Alphabetical Keyword Index
Alphabetical Keyword Index
A revised version of this publication entered into force. |
Earlier filed amendments or comments E‑IX, 3.3.1
Early processing E‑IX, 2.8
Economic effects G‑II, 4.1.3
Effect of change in priority date E‑VIII, 1.5
Effectiveness and efficiency of the search B‑III, 2.2
Elected Office
EPO as designated or elected Office E‑IX, 2
Review by the EPO as a designated/elected Office and rectification of errors made by the receiving Office or the International Bureau E‑IX, 2.9
Electronic notification E‑II, 2.4
Electronic version of document cited B‑X, 11.2
Employees of the EPO (Language used by ~) E‑V, 5
Enabling disclosure G‑IV, 2
Enabling disclosure of a prior-art document G‑VI, 4
End of search B‑IV, 2.6
Enforcement of the fixing of costs D‑IX, 3
Enlarged Board of Appeal (Stay of proceedings when a referral to the ~ is pending) E‑VII, 3
Enlargement of the examining division C‑VIII, 7
Enquiries E‑VIII, 7
Entitlement for certain designated states only C‑IX, 2.4
Entitlement of parties to put questions at hearings E‑IV, 1.6.7
Entitlement to file the request E‑VIII, 3.1.2
Entitlement to oppose D‑I, 4
Entitlements of witnesses and experts E‑IV, 1.10
Details of the entitlements of witnesses and experts E‑IV, 1.10.3
Expenses for travel and subsistence E‑IV, 1.10.1
Loss of earnings, fees E‑IV, 1.10.2
Entry into the European phase E‑IX, 2.1
Copy of the international application E‑IX, 2.1.2
Filing fee, designation fee, request for examination and search fee E‑IX, 2.1.4
Initial processing and formal examination E‑IX, 2.1.2
Requirements for entry into the European phase E‑IX, 2.1.1
Translation of the international application E‑IX, 2.1.3
EPO as designated or elected Office E‑IX, 2
Communication to the EPO as a designated Office E‑IX, 2.7
Early processing E‑IX, 2.8
Entry into the European phase E‑IX, 2.1
Inspection of files E‑IX, 2.10
Instructions in Chapter A‑II ("Filing of applications and examination on filing") E‑IX, 2.2
Instructions in Chapter A‑III ("Examination of formal requirements") E‑IX, 2.3
Instructions in Chapter A‑IV ("Special provisions") E‑IX, 2.4
Instructions in Chapter A‑VI ("Publication of application; request for examination and transmission of the dossier to examining division") E‑IX, 2.5
Reduction and refunds of fees in respect of international (PCT) applications E‑IX, 2.6
Review by the EPO as a designated/elected Office and rectification of errors made by the receiving Office or the International Bureau E‑IX, 2.9
Erroneous elements filed under Rule 20.5bis PCT C‑III, 1.3
Erroneously filed application documents or parts under Rule 56a H‑IV, 2.2.3
Error margins in numerical values G‑VI, 8.1
Errors in documents A‑V, 3, A‑VI, 1.3, H‑VI, 2
Correction of errors in documents filed with the EPO A‑V, 3, H‑VI, 2
Errors in prior-art documents G‑IV, 9
Errors in publication H‑VI, 6
Errors in the description, claims and drawings H‑VI,
Errors in the search report B‑IV, 3.3
Essential features F‑IV, 4.5
Definition of essential features F‑IV, 4.5.2
Examples concerning essential features F‑IV, An.
