Alphabetical Keyword Index
Alphabetical Keyword Index
Abandoned claims B‑III, 3.4
Abandonment of subject-matter C‑IX, 1.3
Abbreviations General Part, 2.2
Absence of well-known details F‑III, 5.2
Abstract A‑III, 10, A‑III, 10.1, A‑III, 16.2, E‑IX, 2.3.10, F‑II, 1, F‑II, 2, F‑II, 2.2, F‑II, 2.7, G‑IV, 5.1
Abstract in examination F‑II, 2.7
Checklist F‑II, 2.5
Checklist for considering the abstract F-II, An. 1
Conflict between abstract and source document B‑VI, 6.3
Conflict with other European applications G‑IV, 5.1
Content of a European patent application (other than claims) F‑II, 2
Content of the abstract A‑III, 10.2, F‑II, 2.3
Definitive content A‑III, 10.2, F‑II, 2.2
Examination of formal requirements A‑III, 10
Figure accompanying the abstract A‑III, 10.3, F‑II, 2.4
Instructions in Chapter A‑III ("Examination of formal requirements") E‑IX, 2.3.10
Purpose of the abstract F‑II, 2.1
Summaries, extracts or abstracts B‑X, 11.5
Title, abstract and figure to be published with the abstract (as indicated on supplemental sheet A) B‑X, 7
Transmittal of the abstract to the applicant F‑II, 2.6
Accelerated processing before the boards of appeal E‑VIII, 6
Accelerated processing of oppositions E‑VIII, 5
Accelerated prosecution of European patent applications E‑VIII, 4
Accelerated examination E‑VIII, 4.2
Accelerated search E‑VIII, 4.1
Patent Prosecution Highway (PPH) E‑VIII, 4.3
Access to EPO documentation for the national patent offices B‑IX, 5
Accorded date of filing and content of the application still subject to review G‑IV, 5.1.2
Debit orders for deposit accounts held with the EPO A‑II, 1.5
Deposit accounts with the EPO A‑X, 4.2
Safety provision for late replenishment of deposit accounts A‑X, 6.2.2
Activity of the opposition division D‑IV, 2
Adaptation of the description C‑V, 4.5
Additional European searches B‑II, 4.2
Additional fee
Additional fee (if application documents comprise more than 35 pages) A‑III, 13.2
Additional fee for a European patent application A‑III, 13.2
Additional fee for divisional applications of second or subsequent generations A‑IV,
Additional fee for divisional applications A‑III, 13.3
Additional fee for divisional applications of second or subsequent generations A‑IV,
Additional fee for pages A‑II, 5.6, A‑II, 6.8
Correction of erroneously filed application documents or parts A‑II, 6.8
Late filing of missing drawings or missing parts of the description A‑II, 5.6
Additional search D‑VI, 5
Invitation to pay additional search fees combined with invitation to restrict the scope of the search C‑III, 3.2.3
Limitation to searched invention, no additional search fees paid C‑III, 3.2.1
Refund of additional search fees C‑III, 3.4
Additional search fees paid C‑III, 3.2.2
Limitation to searched invention, no additional search fees paid C‑III, 3.2.1
Additional searches during examination C‑IV, 7.3
Adherence to the text of the European patent submitted or approved by the patent proprietor D‑VI, 2
Basis for the examination D‑VI, 2.1
Revocation of the patent D‑VI, 2.2
Adjournment of oral proceedings due to lack of time E‑III, 8.11.2
Administrative fees A‑XI, 1, A‑XI, 2.2, E‑XIV, 3
Administrative structure D‑II, 1
Admissibility H‑VI, 2.1, H‑VI, 3.1
Admissibility in opposition and limitation proceedings H‑VI, 2.1.1
Errors in the description, claims and drawings H‑VI,
Admissibility in opposition procedure H‑II, 3
Amendments in reply to the notice of opposition H‑II, 3.1
Amendments not related to the grounds for opposition H‑II, 3.2
Amendments occasioned by national rights H‑II, 3.3
Insistence on inadmissible amendments H‑II, 3.4
Late-filed requests in opposition proceedings H‑II, 3.5
Admissibility in the examination procedure H‑II, 2
Admissibility in the examination procedure, after receipt of the search report - Rule 137(2) H‑II, 2.2
Admissibility in the examination procedure, at an advanced stage of the proceedings H‑II, 2.4
Admissibility in the examination procedure, before receipt of the search report - Rule 137(1) H‑II, 2.1
Admissibility in the examination procedure, further requests for amendment after approval H‑II, 2.6
