4.2 Reply to the invitation under Rule 62a(1)
4.2.1 Failure to reply in time
If the applicant does not indicate the claims to be searched in time, the search will be based on the first claim in each category. In either case, a partial search report will be drawn up. As the limitation of the search has consequences in examination (see H‑II, 5 and H‑IV, 4.1.1), any late-filed reply is included in the file for consideration at that stage, in the same way as is done for a late-filed reply to a Rule 63 invitation (see B‑VIII, 3.2.1).
Since the search report should be available when the application is published, Rule 62a requires that the applicant reply within two months and rules out further processing. However, a request for re-establishment of rights may be granted if the relevant conditions are met.