Generalisation of essential features F‑IV, 4.5.3
Implicit features F‑IV, 4.5.4
Objections arising from missing essential features F‑IV, 4.5.1
Essentially biological processes for the production of plants or animals G‑II, 5.4.2
Plant and animal varieties or essentially biological processes for the production of plants or animals G‑II, 5.4
Establishing the publication date G‑IV, 7.5.1
Establishment and issue of the technical opinion E‑XIII, 5.4
Euro PCT
Euro-PCT applications C‑II, 1.2, C‑III, 1.2, C‑III, 1.3, F‑V, 7, G‑IV, 5.2, H‑IV, 4.2
Amendments in the case of non-unity further procedural aspects concerning Euro-PCT applications H‑II, 6.4
Amendments relating to unsearched matter H‑IV, 4.2
Conflict with other European applications G‑IV, 5.2
Euro-PCT applications entering the European phase before 1 April 2009 A‑III, 11.3.9
International applications (Euro-PCT applications) C‑IX, 4
International applications with supplementary search F‑V, 7.2
International applications without supplementary search F‑V, 7.1
International preliminary examination report (IPER) F‑V, 7.3
Request for examination C‑II, 1.2
Restricted IPER F‑V, 7.4
Specific rules applicable to Euro-PCT applications B‑III, 3.3.2
Unity of invention F‑V, 7
Euro-PCT applications entering the European phase A‑III, 11.2.5
Euro-PCT applications entering the European phase before 1 April 2009 A‑III, 11.3.9
Euro-PCT cases F‑III, 6.5
European applications C‑III, 1.1
Application documents filed under Rule 56 or Rule 56a C‑III, 1.1.1
Claims filed after accordance of a date of filing C‑III, 1.1.2
Conflict with other European applications G‑IV, 5
Published European applications as "E" documents B‑VI, 4.1.1
Search for conflicting European applications C‑IV, 7.1
European divisional application A‑IV, 1, A‑VII, 1.3
Authorisations A‑IV, 1.6
Claiming priority A‑IV, 1.2
Date of filing of a divisional application A‑IV, 1.2
Designation of Contracting States A‑IV, 1.3.4
Designation of the inventor A‑IV, 1.5
European divisional applications other formalities examination A‑IV, 1.7
Fees A‑III, 11.2.1, A‑III, 13.1, A‑IV, 1.3.4, A‑IV, 1.4, A‑IV, 1.4.1, A‑IV, 1.4.3
Filing a divisional application A‑IV, 1.3
Inspection of files A‑XI, 2.5
Language A‑IV, 1.3.3, A‑VII, 1.3
Search, publication and request for examination of divisional applications A‑IV, 1.8
European patent
Accelerated prosecution of European patent applications E‑VIII, 4
Adherence to the text of the European patent submitted or approved by the patent proprietor D‑VI, 2
Amendments D‑VIII, 1.4.1
Certificate A‑XI, 5.1, C‑V, 12
Claims fees payable before the grant of the European patent A‑X, 7.3.2
Claims fees payable on filing the European patent application A‑X, 7.3.1
Consultation of the European Patent Register A‑XI, A‑XI, 4
Content of a European patent application (other than claims) F‑II
Conversion into a national patent A‑IV, 6
Designation of the inventor A‑VI, 1.3
Documents filed after filing the European patent application A‑VIII, 3.1
Documents forming part of the European patent application A‑VIII, 3.2
Documents making up the European patent application A‑VIII, 2.1
European patent application
European patent applications filed before 1 April 2009 A‑III, 11.3
European patent applications filed on or after 1 April 2009 A‑III, 11.2
European Patent Bulletin A‑III, 5.2, C‑V, 13
Extension and validation of European patent applications and patents to/in states not party to the EPC A‑III, 12
Factors affecting the unity of the European patent D‑VII, 3.2
Grounds for opposition D‑III, 5
Indication that a European patent is sought A‑II, 4.1.1
Infringement E‑XIII, 1