Amendments filed in reply to a Rule 71(3) communication H‑II, 2.5
Late-filed requests after summons to oral proceedings in examination H‑II, 2.7
Admissibility in the examination procedure, after receipt of the first communication - Rule 137(3) H‑II, 2.3
Examples of the exercise of discretion under Rule 137(3) H‑II, 2.3.1
Admissibility of amendments C‑V, 4.4, H-II, H-III
Admissibility of amendments made by the applicant C‑IV, 6
Amendments and Corrections H-II
Amendments in limitation procedure H‑II, 4
Amendments in the case of non-unity H‑II, 6
Amendments required by a limitation of the search under Rule 62a and/or Rule 63 H‑II, 5
Auxiliary requests H‑III, 3
Calculation of claims fees H‑III, 5
Different texts in respect of different contracting states H‑III, 4
Procedure for amendments to documents H‑III, 2
Request for amendments or corrections in reply to the Rule 71(3) communication C‑V, 4.4
Admissibility of auxiliary requests H‑III, 3.3.2
Criteria for admissibility of auxiliary requests H‑III,
Timeliness and structure of auxiliary requests H‑III,
Admissibility of the request E‑VIII, 3.1
Entitlement to file the request E‑VIII, 3.1.2
Form of the request and applicable time limit E‑VIII, 3.1.3
Substantiation of the request E‑VIII, 3.1.4
Time limits covered E‑VIII, 3.1.1
Correction of errors in decisions H‑VI, 3.1
Corrections of errors in documents filed with the EPO H‑VI, 2.1
Decision concerning the admissibility of an opposition, the patent proprietor being a party D‑IV, 5.5
Examination of the admissibility of an intervention and preparations in the event of an intervention D‑IV, 5.6
Admissible languages on filing A‑VII, 1
Art. 61 applications A‑VII, 1.3
European divisional applications A‑VII, 1.3
Filing by reference A‑VII, 1.2
Invitation to file the translation A‑VII, 1.4
Admissible non‑EPO languages A‑VII, 3.2
Admission of the public to proceedings E‑III, 8.1
Aesthetic creations G‑II, 3.4
Agreement on secrecy G‑IV, 7.2.2
Agreement reached on a text - second Rule 71(3) communication C‑V, 4.7.2
Amendments not admitted and/or not allowable, examination resumed, no agreement reached on a text C‑V, 4.7.3
Agriculture, industrial application G‑III, 1
Aim of the search B‑II, 2
Allocation of duties and appointment of members of the opposition division D‑II, 3
Allocation of individual duties D‑II, 7
Allocation of tasks to members D‑II, 5
Allocation of the application C‑II, 2
Allowability H‑VI, 2.2
Allowability of amendments H-IV, H-V
Amendments and Corrections H-IV, H-V
Amendments derived from drawings H‑V, 6
Amendments in claims H‑V, 3
Amendments in the description H‑V, 2
Amendments relating to unsearched matter H‑IV, 4
Amendments to drawings H‑V, 5
Changes in claim category in opposition H‑V, 7
Changes in the title H‑V, 8
Compliance of amendments with other EPC requirements H‑IV, 5
Disclaimers H‑V, 4
Allowability of amendments under Art. 123(2) H‑IV, 2
Content of the application as "originally" filed H‑IV, 2.2, H‑IV, 2.3
Special applications H‑IV, 2.3
Allowability of amendments under Art. 123(3) H‑IV, 3
Assessment of impermissible extension of the protection conferred H‑IV, 3.4
Basic principles H‑IV, 3.1
Conflicts between Art. 123(2) and Art. 123(3) H‑IV, 3.5
Conflicts between Art. 123(3) and other requirements of the EPC H‑IV, 3.6
Protection conferred by the patent as granted H‑IV, 3.2
Version of the granted patent to be considered H‑IV, 3.3
Allowability of the correction of bibliographic data H‑VI, 3.2
Concept of "clear allowability" H‑II, 2.7.1
Correction of description, claims and drawings H‑VI, 2.2.1
Missing parts of description, missing drawings or correction of erroneously filed application documents filed as corrections under Rule 139 H‑VI, 2.2.2
Alteration, excision or addition of text in the description H‑V, 2.6
Alternatives in a claim F‑IV, 3.7
Amended claims F‑V, 6
Bringing the description into line with amended claims H‑V, 2.7
Examples, no amended claims filed with the appeal E‑XII, 7.4.1
