Alphabetical Keyword Index
Alphabetical Keyword Index
"Reach-through" claims F‑III, 9
Novelty of "reach-through" claims G‑VI, 8
Reallocation instead of refund A‑X, 10.4
Reasoned objections B‑XI, 3.2.1, C‑III, 4.1.1
Reasoning B‑XI, 3.2.1, C‑III, 4.1.1
Reasoned statement D‑VI, 4.1
Reasoning B‑XI, 3.2, C‑III, 4.1, E‑X, 1.3.3
Analysis of the application and content of the search opinion B‑XI, 3.2
First communication C‑III, 4.1
Form and content E‑X, 1.3.3
Positive statements B‑XI, 3.2.2
Positive statements/suggestions C‑III, 4.1.2
Reasoned objections B‑XI, 3.2.1, C‑III, 4.1.1
Reasoning for a lack of unity objection F‑V, 3.3
Minimum requirements for reasoning of lack of unity F‑V, 3.3.1
Reasoning of decisions E‑X, 2.6
Receipts A‑II, 3.1
Receiving Office
Rectification of errors made by the receiving Office or the International Bureau E‑IX, 2.9.3
Review by the EPO as a designated/elected Office and rectification of errors made by the receiving Office or the International Bureau E‑IX, 2.9
Receiving Section, examination as to formal requirements A‑III, 3.2
Recommendation to grant C‑VIII, 2
Recommendation to refuse C‑VIII, 3
Record of search strategy B‑X, 3.4
Recording E‑III, 8.2.4
Video recordings E‑IV, 1.12
Rectification of errors made by the receiving Office or the International Bureau E‑IX, 2.9.3
Review by the EPO as a designated/elected Office and rectification of errors made by the receiving Office or the International Bureau E‑IX, 2.9
Redefining the searched subject-matter B‑IV, 2.4
Reduction and refunds of fees in respect of international (PCT) applications E‑IX, 2.6
Reduction in examination fee A‑VI, 2.6, A‑X, 9.2.3
Request for examination and transmission of the dossier to the examining division A‑VI, 2.6
Reduction of fees A‑X, 9
Special reductions A‑X, 9.3
Reduction of the examination fee where the international preliminary examination report is drawn up by the EPO A‑X, 9.3.2
Reduction of the search fee for a supplementary European search A‑X, 9.3.1
Reduction under the language arrangements A‑X, 9.2
Conditions A‑X, 9.2.1
Reduction of the examination fee A‑X, 9.2.3
Reduction of the filing fee A‑X, 9.2.2
Re-establishment of rights A‑III, 6.6, E‑VIII, 3, E‑IX,, E‑IX, 2.9.2, F‑VI, 3.6
Admissibility of the request E‑VIII, 3.1
Claiming priority E‑IX,, F‑VI, 3.6
Decision on re-establishment of rights E‑VIII, 3.3
Merit of the request E‑VIII, 3.2
Re-establishment of rights in respect of the priority period F‑VI, 3.6
Review by the EPO as a designated/elected Office and rectification of errors made by the receiving Office or the International Bureau E‑IX, 2.9.2
Time limits, loss of rights, further and accelerated processing and re-establishment of rights E‑VIII, 3
Time limits, loss of rights, further and accelerated processing and re-establishment of rights E-VIII
Reference documents F‑III, 8, H‑V, 2.5
Amendments in the description H‑V, 2.5
Sufficiency of disclosure F‑III, 8
Reference in the description to drawings F‑II, 4.7, F‑IV, 4.17
Clarity and interpretation of claims F‑IV, 4.17
Description (formal requirements) F‑II, 4.7
Reference signs F‑II, 4.8, F‑IV, 4.18
Clarity and interpretation of claims F‑IV, 4.18
Consistent use of reference signs in description, claims and drawings A‑IX, 7.5.4
Consistent use of reference signs in drawings A‑IX, 7.5.5
Description (formal requirements) F‑II, 4.8
Numbers, letters and reference signs A‑IX, 7.5
Reference to a previously filed application A‑II,
Application filed by reference to a previously filed application A‑IV, 4.1.2
Physical requirements of applications filed by reference to a previously filed application A‑III, 3.2.1
