Alphabetical Keyword Index
Alphabetical Keyword Index
A revised version of this publication entered into force. |
Calculation of claims fees H‑III, 5
Calculation of time limits E‑VIII, 1.4
Cancellation of the registration E‑XIV, 6.2
Cancellation or maintenance of oral proceedings E‑III, 7.2
Change of date, cancellation or maintenance of oral proceedings E‑III, 7
Withdrawal of the request for oral proceedings E‑III, 7.2.2
Carrying out the search B‑IV, 2.3
Cascading non-unity B‑VII, 1.2.2
Cases in which the proceedings may be interrupted E‑VII, 1.1
Cases of loss of rights E‑VIII, 1.9.1
Cases of oral description G‑IV, 7.3.1
Matters to be determined by the division in cases of oral description G‑IV, 7.3.3
Cases of partially insufficient disclosure F‑III, 5
Absence of well-known details F‑III, 5.2
Difficulties in performing the invention F‑III, 5.3
Only variants of the invention are incapable of being performed F‑III, 5.1
Cases under Rule 62a where claims fees are not paid B‑VIII, 4.4
Cases where all method steps can be fully implemented by generic data processing means F‑IV, 3.9.1
Cases where method steps define additional devices and/or specific data processing means F‑IV, 3.9.2
Cases where the invention is realised in a distributed computing environment F‑IV, 3.9.3
Categories F‑II, 7.1, F‑IV, 3.1
Categories of documents (X, Y, P, A, D, etc.) B‑X, 9.2
Documents cited for other reasons B‑X, 9.2.8
Documents cited in the application B‑X, 9.2.7
Documents defining the state of the art and not prejudicing novelty or inventive step B‑X, 9.2.2
Documents relating to the theory or principle underlying the invention B‑X, 9.2.5
Documents which refer to a non-written disclosure B‑X, 9.2.3
Intermediate documents B‑X, 9.2.4
Particularly relevant documents B‑X, 9.2.1
Potentially conflicting patent documents B‑X, 9.2.6
Claims in different categories G‑VII, 14
Different categories B‑III, 3.10
Kinds of claim F‑IV, 3.1
Plurality of independent claims in different categories F‑V, 3.2.2
Prohibited matter F‑II, 7.1
Central industrial property offices, conversion A‑IV, 6
Certificate C‑V, 12
Certificate of exhibition A‑IV, 3.1, E‑IX, 2.4.3
Defects in the certificate or the identification A‑IV, 3.2
Certified copies of documents from the files or of other documents A‑XI, 5.1
Certified copy of the previous application (priority document) F‑VI, 3.3
Chair D‑II, 2.3
Change of date of oral proceedings E‑III, 7.1.3
Change of date of oral proceedings at the instigation of the division E‑III, 7.1.2
Change of date, cancellation or maintenance of oral proceedings E‑III, 7
Cancellation or maintenance of oral proceedings E‑III, 7.2
Changing the date of oral proceedings E‑III, 7.1
Changes in claim category in opposition H‑V, 7
Method claim to product claim H‑V, 7.3
Method claim to use claim H‑V, 7.4
Product claim to method claim H‑V, 7.2
Product claim to use claim H‑V, 7.1
Changes in the title H‑V, 8
Changes of name E‑XIV, 5
Registration of changes of name, transfers, licences and other rights E‑XIV
Changing from one searched invention to another C‑III, 3.5
Changing the date of oral proceedings E‑III, 7.1
Change of date of oral proceedings E‑III, 7.1.3
Change of date of oral proceedings at the instigation of the division E‑III, 7.1.2
Defined notice period E‑III, 7.1.3
Requests to change the date of oral proceedings E‑III, 7.1.1
Characteristics of the search B‑III
Opinions of the search division B‑III, 1
Scope of the search B‑III, 2
Subject of the search B‑III, 3
Charging of costs D‑IX, 1
Costs to be taken into consideration D‑IX, 1.3
Decisions on the apportionment of costs D‑IX, 1.2
General principle D‑IX, 1.1