Amended claims, missing parts (Rule 56) or erroneously filed application documents or parts (Rule 56a) B‑III, 3.3
General considerations B‑III, 3.3.1
Specific rules applicable to Euro-PCT applications B‑III, 3.3.2
Amended main/single request filed with the appeal E‑XII, 7.4.2
Admissibility of amendments made by the applicant C‑IV, 6
Allowability of amendments under Art. 123(2) H‑IV, 2
Allowability of amendments under Art. 123(3) H‑IV, 3
Amendment by submitting missing documents or by filing replacement pages H‑III, 2.2
Amendment of application A-V, A‑V, 2
Communications concerning formal deficiencies A‑V, 1
Correction of errors in documents filed with the EPO A‑V, 3
Examination of amendments as to formalities A‑V, 2.2
Filing of amendments A‑V, 2.1
Amendments and corrections Part H, H‑II, 2.6
Admissibility of amendments H-II, H-III
Allowability of amendments H-IV, H-V
Correction of errors H-VI
Other procedural matters H-III
Right to amend H-I
Amendments derived from drawings H‑V, 6
Amendments filed in preparation for or during oral proceedings E‑VI, 2.2.2
Amendments filed in reply to a Rule 71(3) communication H‑II, 2.5
Amendments filed in reply to a Rule 71(3) communication, further course of proceedings H‑II, 2.5.2
Criteria for admitting such amendments H‑II, 2.5.1
Exceptional case where amendments must be admitted H‑II, 2.5.3
Rule 137(4) applies to amendments filed at this stage H‑II, 2.5.4
Amendments in claims H‑V, 3
Amendments in claims, further cases of broadening of claims H‑V, 3.4
Amendments relating to ranges H‑V, 3.5
Deletion of part of the claimed subject-matter H‑V, 3.3
Inclusion of additional features H‑V, 3.2
Replacement or removal of features from a claim H‑V, 3.1
Amendments in limitation procedure H‑II, 4
Amendments in reply to the notice of opposition H‑II, 3.1
Amendments in the case of non-unity H‑II, 6
Amendments in the case of non-unity, no restriction to a single invention searched H‑II, 6.3
Restriction to a single, searched invention H‑II, 6.1
Restriction to an unsearched invention H‑II, 6.2
Amendments in the case of non-unity, further procedural aspects concerning Euro-PCT applications H‑II, 6.4
Where the EPO does not perform a supplementary search H‑II, 6.4.1
Where the EPO performs a supplementary search H‑II, 6.4.2
Amendments in the description H‑V, 2
Alteration, excision or addition of text in the description H‑V, 2.6
Bringing the description into line with amended claims H‑V, 2.7
Clarification of a technical effect H‑V, 2.1
Introduction of further examples and new effects H‑V, 2.2
Reference document H‑V, 2.5
Revision of stated technical problem H‑V, 2.4
Supplementary technical information H‑V, 2.3
Amendments made by applicants of their own volition C‑III, 2
Amendments made in response to the search opinion C‑III, 2.1
Amendments made in response to the WO‑ISA, IPER or supplementary international search report C‑III, 2.2
Amendments made by the EPO at the request of a party H‑III, 2.4
Amendments not admitted and/or not allowable, examination resumed C‑V, 4.7
Agreement reached on a text - second Rule 71(3) communication C‑V, 4.7.2
Amendments not admitted and/or not allowable, examination resumed, no agreement reached on a text C‑V, 4.7.3
Communications/oral proceedings/refusal after resumption C‑V, 4.7.1
Refusal C‑V, 4.7.3
Amendments not related to the grounds for opposition H‑II, 3.2
Amendments occasioned by national rights H‑II, 3.3
Amendments or corrections should be reasoned C‑V, 4.3
Amendments relating to unsearched matter H‑IV, 4
Euro-PCT applications H‑IV, 4.2
Amendments required by a limitation of the search under Rule 62a and/or Rule 63 H‑II, 5
Amendments to drawings A‑IX, 10, H‑V, 5
Allowability of amendments H‑V, 5
Drawings A‑IX, 10
Amendments using copies H‑III, 2.3
Amendments withdrawn or superseded in the Rule 137(4) period H‑III, 2.1.2
Amendments/corrections admitted and allowable - second Rule 71(3) communication sent C‑V, 4.6
Examining division proposes amendments in second Rule 71(3) communication C‑V, 4.6.3
Second Rule 71(3) communication based on higher-ranking request initially rejected in first Rule 71(3) communication C‑V, 4.6.2