Inspection of files A‑XI, 1, A‑XI, 2.3
Limitation of the option to withdraw the European patent application A‑IV, 2.3
Maintenance of the European patent as amended D‑VIII, 1.4
Payment or transfer to a bank account held by the European Patent Organisation A‑X, 4.1
Preclassification, IPC and CPC classification of European patent applications B‑V
Preparation of a decision to maintain a European patent in amended form D‑VI, 7.2
Register of European Patents A‑XI, 1
Rejection of the opposition D‑VIII, 1.3
Request from a national court for a technical opinion concerning a European patent E‑XIII
Revocation of the European patent D‑VIII, 1.2
Statement in the decision of the amended form of the European patent D‑VIII, 1.4.2
Subject-matter of the European patent extending beyond the original disclosure D‑V, 6
Transfer during the opposition period or during opposition proceedings E‑XIV, 4
Transfer of the European patent E‑XIV, 4
Transfer of the European patent application E‑XIV, 3
Unity D‑VII, 3.1
Unity of the European patent D‑VII, 3
European patent application
Abstract F‑II, 1
Accelerated prosecution of European patent applications E‑VIII, 4
Additional fee A‑III, 13.2
Amino acid sequences A‑III, 1.2
Application documents A‑III, 13.2
Assignment E‑XIV, 3
Biological material A‑III, 1.2, A‑IV, 4.1.1, A‑IV, 4.2, F‑III, 6.3
Claims (Art. 84 and formal requirements) F‑IV
Claims fees A‑III, 16.2
Claims fees payable on filing the European patent application A‑X, 7.3.1
Content of a European patent application (other than claims) F‑II
Conversion into a national patent application A‑IV, 6
Date of filing A‑IV, 1.2.1
Deficiencies A‑II, 4.1.4
Designation of the inventor A‑VI, 1.3
Disclosure of the invention A‑IV, 4.2
Documents filed after filing the European patent application A‑VIII, 3.1
Documents forming part of the European patent application A‑VIII, 3.2
Documents making up the European patent application A‑VIII, 2.1
Drawings F‑II, 1, F‑IV, 1, F‑VI, 3.4, G‑IV, 3
European patent applications filed before 1 April 2009 A‑III, 11.3
European patent applications filed on or after 1 April 2009 A‑III, 11.2
Examination C‑II, 1
Extension and validation of European patent applications and patents to/in states not party to the EPC A‑III, 12
Filing A‑IV, 1.1
Filing fee A‑III, 13.1, A‑III, 13.2, A‑III, 16.2
Filing of the translation A‑III, 13.1, A‑III, 16.2, A‑IV, 1.3.3, A‑VII, 1.3, A‑VII, 7, A‑X, 9.2.1
Further processing A‑III, 5.4, A‑IV, 5, A‑VI, 2.3, C‑II, 1, C‑II, 1.1, E‑VIII, 2
Inspection of files A‑XI, 1, A‑XI, 2.3
International application as European patent application E‑IX, 2.5.1
Limitation of the option to withdraw the European patent application A‑IV, 2.3
Nucleotide sequences A‑III, 1.2
Persons entitled to file European patent application A‑II, 2
Preclassification, IPC and CPC classification of European patent applications B‑V
Priority F‑VI
Provisional protection E‑IX, 2.5.1
Publication E‑IX, 2.5.1
Re-establishment of rights A‑III, 6.6
Refusal A‑III, 16.2
Request for examination C‑II, 1
Requirements F‑II, 1
Search fee A‑III, 13.1, A‑III, 16.2
State of the art E‑IX, 2.5.1
Sufficiency of disclosure F‑III
Text E‑X, 2.2
Transfer E‑XIV, 3, E‑XIV, 6.1
Transfer of the European patent application E‑XIV, 3
Unity of invention B‑II, 4.2, D‑V, 2.2, F‑V, F‑V, 1, F‑V, 2
European patent applications filed before 1 April 2009 A‑III, 11.3
Amount paid insufficient A‑III, 11.3.3
Amount payable A‑III, 11.3.7
Application deemed to be withdrawn A‑III, 11.3.4
Consequences of non-payment of designation fees A‑III, 11.3.2
Designation fee A‑III, 11.3.1
Euro-PCT applications entering the European phase before 1 April 2009 A‑III, 11.3.9