Principle of equity D‑IX, 1.4
Checking the identity and authorisations of participants at oral proceedings E‑III, 8.3.1
Checklist F‑II, 2.5
Checklist for considering the abstract F‑II, An. 1
Chemical and mathematical formulae A‑IX, 11.1
Citation of documents corresponding to documents not available or not published in one of the official EPO languages B‑VI, 6.2
Citation of prior art in the description after the filing date H‑IV, 2.2.7
Citation of video and/or audio media fragments available on the internet B‑X, 11.6
Citing documents not mentioned in the search report C‑IV, 7.5
Claims C‑IX, 1.6
Abandonment of claims B‑III, 3.4
Amended claims F‑V, 6
Amended claims, missing parts (Rule 56) or erroneously filed application documents or parts (Rule 56a) B‑III, 3.3
Amendments A‑V, 2.1, A‑V, 2.2, B‑VIII, 6, C‑I, 4, C‑II, 3.1, D‑IV, 5.2, G‑IV, 3, H‑II, 3.1, H‑IV, 2.2.4
Amendments in claims H‑V, 3
Amendments in claims further cases of broadening of claims H‑V, 3.4
Anticipation of amendments to claims B‑III, 3.5
Applications containing claims filed after the accorded date of filing B‑XI, 2.2
Arrangement of claims F‑IV, 3.5
Bringing the description into line with amended claims H‑V, 2.7
Broad claims B‑III, 3.6, F‑IV, 4.22
Categories F‑IV, 3.1, F‑V, 2.1
Claim to priority A‑III, 6, A‑IV, 1.2, E‑IX, 2.3.5, F‑VI, 3
Applications giving rise to a right of priority A‑III, 6.2
Certified copy of the previous application (priority document) F‑VI, 3.3
Copy of the previous application (priority document) A‑III, 6.7
Copy of the search results for the priority or priorities A‑III, 6.12
Date of filing A‑IV, 1.2.1
Declaration of priority A‑III, 6.5, F‑VI, 3.2
Examination of formal requirements A‑III, 6
Examination of the priority document A‑III, 6.4
Information on prior art E‑IX,
Instructions in Chapter A‑III ("Examination of formal requirements") E‑IX, 2.3.5
Loss of right to priority A‑III, 6.10
Multiple priorities A‑III, 6.3
Non-entitlement to right to priority A‑III, 6.9
Notification A‑III, 6.11
Priority F‑VI, 3
Priority claim of a divisional application A‑IV, 1.2.2
Priority document E‑IX,
Priority period A‑III, 6.6
Re-establishment of rights in respect of the priority period F‑VI, 3.6
Restoration of priority E‑IX,
Translation of the previous application A‑III, 6.8, F‑VI, 3.4
Withdrawal of priority claim F‑VI, 3.5
Claims (Art. 84 and formal requirements) F‑IV
Clarity and interpretation of claims F‑IV, 4
Conciseness, number of claims F‑IV, 5
Examples concerning essential features F‑IV, An.
Form and content of claims F‑IV, 2
Kinds of claim F‑IV, 3
Support in description F‑IV, 6
Claims comprising technical and non-technical features G‑VII, 5.4
Examples of applying the COMVIK approach G‑VII, 5.4.2
Formulation of the objective technical problem for claims comprising technical and non-technical features G‑VII, 5.4.1
Claims contravening Art. 123(2) or Art. 76(1) B‑VIII, 6
Claims directed to computer-implemented inventions F‑IV, 3.9
Cases where all method steps can be fully implemented by generic data processing means F‑IV, 3.9.1
Cases where method steps define additional devices and/or specific data processing means F‑IV, 3.9.2
Cases where the invention is realised in a distributed computing environment F‑IV, 3.9.3
Claims fee A‑II, 6.9, A‑III, 9, A‑III, 16.2, A‑IV, 1.4.2, A‑X, 5.2.5, C‑V, 4.8.1, E‑IX, 2.3.8
Calculation of claims fees H‑III, 5
Cases under Rule 62a where claims fees are not paid B‑VIII, 4.4
Claims fees due in response to Rule 71(3) communication C‑V, 1.4
Claims fees payable before the grant of the European patent A‑X, 7.3.2
Claims fees payable on filing the European patent application A‑X, 7.3.1