Sequence listings of an application filed by reference to a previously filed application A‑IV, 5.3
Reference to sequences disclosed in a database F‑II, 6.1
Refund A‑X, 10.1.3, A‑X, 10.2.1, A‑X, 10.2.2, A‑X, 10.2.6, B‑VII, 2.1, C‑III, 3.4
Reduction and refunds of fees in respect of international (PCT) applications E‑IX, 2.6
Refund of additional search fees C‑III, 3.4
Refund of examination fee A‑VI, 2.5, A‑X, 10.2.3
Request for examination and transmission of the dossier to the examining division A‑VI, 2.5
Special refunds A‑X, 10.2.3
Refund of fees A‑X, 10
Method of refund A‑X, 10.3
Reallocation instead of refund A‑X, 10.4
Special refunds A‑X, 10.2
Refund of the appeal fee A‑X, 10.2.6
Refund of the fee for grant and publishing A‑X, 10.2.5, C‑V, 9
Final stage of examination C‑V, 9
Special refunds A‑X, 10.2.5
Refund of the further search fee A‑X, 10.2.2
Refund of the search fee A‑X, 10.2.1
Refund under Rule 37(2) A‑X, 10.2.4
Refunds to a bank account A‑X, 10.3.2
Refunds to a deposit account A‑X, 10.3.1
Request for refund of further search fees B‑VII, 2.1
Refusal C‑V, 4.7.3, C‑V, 14
Communications/oral proceedings/refusal after resumption C‑V, 4.7.1
Issuing a further communication (no refusal) C‑V, 15.4
Refusal of the earlier application A‑IV, 2.6
Refusal to admit amendments under Rule 137(3) E‑X, 2.11
Register of European Patents A‑XI, 1
Entries D‑I, 6
Registered letter E‑II, 2.4
Registered trade marks F‑II, 4.14
Registration E‑XIV, 6.1
Cancellation of the registration E‑XIV, 6.2
Registration of changes of name, transfers, licences and other rights E-XIV
Changes of name E‑XIV, 5
Licences and other rights E‑XIV, 6
Responsible department E‑XIV, 2
Transfer of the European patent E‑XIV, 4
Transfer of the European patent application E‑XIV, 3
Reimbursement for witnesses and experts E‑IV, 1.10.1, E‑IV, 1.10.2
Reimbursement of appeal fees E‑XII, 7.3
Rejection of the opposition D‑VIII, 1.3
Communication in the event of deficiencies as described in D‑IV, 1.2.2 which, if not remedied, will lead to rejection of the opposition as inadmissible D‑IV, 1.3.2
Rejection of the opposition as inadmissible by the opposition division, the patent proprietor not being a party D‑IV, 3
Rejection of the request D‑X, 6
Relation to opposition proceedings D‑X, 7
Filing of opposition after decision on limitation D‑X, 7.2
Precedence of opposition proceedings D‑X, 7.1
Relation to unity in search C‑III, 3.2, C‑III, 3.2.1
Additional search fees paid C‑III, 3.2.2
Invitation to pay additional search fees combined with invitation to restrict the scope of the search C‑III, 3.2.3
Limitation to searched invention, no additional search fees paid C‑III, 3.2.1
Relationship between documents and claims B‑X, 9.3
Relative terms F‑IV, 4.6
Clarity objections F‑IV, 4.6.1
Interpretation of relative terms F‑IV, 4.6.2
Relevant date for documents cited in the search report B‑VI, 5
Documents published after the filing date B‑VI, 5.4
Doubts about the state of the art B‑VI, 5.6
Doubts about the validity of the priority claim B‑VI, 5.3
Intermediate documents B‑VI, 5.2
Non-prejudicial disclosures B‑VI, 5.5
Verification of claimed priority dates B‑VI, 5.1
Widening of the search B‑VI, 5.3
Relevant date of a prior-art document G‑VI, 3
Remittal to the board of appeal E‑XII, 7.2
Remittal to the examining or opposition division after appeal E‑XII, 9
Renewal fees A‑IV, 1.4.3, A‑X, 5.2.4, E‑IX, 2.3.12
Due date for specific fees A‑X, 5.2.4
Instructions in Chapter A‑III ("Examination of formal requirements") E‑IX, 2.3.12
Renunciation of rights E‑VIII, 8
Statement of withdrawal E‑VIII, 8.3
