Chapter I – Introduction
4. Purpose of examination
The purpose of preparing the search opinion (see B‑XI) and of the subsequent examination proceedings is to ensure that the application and the invention to which it relates meet the requirements set out in the relevant articles of the EPC and the rules of its Implementing Regulations. The prime task of the examining division is to deal with the substantive requirements; the criteria by which an examiner judges whether they have been met are dealt with in detail, in so far as appears necessary, in Parts Part F, Part G and Part H. As for the formal requirements (see Part A), these are initially the responsibility of the Receiving Section.
The examination is to be carried out in accordance with Art. 94(3) and Art. 94(4), Art. 97, Rule 71(1) to Rule 71(7), Rule 71a(1) to Rule 71a(6) and Rule 72. The examiner's first step is to study the description, drawings (if any) and the claims of the application. However, as they will normally have already done this when they carried out the search (see B‑XI, 3), they should concentrate on any amendments and/or comments filed by the applicant in response to the search opinion (see B‑XI, 8). Where the applicant has made amendments without identifying them and/or their basis in the application as filed (see H‑III, 2.1) and the application is one of those mentioned in H‑III, 2.1.4, the examining division may send the applicant a communication under Rule 137(4) requesting this information (see H‑III, 2.1.1).