Second Rule 71(3) communication reversing the amendments proposed by the examining division in first Rule 71(3) communication C‑V, 4.6.1
Amendments/corrections filed in second Rule 71(3) period C‑V, 4.10
Anticipation of amendments to claims B‑III, 3.5
Comments and amendments in response to the search opinion B‑XI, 3.3
Compliance of amendments with other EPC requirements H‑IV, 5
Compliance of amendments with other EPC requirements, in examination proceedings H‑IV, 5.2
Compliance of amendments with other EPC requirements, in limitation proceedings H‑IV, 5.4
Compliance of amendments with other EPC requirements, in opposition proceedings H‑IV, 5.3
Distinction between allowable and unallowable amendments D‑V, 6.2
Earlier filed amendments or comments E‑IX, 3.3.1
Examination of amendments C‑IV, 5
Facts, evidence or amendments introduced at a late stage E‑III, 8.6
Handwritten amendments in oral proceedings E‑III, 8.7
Indication of amendments and their basis under Rule 137(4) H‑III, 2.1
Indication of the amendments made in the requests and of their basis H‑III, 3.3.1
Insistence on inadmissible amendments H‑II, 3.4
Invitation to file comments and amendments C‑III, 4.2
Procedure for amendments to documents H‑III, 2
Refusal to admit amendments under Rule 137(3) E‑X, 2.11
Request for amendments or corrections in reply to the Rule 71(3) communication C‑V, 4
Request for amendments or corrections in reply to the Rule 71(3) communication, no payment of fees or filing of translations necessary C‑V, 4.1
Standard marks for indicating amendments or corrections by the divisions C-V, An.
Standard marks for indicating amendments or corrections by the divisions, further communication with the applicant C‑VIII, 5
Standard marks for indicating amendments or corrections by the divisions, further ways to accelerate examination C‑VI, 3
Use of Rule 137(4) for amendments filed during oral proceedings in examination E‑III, 8.8
Withdrawal of amendments/abandonment of subject matter H‑III, 2.5
Amino acid sequences (Applications relating to nucleotide and ~) A‑IV, 5
Amount of fee payable A‑X, 6.2.4
Amount of the fee A‑X, 5.1.2
Amount paid insufficient A‑III, 11.3.3
Amount payable A‑III, 11.3.7
Analysing the parties' arguments E‑X, 2.8
Analysis of the application B‑IV, 1.1
Analysis of the application and content of the search opinion B‑XI, 3
Comments and amendments in response to the search opinion B‑XI, 3.3
Contribution to the known art B‑XI, 3.5
EPC requirements B‑XI, 3.6
Making suggestions B‑XI, 3.8
Positive opinion B‑XI, 3.9
Reasoning B‑XI, 3.2
Scope of first analysis for generally deficient applications B‑XI, 3.4
Search division's approach B‑XI, 3.7
Search division's dossier B‑XI, 3.1
Ancillary proceedings D‑II, 4.3
Animal varieties
Excluded from patentability G‑II, 5.4, G‑II, 5.5.1
Plant and animal varieties or essentially biological processes for the production of plants or animals G‑II, 5.4
Essentially biological processes for the production of plants or animals G‑II, 5.4.2
Plant and animal varieties or essentially biological processes for the production of plants or animals G‑II, 5.4
Processes for the production of animals G‑II, 5.4, G‑II, 5.4.2
Antibodies G‑II, 6
Inventive step of antibodies G‑II, 6.2
Anticipation of amendments to claims B‑III, 3.5
Appeal E-XII
Accelerated processing before the boards of appeal E‑VIII, 6
Amended main/single request filed with the appeal E‑XII, 7.4.2
Appeal against the fixing of costs by the opposition division D‑IX, 2.2
Appeal fee
Refund of the appeal fee A‑X, 10.2.6
Reimbursement A‑X, 10.2.6
Reimbursement of appeal fees E‑XII, 7.3
Appeal, interlocutory revision E‑XII, 1, E‑XII, 7.3
Appeal, surrender or lapse of the patent E‑XII, 2
Appeal, time limit and form of appeal E‑XII, 6
Appeals after surrender or lapse of the patent E‑XII, 2
Appeals against the apportionment of costs E‑XII, 3
Appeals against the decision of the opposition division on the fixing of costs E‑XII, 4
Binding nature of decisions on appeals E‑X, 4