Indication of the contracting states A‑III, 11.3.6
Request for grant form A‑III, 11.3.5
Time limits A‑III, 11.3.1
Withdrawal of designation A‑III, 11.3.8
European patent applications filed on or after 1 April 2009 A‑III, 11.2
Consequences of non-payment of the designation fee A‑III, 11.2.3
Designation fee A‑III, 11.2.1
Euro-PCT applications entering the European phase A‑III, 11.2.5
Payment of designation fee A‑III, 11.2.2
Time limits A‑III, 11.2.1
Withdrawal of designation A‑III, 11.2.4
European Patent Bulletin A‑III, 5.2, C‑V, 13
Mention of the publication of the European search report A‑VI, 2.1
European Patent Office
As receiving Office E‑IX, 1
International preliminary examination E‑IX, 1
International Searching Authority E‑IX, 1
European Patent Organisation (Payment or transfer to a bank account held by the ~) A‑X, 4.1
European patent specification
Mention of the inventor A‑III, 5.2
New D‑VII, 7
Publication C‑V, 10, C‑V, 11, D‑VII, 7
European search report A‑VI, 1.3, A‑X, 9.3.1, B‑II, 4, B‑II, 4.3, B‑VII, 2.3, B‑X, 4, B‑X, 7, C‑II, 1.2, C‑II, 3.1, C‑IV, 7.3, E‑IX, 2.5.2, F‑V, 7.1, F‑V, 7.2
Application documents for the supplementary European search report B‑II, 4.3.3
Applications for which a supplementary European search report is prepared E‑IX, 3.1, E‑IX, 3.2
Content of the extended European search report (EESR) B‑VIII, 3.3, B‑VIII, 4.3
Dispensing with the supplementary European search report B‑II, 4.3.1
Mention of the publication of the European search report in the European Patent Bulletin A‑VI, 2.1
Partial European search report B‑VII, 1.1, B‑X, 8, F‑III, 1
Publication A‑VI, 2.4
Reaction to the extended European search report (EESR) B‑XI, 8
Separate publication of the European search report A‑VI, 1.5
Subject-matter searched B‑VIII, 1, B‑VIII, 3, B‑X, 8
Supplementary European search report A‑X, 9.3.1, B‑II, 4.3, B‑VII, 2.3, B‑X, 4, B‑XI, 2, B‑XI, 8, C‑II, 1.2, C‑IV, 7.3, E‑IX, 3.1, F‑V, 7.1, F‑V, 7.2
Supplementary European search report is required B‑II, 4.3.2
Where the invention lacks unity B‑VIII, 3.4, B‑VIII, 4.5
European searches B‑II, 4.1
Additional European searches B‑II, 4.2
Supplementary European searches B‑II, 4.3
Evaluation of an expert opinion E‑IV, 4.7
Evaluation of an inspection E‑IV, 4.8
Evaluation of evidence E‑IV, 4
Asking for evidence E‑IV, 4.4
Evaluation of an expert opinion E‑IV, 4.7
Evaluation of an inspection E‑IV, 4.8
Evaluation of the testimony of a witness E‑IV, 4.5
Evaluation of the testimony of parties E‑IV, 4.6
Examination of evidence E‑IV, 4.3
Types of evidence E‑IV, 4.2
Evaluation of prior art documents cited in search report and late priority claim C‑III, 7
Evaluation of the testimony of a witness E‑IV, 4.5
Evaluation of the testimony of parties E‑IV, 4.6
Arguments and evidence submitted by the applicant G‑VII, 11
Asking for evidence E‑IV, 4.4
Conservation of evidence E‑IV, 2
Costs arising from oral proceedings or taking of evidence E‑IV, 1.9
Costs of taking evidence E‑IV, 3.5
Decision on the request and the taking of evidence E‑IV, 2.4
Documents filed as evidence A‑VII, 3.4
Evaluation of evidence E‑IV, 4
Evidence taken by a competent court E‑IV, 3.2.2
Examination of evidence E‑IV, 4.3
Facts, evidence or amendments introduced at a late stage E‑III, 8.6
Facts, evidence or grounds not submitted in due time E‑VI
Language A‑VII, 3.4, A‑VII, 5, E‑VI, 3
Language used in the taking of evidence E‑V, 4
Means of evidence E‑IV, 1.2
Means of giving or taking evidence E‑IV, 3.2
Minutes of taking of evidence E‑IV, 1.7
New facts and evidence E‑VI, 2.2.1
Not submitted in due time E‑VI, 2, E‑VI, 2.2.1
