6. Correction of erroneously filed application documents or parts
6.3 The filing date changes
A revised version of this publication entered into force. |
If, after the filing date, the applicant corrects the application documents (or parts) in accordance with the procedures explained in A‑II, 6.1 or A‑II, 6.2, then the erroneously filed application documents will be deemed not to have been filed and the correct documents will be added to the application. The date of filing changes to the date on which the correct parts are received at the EPO. The applicant is informed of the new date of filing under Rule 56a(3). This is subject to the exception explained in A‑II, 6.4.
Erroneously filed application documents remain in the file, even if they are considered not to form part of the application as filed. As such, following publication of the application, the erroneous application documents or parts are open to file inspection (see A‑XI, 2.1 and A‑XI, 2.3).