Examples, no amended claims filed with the appeal E‑XII, 7.4.1
Fees for limitation/revocation, opposition, appeal, petition for review A‑X, 5.2.6
Interlocutory revision E‑XII, 7
Main and auxiliary requests filed with the appeal E‑XII, 7.4.3
Persons entitled to appeal E‑XII, 5
Persons entitled to appeal and to be parties to appeal proceedings E‑XII, 5
Remittal to the board of appeal E‑XII, 7.2
Remittal to the examining or opposition division after appeal E‑XII, 9
Response to communication pursuant to Rule 58 filed with the appeal E‑XII, 7.4.4
Rules of Procedure of the Boards of Appeal E‑XII, 8
Stay of proceedings when a referral to the Enlarged Board of Appeal is pending E‑VII, 3
Suspensive effect E‑XII, 1
Time limit and form of appeal E‑XII, 6
Appearance before the national court E‑XIII, 5.6
Admissibility of amendments made by the applicant C‑IV, 6
Amendments made by applicants of their own volition C‑III, 2
Applicant does not approve the text proposed for grant H‑III, 3.3.6
Applicant has not paid all further search fees B‑VII, 1.2.3
Arguments and evidence submitted by the applicant G‑VII, 11
Consequences for the applicant F‑V, 4.2
Contact between the applicant and the search division B‑II, 1.1
Death or legal incapacity of the applicant E‑VII, 1.1
Different applicants A‑II, 2
Documents cited or supplied by the applicant B‑IV, 1.3
Information concerning the applicant A‑II, 4.1.2
Information on the applicant A‑III, 4.2.1
Joint applicants A‑II, 2
Re-establishment of rights A‑III, 6.6, E‑IX,
Standard marks for indicating amendments or corrections by the divisions, further communication with the applicant C‑VIII, 5
Transmittal of the abstract to the applicant F‑II, 2.6
Accelerated prosecution of European patent applications E‑VIII, 4
Accorded date of filing and content of the application still subject to review G‑IV, 5.1.2
Additional fee for divisional applications A‑III, 13.3
Additional fee for divisional applications of second or subsequent generations A‑IV,
Allocation of the application C‑II, 2
Amendment of application A-V, A‑V, 2
Amendments in the case of non-unity, further procedural aspects concerning Euro-PCT applications H‑II, 6.4
Analysis of the application B‑IV, 1.1
Analysis of the application and content of the search opinion B‑XI, 3
Application deemed withdrawn A‑III, 11.3.4, C‑V, 3
Application documents
Additional fee (if application documents comprise more than 35 pages) A‑III, 13.2
Amended claims, missing parts (Rule 56) or erroneously filed application documents or parts (Rule 56a) B‑III, 3.3
Application documents filed under Rule 56 EPC, Rule 56a EPC, Rule 20.5 PCT or Rule 20.5bis PCT B‑XI, 2.1
Application documents filed under Rule 56 or Rule 56a C‑III, 1.1.1
Application documents for the supplementary European search report B‑II, 4.3.3
Correct application documents based on priority application, no change in the filing date A‑II, 6.4
Correct application documents or parts filed after the search has started A‑II, 6.7
Correction of erroneously filed application documents or parts A‑II, 6, A‑II, 6.1, A‑II, 6.2
Deficiencies A‑III, 16.2, A‑V, 2.2, B‑IV, 1.2
Erroneously filed application documents or parts under Rule 56a H‑IV, 2.2.3
For international (Euro-PCT) applications B‑III, 3.3.2, E‑IX, 2.1.1, E‑IX, 4.3
Later-filed correct application documents or parts when priority is claimed A‑II, 6.4.1
Missing parts of description, missing drawings or correction of erroneously filed application documents filed as corrections under Rule 139 H‑VI, 2.2.2
Parts A‑III, 13.2
Physical requirements of late-filed application documents or correct application documents or parts A‑III, 3.2.2
Withdrawal of correct application documents or parts A‑II, 6.5
Application filed by reference to a previously filed application A‑IV, 4.1.2
Sequence listings of an application filed by reference to a previously filed application A‑IV, 5.3
Application numbering systems A‑II, 1.7
Applications filed before 1 January 2002 A‑II, 1.7.1
Applications filed on or after 1 January 2002 A‑II, 1.7.2
Application of known measures? G-VII, An., 1