Correction of erroneously filed application documents or parts A‑II, 6.9
Crediting of claims fees A‑X, 11.2
Due date for specific fees A‑X, 5.2.5
Examination of formal requirements A‑III, 9
Fees A‑IV, 1.4.2
Fees to be paid within the second Rule 71(3) period C‑V, 4.8.1
Indication of the purpose of payment in the case of claims fees A‑X, 7.3
Instructions in Chapter A‑III ("Examination of formal requirements") E‑IX, 2.3.8
Separate crediting of the fee for grant and publishing and claims fees A‑X, 11.3
Claims filed after accordance of a date of filing C‑III, 1.1.2
Claims filed after the date of filing H‑IV, 2.2.4
Claims for a known substance for a number of distinct medical uses F‑V, 3.2.6
Claims in different categories G‑VII, 14
Plurality of independent claims in different categories F‑V, 3.2.2
Claims with explicit references to the description or drawings B‑III, 3.2.1
Clarity F‑IV, 1, F‑IV, 3.4, F‑IV, 4.1, F‑IV, 4.5.1, F‑IV, 6.4, F‑V, 2.1
Clarity of claims D‑V, 5
Common dependent claims F‑V, 3.2.4
Consistent use of reference signs as between description, claims and drawings A‑IX, 7.5.4
Content A‑III, 3.2, F‑IV, 5
Content of a European patent application (other than claims) F‑II
Correction A‑V, 3, A‑VI, 1.3, D‑X, 4.3, H‑VI, 2, H‑VI, 2.2
Correction of description, claims and drawings H‑VI, 2.2.1
Correction of the translations of the claims H‑VI, 5
Dependent claims B‑III, 3.7, F‑IV, 3.4, F‑IV, 3.5
Dependent claims pursuant to Art. 54(5) G‑VI, 7.1.5
Determination of the invention first mentioned in the claims F‑V, 3.4
Different sets of claims D‑X, 10
Errors in the description, claims and drawings H‑VI,
Examples no amended claims filed with the appeal E‑XII, 7.4.1
Extent of protection F‑IV, 4.12
Independent and dependent claims B‑III, 3.7, F‑IV, 3.4
Independent claims F‑IV, 3.1, F‑IV, 3.2, F‑IV, 3.3, F‑V, 2.1, F‑V, 3.2.1
Independent claims containing a reference to another claim or to features from a claim of another category F‑IV, 3.8
Interpretation of claims B‑III, 3.2
Late filing of claims A‑III, 15
Limitation is different for different contracting states because the claims as granted were different for different contracting states D‑X, 10.2
Limitation results in the claims becoming different in different contracting states D‑X, 10.1
Novelty of "reach-through" claims G‑VI, 9
Number of independent claims F‑IV, 3.2
Opposition proceedings where the claims as granted are different for different contracting states H‑III, 4.5
Order of claims F‑IV, 4.23
Plurality of independent claims in the same category F‑V, 3.2.1
"Reach-through" claims F‑III, 9
Relationship between documents and claims B‑X, 9.3
Search on dependent claims B‑III, 3.8
Support for dependent claims F‑IV, 6.6
Tables in the claims A‑IX, 11.2.2
Translation C‑V, 1.1, D‑VI, 7.2.3, E‑VIII, 3.1.1
Translations of the claims C‑V, 1.3
Treatment of dependent claims under Rule 62a B‑VIII, 4.6
Use claims F‑IV, 4.16
Use of the description and/or drawings to establish definitions of unclear terms not defined in the claims B‑III, 3.2.3
Clarification of a technical effect H‑V, 2.1
Clarifications H‑IV, 2.2.8
Clarity F‑IV, 4.1
Clarity and interpretation of claims F‑IV, 4
Broad claims F‑IV, 4.22
Clarity F‑IV, 4.1
"Comprising" vs. "consisting of" F‑IV, 4.20
Definition by reference to (use with) another entity F‑IV, 4.14
Essential features F‑IV, 4.5
Expression "in" F‑IV, 4.15
Functional definition of a pathological condition F‑IV, 4.21
General statements, "spirit of the invention", claim-like clauses F‑IV, 4.4
Inconsistencies F‑IV, 4.3
Interpretation F‑IV, 4.2