Surrender of patent E‑VIII, 8.4
Withdrawal of application or designation E‑VIII, 8.1
Withdrawal of priority claim E‑VIII, 8.2
Repeatability of results of microbiological processes G‑II, 5.5.2
Replacement documents and translations A‑VIII, 2.2
Replacement or removal of features from a claim H‑V, 3.1
Reply explicitly disapproving with the proposed text without indicating an alternative text C‑V, 4.9
Reply in time B‑VIII, 3.2.2, C‑V, 3
Failure to reply in time B‑VIII, 4.2.1
Reply to the invitation under Rule 62a(1) B‑VIII, 4.2
Failure to reply in time B‑VIII, 4.2.1
Reply filed in time B‑VIII, 4.2.2
Reply to the invitation under Rule 63(1) B‑VIII, 3.2
Reply to the invitation under Rule 63(1), no or late reply B‑VIII, 3.2.1
Representation A‑III, 2, A‑VIII, 1, A‑VIII, 3.1, D‑I, 7
Associations A‑VIII, 1.2
Common provisions A‑VIII, 1
Common representative A‑VIII, 1.4
Examination of formal requirements A‑III, 2
General authorisation A‑VIII, 1.7
Invitation to file authorisation and legal consequence in case of non-compliance A‑VIII, 1.8
List of professional representatives A‑VIII, 1.2
Non-compliance A‑III, 2.2
Representation by a legal practitioner A‑VIII, 1.5
Representation by a professional representative A‑VIII, 1.2
Representation by an employee A‑VIII, 1.3
Representation of drawings A‑IX, 2
Figure accompanying the abstract A‑IX, 2.3
Grouping of drawings A‑IX, 2.1
Reproducibility of drawings A‑IX, 2.2
Representation, address for correspondence E‑IX, 2.3.1
Requirements A‑III, 2.1
Signature of documents A‑VIII, 3.1
Signed authorisation A‑VIII, 1.6
Appointment of representatives A‑VIII, 1.1
Authorisations A‑VIII, 1.1, A‑VIII, 1.6
Common representatives A‑VIII, 1.4
List of professional representatives A‑VIII, 1.2, A‑VIII, 1.5
Notification to representatives E‑II, 2.5
Participation of parties and their representatives from different locations E‑III, 8.2.1
Reproducibility of drawings A‑IX, 2.2
Admissibility in the examination procedure, further requests for amendment after approval H‑II, 2.6
Admissibility of auxiliary requests H‑III, 3.3.2
Admissibility of the request E‑VIII, 3.1
Amended main/single request filed with the appeal E‑XII, 7.4.2
Amendments made by the EPO at the request of a party H‑III, 2.4
Auxiliary requests H‑III, 3
Auxiliary requests, in examination proceedings H‑III, 3.3
Auxiliary requests, in limitation proceedings H‑III, 3.5
Auxiliary requests, in opposition proceedings H‑III, 3.4
Auxiliary requests, in the search phase H‑III, 3.2
Complete text for auxiliary request available H‑III, 3.3.5
Complete text for auxiliary request not yet available H‑III, 3.3.4
Confidentiality of the request A‑XI, 2.4
Criteria for admissibility of auxiliary requests H‑III,
Decision on a notified loss of rights at the request of the person concerned D‑VIII, 2.3
Decision on request for revocation D‑X, 3
Decision on the request and the taking of evidence E‑IV, 2.4
Deficiencies which lead to the request being deemed not to have been filed D‑X, 2.1
Deficiencies which, if not remedied, lead to the request being rejected as inadmissible D‑X, 2.2
Entitlement to file the request E‑VIII, 3.1.2
Examination for deficiencies in the request D‑X, 2
Fees payable for procedural and other requests A‑X, 5.2.7
Form of the request and applicable time limit E‑VIII, 3.1.3
Formal procedure for limitation when the request is allowable D‑X, 5
Further action upon examination of replies, further action where a request for a translation of the priority application was sent earlier in examination proceedings C‑IV, 3.1
Further requests for amendment after approval C‑V, 5