Applications containing claims filed after the accorded filing date B‑XI, 2.2
Applications falling under Rule 62a and lacking unity B‑VIII, 4.5
Applications falling under Rule 63 and lacking unity B‑VIII, 3.4
Applications filed by reference to an earlier application H‑IV, 2.3.1
Applications for which a supplementary European search report is prepared E‑IX, 3.1, E‑IX, 3.2
Applications giving rise to a right of priority A‑III, 6.2
Applications relating to biological material A‑IV, 4
Availability of deposited biological material to expert only A‑IV, 4.3
Biological material A‑IV, 4.1
Deposit of such A‑IV, 4.1
Missing information A‑IV, 4.2
Notification A‑IV, 4.2
Requests for samples of biological material A‑IV, 4.4
Applications relating to nucleotide and amino acid sequences A‑IV, 5
Sequence information filed under Rule 56 A‑IV, 5.1
Sequence information filed under Rule 56a A‑IV, 5.2
Sequence listings of a divisional application A‑IV, 5.4
Sequence listings of an application filed by reference to a previously filed application A‑IV, 5.3
Applications resulting from a decision under Art. 61 C‑IX, 2, H‑IV, 2.3.3
Entitlement for certain designated states only C‑IX, 2.4
Original application no longer pending C‑IX, 2.2
Partial entitlement C‑IX, 2.3
Applications under the Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT) E-IX
Communication according to Rule 161 E‑IX, 3
EPO as designated or elected Office E‑IX, 2
Examination procedure E‑IX, 4
Applications where a reservation has been entered in accordance with Art. 167(2)(a) EPC 1973 C‑IX, 3
Art. 61 applications A‑VII, 1.3
Art. 61 applications and stay of proceedings under Rule 14 A‑IV, 2
Authentic text of the application or patent A‑VII, 8
Certified copy of the previous application (priority document) F‑VI, 3.3
Claims fees payable on filing the European patent application A‑X, 7.3.1
Classification of the European patent application B‑X, 5
Confirmation of the intention to proceed further with the application C‑II, 1.1
Conflict with other European applications G‑IV, 5
Conflicting applications B‑VI, 4
Content of a European patent application (other than claims) F-II
Content of the application as "originally" filed H‑IV, 2.2, H‑IV, 2.3
Conversion into a national application A‑IV, 6
Copy of the international application E‑IX, 2.1.2
Copy of the previous application (priority document) A‑III, 6.7
Copy of the priority application A‑II, 5.4.3, A‑II, 6.4.2
CPC classification of the application B‑V, 4
Date of filing of a divisional application A‑IV, 1.2
Determination of filing date in the case of erroneously filed elements or parts of the international application E‑IX, 2.9.4
Disclaimer disclosed in the application as originally filed H‑V, 4.1
Disclaimers not disclosed in the application as originally filed H‑V, 4.2
Divisional application C‑IX, 1, E‑IX, 2.4.1, H‑IV, 2.3.2
Documents cited in the application B‑X, 9.2.7
Documents filed after filing the European patent application A‑VIII, 3.1
Documents forming part of the European patent application A‑VIII, 3.2
Documents making up the application, replacement documents, translations A‑III, 3.2
Documents making up the European patent application A‑VIII, 2.1
Entitled persons A‑II, 2
Euro-PCT applications C‑II, 1.2, C‑III, 1.2, C‑III, 1.3, F‑V, 7, G‑IV, 5.2, H‑IV, 4.2
Euro-PCT applications entering the European phase A‑III, 11.2.5
Euro-PCT applications entering the European phase before 1 April 2009 A‑III, 11.3.9
European divisional application A‑IV, 1, A‑VII, 1.3
European divisional applications, other formalities examination A‑IV, 1.7
European patent application C‑III, 1.1, Part F
European patent applications filed before 1 April 2009 A‑III, 11.3
European patent applications filed on or after 1 April 2009 A‑III, 11.2
Examination of a divisional application C‑IX, 1.4
Extension and validation of European patent applications and patents to/in states not party to the EPC A‑III, 12
Fees paid by bank transfer - application of Art. 7(3) and (4) RFees A‑X, 6.2.1
