Alphabetical Keyword Index
Alphabetical Keyword Index
Tables A‑IX, 11.2
Formulae and tables F‑IV, 2.4
Tables in the claims A‑IX, 11.2.2
Tables in the description A‑IX, 11.2.1
Taking and conservation of evidence E-IV
Conservation of evidence E‑IV, 2
Evaluation of evidence E‑IV, 4
Taking of evidence by courts or authorities of the contracting states E‑IV, 3
Taking of evidence by the departments of the EPO E‑IV, 1
Taking of a final decision D‑VIII, 1.4.1
Taking of evidence C‑VII, 4, D‑VI, 1, D‑VI, 7.1, E‑IV, 1.1, E‑IV, 1.3, E‑IV, 2.4
Conservation of evidence E‑IV, 2.4
Costs D‑IX, 1.1, D‑IX, 1.3, E‑IV, 1.9
Costs arising from oral proceedings or taking of evidence E‑IV, 1.9
Decision on the request and the taking of evidence E‑IV, 2.4
Language used in the taking of evidence E‑V, 4
Minutes of taking of evidence E‑IV, 1.7
Other procedures in examination C‑VII, 4
Producing evidence C‑VII, 4.2
Taking of evidence by courts or authorities of the contracting states E‑IV, 3
Costs of taking evidence E‑IV, 3.5
Legal co-operation E‑IV, 3.1
Letters rogatory E‑IV, 3.3
Means of giving or taking evidence E‑IV, 3.2
Procedures before the competent authority E‑IV, 3.4
Taking of evidence by an appointed person E‑IV, 3.6
Taking of evidence by the departments of the EPO E‑IV, 1
Taking of evidence on oath E‑IV, 3.2.1
Written evidence C‑VII, 4.3
Taking of evidence by the departments of the EPO E‑IV, 1
Commissioning of experts E‑IV, 1.8
Costs arising from oral proceedings or taking of evidence E‑IV, 1.9
Entitlements of witnesses and experts E‑IV, 1.10
Hearing of parties, witnesses and experts E‑IV, 1.6
Means of evidence E‑IV, 1.2
Minutes of taking of evidence E‑IV, 1.7
Models E‑IV, 1.11
Order to take evidence E‑IV, 1.4
Summoning of parties, witnesses and experts E‑IV, 1.5
Taking of evidence E‑IV, 1.3
Video recordings E‑IV, 1.12
Tasks of the opposition divisions D‑II, 4
Ancillary proceedings D‑II, 4.3
Decision concerning the awarding of costs by the opposition division D‑II, 4.2
Examination of oppositions D‑II, 4.1
Tasks of the other members of the examining division C‑VIII, 4
Technical details and general remarks G‑IV, 7.5.6
Technical drawings A‑IX, 1.1
Technical features F‑IV, 2.1
Special technical features F‑V, 2
Technical field F‑II, 4.2
Search division has more than one member, further searches in a different technical field for a non-unitary application B‑I, 2.2.2
Technical fields searched B‑X, 6
Where claimed unitary subject-matter covers more than one technical field B‑I, 2.2.1
Technical journals G‑IV,
Internet disclosures ‒ technical journals B‑VI, 7
Technical opinion E‑XIII, 1
Establishment and issue of the technical opinion E‑XIII, 5.4
Fee for a technical opinion E‑XIII, 5.3
Request from a national court for a technical opinion concerning a European patent E-XIII
Scope of the technical opinion E‑XIII, 2
Technical problem E‑III, 8.2.3
Formulation of the objective technical problem G‑VII, 5.2
Formulation of the objective technical problem for claims comprising technical and non-technical features G‑VII, 5.4.1
Revision of stated technical problem H‑V, 2.4
Technical problem and its solution F‑II, 4.5
Using the description and/or drawings to identify the technical problem B‑III, 3.2.2
Technical progress, advantageous effect G‑I, 2
Technically qualified members D‑II, 2.1
Technological background B‑III, 3.13
Termination of opposition proceedings in the event of inadmissible opposition D‑IV, 4
Terminology F‑II, 4.11
Terms of reference of the expert E‑IV, 1.8.3
Terms such as "about", "approximately" or "substantially" F‑IV, 4.7
Clarity objections F‑IV, 4.7.2
Interpretation of terms such as "about", "approximately" or "substantially" F‑IV, 4.7.1
Territorial effect of the opposition D‑I, 3
Text for approval C‑V, 1.1
Text matter on drawings A‑IX, 8
Therapeutic uses pursuant to Art. 54(5) G‑VI, 6.1.2
Therapy G‑II,
Methods for treatment by therapy G‑II, 4.2, G‑II, 4.2.1
Methods for treatment of the human or animal body by surgery or therapy and diagnostic methods practised on the human or animal body B‑VIII, 2.1
Surgery, therapy and diagnostic methods G‑II, 4.2
Examination of observations by third parties C‑VII, 6
Observations by third parties D‑I, 6, E-VI, E‑VI, 3
Third-party observations A‑VII, 3.5
Third-party observations during the examination D‑X, 4.5
Time allowed for filing notice of opposition D‑III, 1
Time limit and form of appeal E‑XII, 6
Time limit for filing the request for examination A‑VI, 2.2
Time limit for payment of extension and validation fees A‑III, 12.2
Time limits A‑III, 11.2.1, A‑III, 11.3.1, G‑V, 2
Calculation of time limits E‑VIII, 1.4
Consideration of time limits E‑X, 1.2
Determination of time limits E‑VIII, 1.1
Extension of time limits set by the EPO under Rule 132 E‑VIII, 1.6.1
Interruption of time limits A‑IV, 2.2.4, D‑VII, 4.3
Resumption of time limits E‑VII, 1.5
Revocation in the event of requirements not being met until after expiry of time limits D‑VIII, 1.2.4
Time limits covered E‑VIII, 3.1.1
Time limits which may be freely determined E‑VIII, 1.3
Time limits and acceleration of examination C-VI
Influencing the speed of examination proceedings C‑VI, 2