Order to take evidence E‑IV, 1.4
Producing evidence C‑VII, 4.2
Request for the conservation of evidence E‑IV, 2.2
Taking and conservation of evidence E‑IV
Taking of evidence C‑VII, 4, D‑VI, 1, D‑VI, 7.1, E‑IV, 1.1, E‑IV, 1.3, E‑IV, 2.4
Taking of evidence by an appointed person E‑IV, 3.6
Taking of evidence by courts or authorities of the contracting states E‑IV, 3
Taking of evidence by the departments of the EPO E‑IV, 1
Taking of evidence on oath E‑IV, 3.2.1
Types of evidence E‑IV, 4.2
Written evidence C‑VII, 4.3
Evident abuse G‑V, 3
"Ex post facto" analysis G‑VII, 8
Examination C‑II, 1
Abstract in examination F‑II, 2.7
Accelerated examination E‑VIII, 4.2
Additional searches during examination C‑IV, 7.3
Amendments not admitted and/or not allowable, examination resumed C‑V, 4.7
Amendments not admitted and/or not allowable, examination resumed no agreement reached on a text C‑V, 4.7.3
Auxiliary requests in examination proceedings H‑III, 3.3
Basis for substantive examination E‑IX, 4.3.2
Basis for the examination D‑VI, 2.1, D‑X, 4.2
By the examining division A‑I, 2, A‑III, 3.2, A‑VI, 2.4, C‑II, 1
Compliance of amendments with other EPC requirements in examination proceedings H‑IV, 5.2
Dealing with different texts in examination H‑III, 4.1
Different text where a transfer of right takes place pursuant to Art. 61 in examination proceedings H‑III, 4.3.1
European divisional applications other formalities examination A‑IV, 1.7
Examination as to formal requirements A‑III, A‑III, 3.2
Abstract A‑III, 10
Claim to priority A‑III, 6
Claims fee A‑III, 9
Correction of deficiencies A‑III, 16
Designation of contracting states A‑III, 11
Designation of inventor A‑III, 5
Extension and validation of European patent applications and patents to/in states not party to the EPC A‑III, 12
Filing and search fees A‑III, 13
Late filing of claims A‑III, 15
Physical requirements A‑III, 3
Prohibited matter A‑III, 8
Representation A‑III, 2
Request for grant A‑III, 4
Title of the invention A‑III, 7
Translation of the application A‑III, 14
Examination as to personal particulars E‑IV, 1.6.5
Examination as to res gestae E‑IV, 1.6.6
Examination by the EPO of its own motion D‑V, 2.2, E‑VI, E‑VI, 1
External complaints E‑VI, 4
Late-filed submissions E‑VI, 2
Limits on the obligation to undertake examination E‑VI, 1.2
Observations by third parties E‑VI, 3
Examination fee A‑VI, 2.2, A‑VI, 2.5, A‑X, 10.2.3, C‑II, 1, C‑II, 1.1
Examination fee and designation fee A‑X, 5.2.2
Reduction A‑X, 9.2.1
Reduction in examination fee A‑VI, 2.6, A‑X, 9.2.3
Reduction of the examination fee where the international preliminary examination report is being drawn up by the EPO A‑X, 9.3.2
Refund A‑VI, 2.5, A‑X, 10.2.3, C‑II, 1.1
Refund of examination fee A‑VI, 2.5, A‑X, 10.2.3
Examination for deficiencies in the notice of opposition D‑IV, 1.2
Deficiencies which, if not remedied, lead to the opposition being deemed not to have been filed D‑IV, 1.2.1
Deficiencies which, if not remedied, lead to the opposition being rejected as inadmissible D‑IV, 1.2.2
Examination for deficiencies in the notice of opposition and communications from the formalities officer arising from this examination D‑IV, 1
Forwarding of the notice of opposition to the formalities officer D‑IV, 1.1
Issue of communications by the formalities officer as a result of examination for deficiencies D‑IV, 1.3
Notifications to and observations by the patent proprietor D‑IV, 1.5
Subsequent procedure D‑IV, 1.6
Subsequent procedure in the event of deficiencies which may no longer be remedied D‑IV, 1.4
Examination for deficiencies in the request D‑X, 2