File inspection before publication of the application A‑XI, 2.5
Filing a divisional application A‑IV, 1.3, C‑III, 3.3
Filing a new application A‑IV, 2.5
Filing of applications and examination on filing A-II
Filing of applications by delivery by hand or by postal services A‑II, 1.2
Filing of applications by fax A‑II, 1.1.2
Filing of applications by means of electronic communication A‑II, 1.1
Filing of applications by other means A‑II, 1.3
Filing of applications in electronic form A‑II, 1.1.1
First application F‑VI, 1.4
Forwarding of applications A‑II, 1.6
Further action upon examination of replies, further action where a request for a translation of the priority application was sent earlier in examination proceedings C‑IV, 3.1
Identification of the European patent application and the search report type B‑X, 4
Industrial application B‑VIII, 1, D‑III, 5, F‑II, 4.9, G‑I, 1, G‑II, 5.2, G-III, G‑III, 1, G‑III, 4
Industrial application vs. exclusion under Art. 52(2) G‑III, 3
Instructions in Chapter A‑II ("Filing of applications and examination on filing") E‑IX, 2.2
Instructions in Chapter A‑VI ("Publication of application; request for examination and transmission of the dossier to examining division") E‑IX, 2.5
Intermediate publication of another European application F‑VI, 2.4.2
Intermediate publication of the contents of the priority application F‑VI, 2.4.1
International application H‑IV, 2.3.4
International applications (Euro-PCT applications) C‑IX, 4
International applications with supplementary search F‑V, 7.2
International applications without supplementary search F‑V, 7.1
IPC classification of the application B‑V, 3
Limitation of the option to withdraw the European patent application A‑IV, 2.3
Missing parts of the description or missing drawings are completely contained in the priority application A‑II, 5.4.2
Missing parts of the description or missing drawings based on the priority application, no change in filing date A‑II, 5.4
Multiple priorities claimed for different inventions in the application with an intermediate publication of one of the inventions F‑VI, 2.4.3
Pendency of the earlier application A‑IV, 1.1.1
Persons entitled to file a divisional application A‑IV, 1.1.3
Persons entitled to file an application A‑II, 2
Physical requirements of applications filed by reference to a previously filed application A‑III, 3.2.1
Potentially conflicting European and international applications B‑VI, 4.1
Preclassification, IPC and CPC classification of European patent applications B-V
Priority claim of a divisional application A‑IV, 1.2.2
Prosecution of the application by a third party A‑IV, 2.4
Publication of application A-VI, A‑VI, 1
Publication of application, no publication A‑VI, 1.2
Publication of bibliographic data before publication of the application A‑XI, 2.6
Publication of the international application E‑IX, 2.5.1
Published European patent applications as "E" documents B‑VI, 4.1.1
Published international applications (WO) as "E" documents B‑VI, 4.1.2
Reduction and refunds of fees in respect of international (PCT) applications E‑IX, 2.6
Reference to a previously filed application A‑II,
Refusal of the earlier application A‑IV, 2.6
Scope of application of Rule 134 E‑VIII,
Scope of first analysis for generally deficient applications B‑XI, 3.4
Search division has more than one member, further searches in a different technical field for a non-unitary application B‑I, 2.2.2
Search for conflicting European patent applications C‑IV, 7.1
Search, publication and request for examination of divisional applications A‑IV, 1.8
Searches on national applications B‑II, 4.6
Sequences of divisional applications A‑IV, 1.1.2
Situation in which it has to be checked whether the application from which priority is actually claimed is the "first application" within the meaning of Art. 87(1) F‑VI, 2.4.4
Special applications C-IX, H‑IV, 2.3
Specific rules applicable to Euro-PCT applications B‑III, 3.3.2
Subject-matter to be excluded is disclosed in the application as originally filed H‑V, 4.2.2