Standard marks for indicating amendments or corrections by the divisions, further ways to accelerate examination C‑VI, 3
Time limits and loss of rights resulting from failure to respond within a time limit E‑VIII, 1
Calculation of time limits E‑VIII, 1.4
Determination of time limits E‑VIII, 1.1
Duration of the periods to be specified by the EPO on the basis of EPC provisions E‑VIII, 1.2
Effect of change in priority date E‑VIII, 1.5
Extension of a time limit E‑VIII, 1.6
Failure to respond within a time limit E‑VIII, 1.8
Late receipt of documents E‑VIII, 1.7
Loss of rights E‑VIII, 1.9
Time limits which may be freely determined E‑VIII, 1.3
Time limits for response to communications from the examiner C‑VI, 1
General considerations C‑VI, 1.1
Special circumstances C‑VI, 1.2
Time limits, loss of rights, further and accelerated processing and re-establishment of rights E-VIII
Accelerated processing before the boards of appeal E‑VIII, 6
Accelerated processing of oppositions E‑VIII, 5
Accelerated prosecution of European patent applications E‑VIII, 4
Enquiries E‑VIII, 7
Further processing E‑VIII, 2
Re-establishment of rights E‑VIII, 3
Renunciation of rights E‑VIII, 8
Timeliness and structure of auxiliary requests H‑III,
Title F‑II, 3
Changes in the title H‑V, 8
Title of the invention A‑III, 7, E‑IX, 2.3.6
Examination of formal requirements A‑III, 7
Instructions in Chapter A‑III ("Examination of formal requirements") E‑IX, 2.3.6
Requirements A‑III, 7.1
Responsibility A‑III, 7.2
Title, abstract and figure to be published with the abstract (as indicated on supplemental sheet A) B‑X, 7
Trade marks F‑IV, 4.8, H‑IV, 2.2.9
Clarity and interpretation of claims F‑IV, 4.8
Content of the application as "originally" filed H‑IV, 2.2.9
Proper names, trade marks and trade names F‑III, 7
Registered trade marks F‑II, 4.14
Transfer of rights E‑XIV, 3, E‑XIV, 6.1
Opposition cases with different texts where a transfer of rights by virtue of a final decision pursuant to Art. 61 takes place in examination proceedings H‑III, 4.3.3
Transfer of the European patent E‑XIV, 4
Transfer of the European patent application E‑XIV, 3
Transitional provisions for Art. 54(4) EPC 1973 and Art. 54(5) D‑VII, 8
Transitional provisions relating to Rule 137(4) H‑III, 2.1.4
Certification A‑VII, 7
Correction and certification of the translation A‑VII, 7
Divisional application A‑IV, 1.3.3, A‑VII, 1.3
Documents making up the application, replacement documents, translations A‑III, 3.2
In language of proceedings of documents which have to be filed within a time limit A‑X, 9.2.1, E‑IX, 2.1.3
Invitation to file the translation A‑VII, 1.4
Language of proceedings A‑VII, 2, A‑VII, 3.2, A‑VII, 7, A‑X, 9.2.1, E‑IX, 2.1.3
Letters rogatory E‑IV, 3.3
Machine translations G‑IV, 4.1
Reduction of fees A‑III, 13.1
Replacement documents and translations A‑VIII, 2.2
Request for amendments or corrections in reply to the Rule 71(3) communication, no payment of fees or filing of translations necessary C‑V, 4.1
Request for publishing fee, translations and a formally compliant version of amended text passages D‑VI, 7.2.3
Revocation for failure to pay the prescribed fee for publishing, to file a translation or to file a formally compliant version of amended text passages D‑VIII, 1.2.2
Translation of claims C‑V, 1.3
Correction of the translations of the claims H‑VI, 5
Translation of international application E‑IX, 2.1.3, E‑IX, 2.5.1
Translation of the application A‑III, 14
Translation of the previous application A‑III, 6.8, F‑VI, 3.4
Claim to priority A‑III, 6.8, F‑VI, 3.4
Declaration replacing the translation A‑III, 6.8.6
Invitation to file the translation before examination A‑III, 6.8.1
Invitation to file the translation in examination/opposition A‑III, 6.8.2
Loss of rights and legal remedies A‑III, 6.8.3
Translation of previous application already filed A‑III, 6.8.4
Voluntary filing of the translation of the previous application A‑III, 6.8.5
Translation of the priority application A‑II, 5.4.4, A‑II, 6.4.3
Correct application documents based on priority application, no change in the filing date A‑II, 6.4.3
Further action upon examination of replies, further action where a request for a translation of the priority application was sent earlier in examination proceedings C‑IV, 3.1
Missing parts of the description or missing drawings based on the priority application, no change in filing date A‑II, 5.4.4
Transmission of the dossier to the examining division A‑VI, 2.4
Transmittal of the abstract to the applicant F‑II, 2.6
Transmittal of the search report and search opinion B‑X, 12
Travel expenses E‑IV, 1.10.1
Applications under the Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT) E-IX
International application pursuant to the Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT) E‑IX, 1
Two-part form F‑IV, 2.2
Two-part form unsuitable F‑IV, 2.3
Two-part form unsuitable, no two-part form F‑IV, 2.3.1
Two-part form "wherever appropriate" F‑IV, 2.3.2
Types of documents B‑IV, 2.3
Types of evidence E‑IV, 4.2
Types of use and instances of state of the art made available in any other way G‑IV, 7.1