Higher-ranking request not admissible and/or not allowable C‑V,
Indication of the amendments made in the requests and of their basis H‑III, 3.3.1
Late-filed requests after summons to oral proceedings in examination H‑II, 2.7
Late-filed requests in opposition proceedings H‑II, 3.5
Main and auxiliary requests E‑X, 2.9
Main and auxiliary requests filed with the appeal E‑XII, 7.4.3
Merit of the request E‑VIII, 3.2
Multiple requests D‑X, 11
Neither main nor auxiliary requests allowable H‑III, 3.1.3
Oral proceedings at the request of a party E‑III, 2
Rejection of the request D‑X, 6
Request for a decision according to the state of the file C‑V, 15.1
Request for amendments or corrections in reply to the Rule 71(3) communication C‑V, 4
Adaptation of the description C‑V, 4.5
Admissibility of amendments C‑V, 4.4
Amendments not admitted and/or not allowable, examination resumed C‑V, 4.7
Amendments or corrections should be reasoned C‑V, 4.3
Amendments/corrections admitted and allowable - second Rule 71(3) communication sent C‑V, 4.6
Amendments/corrections filed in second Rule 71(3) period C‑V, 4.10
Crediting of fees paid voluntarily C‑V, 4.2
Fees to be paid within the second Rule 71(3) period C‑V, 4.8
Reply explicitly disapproving with the proposed text without indicating an alternative text C‑V, 4.9
Request for amendments or corrections in reply to the Rule 71(3) communication, no payment of fees or filing of translations necessary C‑V, 4.1
Request for conversion A‑IV, 6
Request for correction of minutes E‑III, 10.4
Request for documents D‑VII, 2
Request for examination C‑II, 1, E‑IX, 2.5.2
Confirmation of the intention to proceed further with the application C‑II, 1.1
Euro-PCT applications C‑II, 1.2
Filing fee, designation fee, request for examination and search fee E‑IX, 2.1.4
Instructions in Chapter A‑VI ("Publication of application; request for examination and transmission of the dossier to examining division") E‑IX, 2.5
Invention to be examined C‑II, 1.3
Responsibility of the Receiving Section and the Examining Division A‑III, 3.2, C‑II, 1
Search, publication and request for examination of divisional applications A‑IV, 1.8
Time limit for filing the request for examination A‑VI, 2.2
Time limits E‑VII, 1.5
Request for examination and transmission of the dossier to examining division A-VI, A‑VI, 2
Communication A‑VI, 2.1
Instructions in Chapter A‑VI ("Publication of application; request for examination and transmission of the dossier to examining division") E‑IX, 2.5
Legal remedy A‑VI, 2.3
Publication of application A‑VI, 1
Reduction in examination fee A‑VI, 2.6
Refund of examination fee A‑VI, 2.5
Response to the search opinion A‑VI, 3
Time limit for filing the request for examination A‑VI, 2.2
Transmission of the dossier to the examining division A‑VI, 2.4
Request for further oral proceedings E‑III, 3
Request for grant A‑III, 4, A‑IV, 1.3.2, E‑IX, 2.3.3, F‑II, 3
Examination of formal requirements A‑III, 4
Examination of the request for grant form A‑III, 4.2
Examination of the request for grant form, further requirements laid down by Rule 41(2) A‑III, 4.2.3
Filing a divisional application A‑IV, 1.3.2
Instructions in Chapter A‑III ("Examination of formal requirements") E‑IX, 2.3.3
Request for grant form A‑III, 11.3.5
Examination of the request for grant form A‑III, 4.2
Examination of the request for grant form, further requirements laid down by Rule 41(2) A‑III, 4.2.3
Request for grant of an EP, form A‑III, 13.2
Request for oral proceedings by an opponent whose opposition is to be rejected as inadmissible or is deemed not to have been filed E‑III, 2.1