Deficiencies which lead to the request being deemed not to have been filed D‑X, 2.1
Deficiencies which, if not remedied, lead to the request being rejected as inadmissible D‑X, 2.2
Examination of a divisional application C‑IX, 1.4
Examination of amendments C‑IV, 5
Examination of amendments as to formalities A‑V, 2.2
Examination of evidence E‑IV, 4.3
Examination of novelty G‑VI, 7
First or further medical use of known products G‑VI, 7.1
Second non-medical use G‑VI, 7.2
Examination of observations by third parties C‑VII, 6
Examination of oppositions D‑II, 4.1
Examination of replies and further stages of examination C‑IV
Admissibility of amendments made by the applicant C‑IV, 6
Extent of examination of replies C‑IV, 2
Further action upon examination of replies C‑IV, 3
General procedure C‑IV, 1
Later stages of examination C‑IV, 4
New submissions in reply to summons C‑IV, 8
Search-related issues in examination C‑IV, 7
Examination of the admissibility of an intervention and preparations in the event of an intervention D‑IV, 5.6
Examination of the description and/or drawings H‑IV, 5.4.2
Examination of the grounds for opposition D‑V, 2.2
Examination of the opposition during oral proceedings D‑VI, 6
Examination of the priority document A‑III, 6.4
Examination of the request for grant form A‑III, 4.2
Examination of the request for grant form further requirements laid down by Rule 41(2) A‑III, 4.2.3
Information on the applicant A‑III, 4.2.1
Signature A‑III, 4.2.2
Examination on filing A‑II, 4, A‑III, 3.2, C‑II, 1
Filing of applications and examination on filing A‑II
Instructions in Chapter A‑II ("Filing of applications and examination on filing") E‑IX, 2.2
Minimum requirements for according a date of filing A‑II, 4.1
Examination practice G‑II, 2
Examination procedure E‑IX, 4
Admissibility in the examination procedure H‑II, 2
Admissibility in the examination procedure after receipt of the first communication - Rule 137(3) H‑II, 2.3
Admissibility in the examination procedure after receipt of the search report - Rule 137(2) H‑II, 2.2
Admissibility in the examination procedure at an advanced stage of the proceedings H‑II, 2.4
Admissibility in the examination procedure before receipt of the search report - Rule 137(1) H‑II, 2.1
Admissibility in the examination procedure further requests for amendment after approval H‑II, 2.6
Examination procedure at least one communication in examination E‑IX, 4.1
Examination procedure no examination of multiple inventions in EP phase E‑IX, 4.2
Substantive examination of a Euro-PCT application accompanied by an IPER E‑IX, 4.3
Examination proceedings (ex parte) E‑III,
Examining division resumes examination after approval of the text C‑V, 6
Examining division resumes examination after approval of the text further communication under Rule 71(3) C‑V, 6.2
Extent of the examination D‑V, 2
Filing fee, designation fee, request for examination and search fee E‑IX, 2.1.4
Final stage of examination C‑V
First stage of examination C‑III
Formal requirements to be met before the division starts substantive examination C‑II
Further action upon examination of replies further action where a request for a translation of the priority application was sent earlier in examination proceedings C‑IV, 3.1
Influencing the speed of examination proceedings C‑VI, 2
Initial processing and formal examination E‑IX, 2.1.2
Instructions in Chapter A‑III ("Examination of formal requirements") E‑IX, 2.3
Instructions in Chapter A‑VI ("Publication of application; request for examination and transmission of the dossier to examining division") E‑IX, 2.5
