, 5.4
Missing parts of the description or missing drawings filed under Rule 56 after the date of filing H‑IV, 2.2.2
Request for amendments or corrections in reply to the Rule 71(3) communication, no payment of fees or filing of translations necessary C‑V, 4.1
Sequence listings filed after the date of filing H‑IV, 2.2.5
Subsequent filing of documents A‑II, 1.4
Time allowed for filing notice of opposition D‑III, 1
Time limit for filing the request for examination A‑VI, 2.2
Voluntary filing of the translation of the previous application A‑III, 6.8.5
Final decisions on an admissible opposition D‑VIII, 1
Maintenance of the European patent as amended D‑VIII, 1.4
Rejection of the opposition D‑VIII, 1.3
Revocation of the European patent D‑VIII, 1.2
Final stage of examination C-V
Application deemed withdrawn C‑V, 3
Approval of the proposed text C‑V, 2
Certificate C‑V, 12
Communication under Rule 71(3) C‑V, 1
Correction of errors in the decision to grant C‑V, 7
Decision according to the state of the file C‑V, 15
European Patent Bulletin C‑V, 13
Examining division resumes examination after approval of the text C‑V, 6
Further processing C‑V, 8
Further requests for amendment after approval C‑V, 5
Grant of a patent C‑V, 2
No reply in time C‑V, 3
Publication of the patent specification C‑V, 10
Refund of the fee for grant and publishing C‑V, 9
Refusal C‑V, 14
Request for amendments or corrections in reply to the Rule 71(3) communication C‑V, 4
Standard marks for indicating amendments or corrections by the divisions C-V, An.
Withdrawal before publication of the patent specification C‑V, 11
First application F‑VI, 1.4
Situation in which it has to be checked whether the application from which priority is actually claimed is the "first application" within the meaning of Art. 87(1) F‑VI, 2.4.4
Subsequent application considered as first application F‑VI, 1.4.1
First communication C‑III, 4
Admissibility in the examination procedure, after receipt of the first communication - Rule 137(3) H‑II, 2.3
Invitation to file comments and amendments C‑III, 4.2
Minutes as the first communication in examination C‑VII, 2.5
Reasoning C‑III, 4.1
Response filed before first communication in examination C‑II, 3
First or further medical use of known products G‑VI, 6.1
Dependent claims pursuant to Art. 54(5) G‑VI, 6.1.5
Diagnostic uses pursuant to Art. 54(5) G‑VI, 6.1.3
Products that may be claimed for a further medical use G‑VI, 6.1.1
Surgical uses pursuant to Art. 54(5) G‑VI, 6.1.4
Therapeutic uses pursuant to Art. 54(5) G‑VI, 6.1.2
First stage of examination C-III
Amendments made by applicants of their own volition C‑III, 2
Evaluation of prior-art documents cited in the search report and late priority claim C‑III, 7
First communication C‑III, 4
Missing parts or elements C‑III, 1
Requesting information on prior art (not confined to priority) C‑III, 6
Summons to oral proceedings as the first action in examination C‑III, 5
Unity of invention C‑III, 3
Fixing of costs
Appeals against the decision of the opposition division on the fixing of costs E‑XII, 4
Enforcement of the fixing of costs D‑IX, 3
Fixing of costs by the opposition division D‑IX, 2.1
Appeal against the fixing of costs by the opposition division D‑IX, 2.2
Procedure for the fixing of costs D‑IX, 2
Form B‑X, 3.1
Decision by means of a standard form C‑V, 15.2
Decision on the form of the opinion E‑IV, 1.8.1
Documents forming part of the European patent application A‑VIII, 3.2
Examination of the request for grant form A‑III, 4.2
Examination of the request for grant form, further requirements laid down by Rule 41(2) A‑III, 4.2.3
Filing of applications in electronic form A‑II, 1.1.1
Form and content E‑X, 1.3, F‑II, 5.1
Basic principles of decisions E‑X, 1.3
Drawings F‑II, 5.1
Facts and submissions E‑X, 1.3.2
Order E‑X, 1.3.1
Reasoning E‑X, 1.3.3
Form and content of claims F‑IV, 2
Formulae and tables F‑IV, 2.4
Technical features F‑IV, 2.1
Two-part form F‑IV, 2.2
Two-part form unsuitable F‑IV, 2.3
Form and language of the search report B‑X, 3
Form B‑X, 3.1
Language B‑X, 3.2
Record of search strategy B‑X, 3.4
Search summary B‑X, 3.3
Form of decisions, communications and notices E‑II, 1.3
Form of documents A‑VIII, 2
Documents making up the European patent application A‑VIII, 2.1
Filing of subsequent documents A‑VIII, 2.5
Form of documents, other documents A‑VIII, 2.3
Number of copies A‑VIII, 2.4
Replacement documents and translations A‑VIII, 2.2
Form of signature A‑VIII, 3.3
Form of the opposition D‑III, 3.1
Form of the request and applicable time limit E‑VIII, 3.1.3
Graphic forms of presentation considered as drawings A‑IX, 1
Graphic forms of presentation not considered as drawings A‑IX, 11
Preparation of a decision to maintain a European patent in amended form D‑VI, 7.2
Publication in electronic form only A‑VI, 1.4
Request for grant form A‑III, 11.3.5
Requirements as to form E‑X, 2.3
Statement in the decision of the amended form of the European patent D‑VIII, 1.4.2
Time limit and form of appeal E‑XII, 6
Two-part form unsuitable, no two-part form F‑IV, 2.3.1
Two-part form "wherever appropriate" F‑IV, 2.3.2
Formal deficiencies B‑IV, 1.2
Communications concerning formal deficiencies A-V, A‑V, 1
Formal procedure for limitation when the request is allowable D‑X, 5
Formal requirements A‑III, 1.1, E‑III, 10.1
Claims (Art. 84 and formal requirements) F-IV
Description (formal requirements) F‑II, 4
Examination as to formal requirements A-III, A‑III, 3.2
Instructions in Chapter A‑III ("Examination of formal requirements") E‑IX, 2.3
Formal requirements to be met before the division starts substantive examination C-II
Allocation of the application C‑II, 2
Copy of the search results on the priority or priorities C‑II, 5
Designation fees, extension and validation fees C‑II, 4
Request for examination C‑II, 1
Response filed before first communication in examination C‑II, 3
Formalities check E‑XIII, 5.1
Formalities examination
European divisional applications, other formalities examination A‑IV, 1.7
Responsibility for formalities examination A‑I, 2
Format of background art citations F‑II, 4.3.1
Examples of quotation for non-patent literature F‑II,
Examples of quotation for patent literature F‑II,
Format of oral proceedings E‑III, 1.2
Formulae and tables F‑IV, 2.4
Formulation of the objective technical problem G‑VII, 5.2
Formulation of the objective technical problem for claims comprising technical and non-technical features G‑VII, 5.4.1
Forwarding of applications A‑II, 1.6
Forwarding of the notice of opposition to the formalities officer D‑IV, 1.1
Functional definition of a pathological condition F‑IV, 4.21
Further action upon examination of replies C‑IV, 3
Further action upon examination of replies, further action where a request for a translation of the priority application was sent earlier in examination proceedings C‑IV, 3.1
Further processing C‑V, 8, E‑VIII, 2
Crediting of fees under Rule 71a(5), further processing fee and crediting of fees A‑X, 11.4
Further requests for amendment after approval C‑V, 5
Admissibility in the examination procedure, further requests for amendment after approval H‑II, 2.6