Request for oral proceedings to be held on EPO premises E‑III, 1.3
Request for publishing fee, translations and a formally compliant version of amended text passages D‑VI, 7.2.3
Request for refund of further search fees B‑VII, 2.1
Request for the conservation of evidence E‑IV, 2.2
Request for unitary effect C‑V, 2.1
Request from a national court for a technical opinion concerning a European patent E-XIII
Composition and duties of the examining division E‑XIII, 3
Language to be used E‑XIII, 4
Procedure E‑XIII, 5
Scope of the technical opinion E‑XIII, 2
Request to hold on-site oral proceedings at a particular site E‑III, 1.4
Request to stay opposition proceedings D‑VI, 8
Requesting information on prior art (not confined to priority) C‑III, 6
Requesting postponement during oral proceedings E‑III, 8.11.1
Requests for samples of biological material A‑IV, 4.4
Requests to change the date of oral proceedings E‑III, 7.1.1
Rule 137(3) in conjunction with auxiliary requests H‑II,
Second Rule 71(3) communication based on higher-ranking request initially rejected in first Rule 71(3) communication C‑V, 4.6.2
Sequence of requests H‑III, 3.1.1
Substantiation of the request E‑VIII, 3.1.4
Timeliness and structure of auxiliary requests H‑III,
Withdrawal of the extension or validation request A‑III, 12.3
Withdrawal of the request D‑X, 9, E‑XIII, 5.3
Withdrawal of the request for oral proceedings E‑III, 7.2.2
Requirement of unity of invention F‑V, 2
Division's approach F‑V, 2.2
Insufficient grounds for lack of unity F‑V, 2.1
Requirements as to form E‑X, 2.3
Requirements for entry into the European phase E‑IX, 2.1.1
Requirements relating to sequence length and enumeration of residues F‑II, 6.2.1
Residence or principal place of business A‑III, 2.1, A‑VI, 2.6, A‑VII, 3.2, A‑VIII, 1.1, A‑VIII, 1.3, A‑X, 9.2.1, D‑III, 6, D‑IV,, D‑VII, 6
Response filed before first communication in examination C‑II, 3
Invitation under Rule 70a(1) C‑II, 3.3
Response to PCT actions prepared by the EPO C‑II, 3.2
Response to communication pursuant to Rule 58 filed with the appeal E‑XII, 7.4.4
Response to the extended European search report (EESR) B‑XI, 8
Response to the search opinion A‑VI, 3, C‑II, 3.1
Amendments made in response to the search opinion C‑III, 2.1
Comments and amendments in response to the search opinion B‑XI, 3.3
Responsibility A‑III, 7.2
Responsibility for formalities examination A‑I, 2
Responsible department A‑IV, 2.2.1, E‑VII, 1.2, E‑XIV, 2
Interruption E‑VII, 1.2
Registration of changes of name, transfers, licences and other rights E‑XIV, 2
Stay of proceedings for grant A‑IV, 2.2.1
Restoration of priority E‑IX,
Restricted IPER F‑V, 7.4
Restrictions B‑IV, 2.1
Restriction of the searched subject-matter B‑X, 8
Restriction to a single, searched invention H‑II, 6.1
Restriction to an unsearched invention H‑II, 6.2
Restrictions to file inspection A‑XI, 2.3
Result to be achieved F‑IV, 4.10
Resumption of proceedings E‑VII, 1.4
Resumption of the proceedings for grant A‑IV, 2.2.5
Resumption after final decision in entitlement proceedings A‑IV,
Resumption regardless of the stage of entitlement proceedings A‑IV,
Resumption of time limits E‑VII, 1.5
Review by the EPO as a designated/elected Office and rectification of errors made by the receiving Office or the International Bureau E‑IX, 2.9
Determination of filing date in the case of erroneously filed elements or parts of the international application E‑IX, 2.9.4
Rectification of errors made by the receiving Office or the International Bureau E‑IX, 2.9.3
Review by the EPO under Art. 24 PCT and excuse of delays under Art. 48(2) PCT E‑IX, 2.9.2