International preliminary examination E‑IX, 1, E‑IX, 4.3.3
International preliminary examination report (IPER) F‑V, 7.3
Invitation to file the translation before examination A‑III, 6.8.1
Invitation to file the translation in examination/opposition A‑III, 6.8.2
Late-filed requests after summons to oral proceedings in examination H‑II, 2.7
Minutes as the first communication in examination C‑VII, 2.5
Opposition cases with different texts where a transfer of rights by virtue of a final decision pursuant to Art. 61 takes place in examination proceedings H‑III, 4.3.3
Other procedures in examination C‑VII
Preliminary examination E‑XIII, 5.2
Preparation of substantive examination D‑IV, 5
Procedure for the examination of the opposition D‑VI
Procedure in examination proceedings E‑III,, E‑III, 8.7.2
Procedure in the case of lack of unity during substantive examination F‑V, 5
Procedure up to substantive examination D‑IV
Purpose of examination C‑I, 4
Request for examination C‑II, 1, E‑IX, 2.5.2
Request for examination and transmission of the dossier to examining division A‑VI, A‑VI, 2
Response filed before first communication in examination C‑II, 3
Responsibility for formalities examination A‑I, 2
Scope of the examination D‑X, 4.3
Search and substantive examination B‑II, 1
Search at the examination stage C‑IV, 7.4
Search, publication and request for examination of divisional applications A‑IV, 1.8
Standard marks for indicating amendments or corrections by the divisions further ways to accelerate examination C‑VI, 3
Substantive examination (limitation) D‑X, 4
Substantive examination (limitation) further stages of the examination D‑X, 4.4
Substantive examination of opposition D‑V
Summons to oral proceedings as the first action in examination C‑III, 5
Third-party observations during the examination D‑X, 4.5
Time limit for filing the request for examination A‑VI, 2.2
Time limits and acceleration of examination C‑VI
Use of Rule 137(4) for amendments filed during oral proceedings in examination E‑III, 8.8
When can summons to oral proceedings be issued in substantive examination? E‑III, 5.1
When does the examining division resume examination after approval? C‑V, 6.1
Examining division proposes amendments in second Rule 71(3) communication C‑V, 4.6.3
Examining division resumes examination after approval of the text C‑V, 6
Crediting of fees under Rule 71a(5) C‑V, 6.3
Examining division resumes examination after approval of the text further communication under Rule 71(3) C‑V, 6.2
When does the examining division resume examination after approval? C‑V, 6.1
Examining divisions, composition C‑VIII, 7
Examining the validity of a right to priority F‑VI, 2.1
Example 1 G‑VII,
Example 2 G‑VII,
Example 3 G‑VII,
Example 4 G‑VII,
Example 5 G‑VII,
Example of the accessibility of objects used G‑IV, 7.2.4
Example of the inaccessibility of a process G‑IV, 7.2.5
Examples concerning essential features F‑IV, An.
Examples no amended claims filed with the appeal E‑XII, 7.4.1
Examples of applying the COMVIK approach G‑VII, 5.4.2
Example 1 G‑VII,
Example 2 G‑VII,
Example 3 G‑VII,
Example 4 G‑VII,
Example 5 G‑VII,
Examples of further technical effects G‑II, 3.6.1
Examples of quotation for non-patent literature F‑II,
Examples of quotation for patent literature F‑II,
Examples of the exercise of discretion under Rule 137(3) H‑II, 2.3.1
Rule 137(3) in conjunction with Art. 123(2) H‑II,
Rule 137(3) in conjunction with Art. 83 H‑II,
Rule 137(3) in conjunction with Art. 84 - missing essential feature H‑II,
Rule 137(3) in conjunction with auxiliary requests H‑II,
Examples relating to the requirement of inventive step G‑VII, An.