Subject-matter to be excluded is not disclosed in the application as originally filed (so-called undisclosed disclaimers) H‑V, 4.2.1
Subsequent application considered as first application F‑VI, 1.4.1
Substantive examination of a Euro-PCT application accompanied by an IPER E‑IX, 4.3
Summary of the processing of applications and patents at the EPO General Part, 5
Transfer of the European patent application E‑XIV, 3
Translation of previous application already filed A‑III, 6.8.4
Translation of the application A‑III, 14
Translation of the international application E‑IX, 2.1.3
Translation of the previous application A‑III, 6.8, F‑VI, 3.4
Translation of the priority application A‑II, 5.4.4, A‑II, 6.4.3
Unpublished patent applications B‑IX, 2.2
Voluntary filing of the translation of the previous application A‑III, 6.8.5
Where and how applications may be filed A‑II, 1
Where and how to file a divisional application A‑IV, 1.3.1
Withdrawal of application or designation E‑VIII, 8.1
Approval of the proposed text C‑V, 2
Request for unitary effect C‑V, 2.1
Arbitrary choice G‑VII, 10.1
Arguments and evidence submitted by the applicant G‑VII, 11
Arrangement of claims F‑IV, 3.5
Arrows A‑IX, 7.5.2
Art. 124 and the utilisation scheme B‑XI, 9
Art. 61 applications A‑VII, 1.3
Art. 61 applications and stay of proceedings under Rule 14 A‑IV, 2
Filing a new application A‑IV, 2.5
Limitation of the option to withdraw the European patent application A‑IV, 2.3
Partial transfer of right by virtue of a final decision A‑IV, 2.7
Prosecution of the application by a third party A‑IV, 2.4
Refusal of the earlier application A‑IV, 2.6
Stay of proceedings for grant A‑IV, 2.2
Art. 83 vs. Art. 123(2) F‑III, 2
Claims (Art. 84 and formal requirements) F-IV
Rule 137(3) in conjunction with Art. 84 - missing essential feature H‑II,
Artificial intelligence and machine learning G‑II, 3.3.1
Ascertaining whether there is a fallback position B‑III, 3.2.5
Asking for evidence E‑IV, 4.4
Assessment and possible review of the unity requirement B‑VII, 1.4
Assessment of impermissible extension of the protection conferred H‑IV, 3.4
Assessment of unity F‑V, 3
Determination of the invention first mentioned in the claims F‑V, 3.4
Grouping of inventions F‑V, 3.2
Non-unity and prior art F‑V, 3.1
Reasoning for a lack of unity objection F‑V, 3.3
Associations A‑VIII, 1.2
Authentic text of the application or patent A‑VII, 8
Authentication and dates B‑X, 10
Authorisations A‑IV, 1.6, A‑VIII, 1.1, A‑VIII, 1.6
Checking the identity and authorisations of participants at oral proceedings E‑III, 8.3.1
European divisional applications A‑IV, 1.6
Representatives A‑VIII, 1.1
Authoritative text of documents E‑X, 2.2
Authorities (Taking of evidence by courts or ~ of the contracting states) E‑IV, 3
Authorities of the Contracting States (Taking of evidence by courts or ~) E‑IV, 3
Automatic debiting procedure A‑X, 4.3
Auxiliary requests H‑III, 3
Auxiliary requests, in examination proceedings H‑III, 3.3
Admissibility of auxiliary requests H‑III, 3.3.2
Applicant does not approve the text proposed for grant H‑III, 3.3.6
Complete text for auxiliary request available H‑III, 3.3.5
Complete text for auxiliary request not yet available H‑III, 3.3.4
Indication of the amendments made in the requests and of their basis H‑III, 3.3.1
Preparing the decision H‑III, 3.3.3
Auxiliary requests, in limitation proceedings H‑III, 3.5
Oral proceedings H‑III, 3.5.3
Written procedure H‑III, 3.5.2
Auxiliary requests, in opposition proceedings H‑III, 3.4
Oral proceedings H‑III, 3.4.2
Written procedure H‑III, 3.4.1
Auxiliary requests, in the search phase H‑III, 3.2
Criteria for admissibility of auxiliary requests H‑III,
Main and auxiliary requests E‑X, 2.9
Main and auxiliary requests filed with the appeal E‑XII, 7.4.3
Neither main nor auxiliary requests allowable H‑III, 3.1.3
Rule 137(3) in conjunction with auxiliary requests H‑II,
Timeliness and structure of auxiliary requests H‑III,
Availability of deposited biological material to expert only A‑IV, 4.3
Awarding of costs (Decision concerning the ~ by the opposition division) D‑II, 4.2