Review by the EPO under Art. 25 PCT E‑IX, 2.9.1
Review of non-unity findings F‑V, 5.3
Reviews or books B‑X, 11.4
Revision of stated technical problem H‑V, 2.4
Revocation of the European patent D‑VIII, 1.2
Revocation for failure to notify the appointment of a new representative D‑VIII, 1.2.3
Revocation for failure to pay the prescribed fee for publishing, to file a translation or to file a formally compliant version of amended text passages D‑VIII, 1.2.2
Revocation in the event of requirements not being met until after expiry of time limits D‑VIII, 1.2.4
Revocation of the patent in the event that the patent proprietor no longer wishes the patent to be maintained as granted D‑VIII, 1.2.5
Revocation on substantive grounds D‑VIII, 1.2.1
Revocation of the patent D‑VI, 2.2
Revocation of the patent in the event that the patent proprietor no longer wishes the patent to be maintained as granted D‑VIII, 1.2.5
Amendments occasioned by national rights H‑II, 3.3
Cases of loss of rights E‑VIII, 1.9.1
Conflict with national rights of earlier date G‑IV, 6
Decision on a notified loss of rights at the request of the person concerned D‑VIII, 2.3
Decision on loss of rights E‑VIII, 1.9.3
Decision on re-establishment of rights D‑VIII, 2.4, E‑VIII, 3.3
Different texts where national rights of earlier date exist H‑III, 4.4
Licences and other rights E‑XIV, 6
Loss of rights A‑X, 6.2.5, E‑VIII, 1.9.1
Loss of rights and legal remedies A‑III, 6.8.3
National prior rights B‑VI, 4.2, C‑IV, 7.2
Noting and communication of loss of rights E‑VIII, 1.9.2
Noting of loss of rights A‑X, 6.2.5
Opposition cases with different texts where a transfer of rights by virtue of a final decision pursuant to Art. 61 takes place in examination proceedings H‑III, 4.3.3
Re-establishment of rights A‑III, 6.6, E‑VIII, 3, E‑IX,, E‑IX, 2.9.2, F‑VI, 3.6
Re-establishment of rights in respect of the priority period F‑VI, 3.6
Registration of changes of name, transfers, licences and other rights E-XIV
Renunciation of rights E‑VIII, 8
Right of priority F‑VI, 1
Applications giving rise to a right of priority A‑III, 6.2
Filing date as effective date F‑VI, 1.1
First application F‑VI, 1.4
Multiple priorities and partial priorities F‑VI, 1.5
Priority date as effective date F‑VI, 1.2
Validly claiming priority F‑VI, 1.3
Right of the other members of the division to put questions E‑III, 8.10
Right to amend H-I
Right to be heard E‑VI, 2.2.4, E‑X, 2.1
Decisions taken by the examining or opposition divisions E‑X, 2.1
Submissions filed in preparation for or during oral proceedings E‑VI, 2.2.4
Rights of earlier date D‑I, 3, H‑III, 4.4
Time limits and loss of rights resulting from failure to respond within a time limit E‑VIII, 1
Time limits, loss of rights, further and accelerated processing and re-establishment of rights E-VIII
Transfer of rights E‑XIV, 3, E‑XIV, 6.1
Rule 137(3) in conjunction with Art. 123(2) H‑II,
Rule 137(3) in conjunction with Art. 83 H‑II,
Rule 137(3) in conjunction with Art. 84 - missing essential feature H‑II,
Rule 137(3) in conjunction with auxiliary requests H‑II,
Rule 137(4) and oral proceedings H‑III, 2.1.3
Rule 137(4) applies E‑IX, 3.4
Rule 137(4) applies to amendments filed at this stage H‑II, 2.5.4
Rule 137(4) communication and response thereto H‑III, 2.1.1
Objection under Rule 43(2) or Rule 137(5) F‑IV, 3.3
Rule 62a and/or Rule 63 cases H‑IV, 4.1.1
Subject-matter taken from the description H‑IV, 4.1.2
Rule 161 communication issued before 1 April 2010 E‑IX, 3.3.3
Rule 42(1)(c) vs. Art. 52(1) F‑II, 4.6
Rules of Procedure of the Boards of Appeal E‑XII, 8