Application of known measures? G‑VII, An., 1
Obvious combination of features? G‑VII, An., 2
Obvious selection? G‑VII, An., 3
Overcoming a technical prejudice? G‑VII, An., 4
Exceptional case where amendments must be admitted H‑II, 2.5.3
Exceptions D‑VII, 1.2
Exceptions from sections 1 and 2 E‑V, 3
Exceptions to patentability G‑II, 4
Considerations relating to specific exclusions from and exceptions to patentability B‑VIII, 2
Matter contrary to "ordre public" or morality G‑II, 4.1
Surgery, therapy and diagnostic methods G‑II, 4.2
Exceptions where a reply to the Rule 161(1) invitation is not required E‑IX, 3.3
Earlier filed amendments or comments E‑IX, 3.3.1
Positive WO‑ISA, SISR or IPER E‑IX, 3.3.2
Rule 161 communication issued before 1 April 2010 E‑IX, 3.3.3
Voluntary reply to Rule 161(1) communication E‑IX, 3.3.4
Exclusions and exceptions for biotechnological inventions G‑II, 5
List of exceptions (Rule 28) G‑II, 5.3
Excision of other inventions C‑III, 3.3
Exclusions and exceptions for biotechnological inventions G‑II, 5
Antibodies G‑II, 5.6
General remarks and definitions G‑II, 5.1
List of exceptions (Rule 28) G‑II, 5.3
Microbiological processes G‑II, 5.5
Patentable biotechnological inventions G‑II, 5.2
Plant and animal varieties or essentially biological processes for the production of plants or animals G‑II, 5.4
Executing of drawings A‑IX, 7
Cross-sections A‑IX, 7.3
Drawings of lines and strokes A‑IX, 7.1
Numbers, letters and reference signs A‑IX, 7.5
Scale of drawings A‑IX, 7.4
Shading A‑IX, 7.2
Variations in proportions A‑IX, 7.6
Certificate of exhibitions A‑IV, 3.1, G‑V, 4
International exhibitions G‑V, 4
Expenses for travel and subsistence E‑IV, 1.10.1
Commissioning of experts E‑IV, 1.8
Details of the entitlements of witnesses and experts E‑IV, 1.10.3
Entitlements of witnesses and experts E‑IV, 1.10
Hearing of parties, witnesses and experts E‑IV, 1.6
Reimbursement for witnesses and experts E‑IV, 1.10.1, E‑IV, 1.10.2
Reimbursement of expenses E‑IV, 1.10.1, E‑IV, 1.10.2
Summoning of parties, witnesses and experts E‑IV, 1.5
Taking of evidence D‑VI, 1, E‑IV, 1.3
Witnesses and experts not summoned E‑IV, 1.6.2
Expression "in" F‑IV, 4.15
Extension H‑IV, 3.1, H‑V, 3.4, H‑V, 7
Assessment of impermissible extension of the protection conferred H‑IV, 3.4
Designation fee(s), extension and validation fees C‑II, 4
Extension and validation of European patent applications and patents to/in states not party to the EPC A‑III, 12
Extension and validation deemed requested A‑III, 12.4
National register A‑III, 12.5
Time limit for payment of extension and validation fees A‑III, 12.2
Withdrawal of the extension or validation request A‑III, 12.3
Extension and validation states A‑IV, 1.3.5
Extension of a time limit E‑VIII, 1.6
Extension of time limits set by the EPO under Rule 132 E‑VIII, 1.6.1
Extension of periods under Rule 134 E‑VIII, 1.6.2
Extension of periods under Rule 134(1) E‑VIII,
Extension of periods under Rule 134(2) and Rule 134(5) E‑VIII,
Scope of application of Rule 134 E‑VIII,
Extension of the search B‑VI, 5.3
Extension to and validation in states not party to the EPC General Part, 7
Extent of examination of replies C‑IV, 2
Extent of first analysis for generally deficient applications B‑XI, 3.4
Extent of generalisation F‑IV, 6.2
Extent of the examination D‑V, 2
Examination of the grounds for opposition D‑V, 2.2
Extent to which the patent is opposed D‑V, 2.1
Extent of the formalities officer's obligation to issue the above communications D‑IV, 1.3.3
External complaints E‑VI, 4
Extracts (Summaries, ~ or abstracts) B‑X, 11.5