Green tech in focus
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Innovation in sustainable technologies has a crucial role to play in tackling the world’s most pressing challenges. This section takes you on a journey through some of the ground-breaking advances to date and provides glimpses of what is to come. In each area of innovation, you will also discover the contributions of individual inventors and patent information concerning the relevant technologies.

Renewable energies
Explore the latest trends in the key technologies that will help achieve carbon neutrality.
- Solar energy
- Hydropower and ocean energy
- Wind energy
- Biofuels

Energy transition technologies
Discover how these cross-cutting technologies will help enable the energy transition.
- Carbon capture
- Hydrogen
- Smart grids
- Batteries

Building a greener future
The built environment is about to be transformed, along with the way we produce materials and food.
- Cement industry
- Green lighting
- Green iron and steel
- Green transportation
- Smart agriculture
- Plastics and plastic recycling