Interpretation of expressions stating a purpose F‑IV, 4.13
Interpretation of terms such as identity and similarity in relation to amino or nucleic acid sequences F‑IV, 4.24
Negative limitations (e.g. disclaimers) F‑IV, 4.19
Optional features F‑IV, 4.9
Order of claims F‑IV, 4.23
Parameters F‑IV, 4.11
Product-by-process claim F‑IV, 4.12
Reference signs F‑IV, 4.18
References to the description or drawings F‑IV, 4.17
Relative terms F‑IV, 4.6
Result to be achieved F‑IV, 4.10
Terms such as "about", "approximately" or "substantially" F‑IV, 4.7
Trade marks F‑IV, 4.8
Use claims F‑IV, 4.16
Clarity objections F‑IV, 4.6.1, F‑IV, 4.7.2, F‑IV, 4.14.1
Definition by reference to (use with) another entity F‑IV, 4.14.1
Relative terms F‑IV, 4.6.1
Terms such as "about", "approximately" or "substantially" F‑IV, 4.7.2
Clarity of claims D‑V, 5
Sufficiency of disclosure and clarity F‑III, 11
Classification of the patent application B‑X, 5
CPC classification of the application B‑V, 4
IPC classification in cases of a lack of unity of invention B‑V, 3.3
IPC classification of late-published search reports B‑V, 3.1
IPC classification of the application B‑V, 3
IPC classification when the scope of the invention is not clear (e.g. a partial search) B‑V, 3.2
Preclassification, IPC and CPC classification of European patent applications B‑V
Verification of the IPC classification B‑V, 3.4
Closest prior art and its effects on the search B‑IV, 2.5
Closure of oral proceedings E‑III, 8.11
Adjournment of oral proceedings due to lack of time E‑III, 8.11.2
Requesting postponement during oral proceedings E‑III, 8.11.1
Combination of elements in a claim B‑III, 3.9
Combination vs. juxtaposition or aggregation G‑VII, 7
Combining pieces of prior art G‑VII, 6
Comments and amendments in response to the search opinion B‑XI, 3.3
Commercial success G‑VII, 10.3
Commissioning of experts E‑IV, 1.8
Decision on the form of the opinion E‑IV, 1.8.1
Objection to an expert E‑IV, 1.8.2
Terms of reference of the expert E‑IV, 1.8.3
Common dependent claims F‑V, 3.2.4
Common general knowledge of the skilled person G‑VII, 3.1
Common provisions A‑VIII
Form of documents A‑VIII, 2
Representation A‑VIII, 1
Signature of documents A‑VIII, 3
Common representatives A‑VIII, 1.4
Commonly designated states G‑IV, 5.3
Communication A‑VI, 2.1, E‑II, 1
Admissibility in the examination procedure after receipt of the first communication - Rule 137(3) H‑II, 2.3
Agreement reached on a text - second Rule 71(3) communication C‑V, 4.7.2
Amendments filed in reply to a Rule 71(3) communication H‑II, 2.5
Amendments filed in reply to a Rule 71(3) communication further course of proceedings H‑II, 2.5.2
Amendments/corrections admitted and allowable - second Rule 71(3) communication sent C‑V, 4.6
Communication according to Rule 161 E‑IX, 3
Applications for which a supplementary European search report is prepared E‑IX, 3.1, E‑IX, 3.2
Exceptions where a reply to the Rule 161(1) invitation is not required E‑IX, 3.3
Rule 137(4) applies E‑IX, 3.4
Communication in the event of deficiencies as described in D‑IV, 1.2.1 which, if not remedied, will lead to the opposition being deemed not to have been filed D‑IV, 1.3.1
Communication in the event of deficiencies as described in D‑IV, 1.2.2 which, if not remedied, will lead to rejection of the opposition as inadmissible D‑IV, 1.3.2
Communication of information contained in files A‑XI, A‑XI, 3
Consultation of the European Patent Register A‑XI, 4
Inspection of files A‑XI, 2
Issuance of certified copies A‑XI, 5
Communication of observations from one of the parties to the other parties D‑IV, 5.4
Communication to the EPO as a designated Office E‑IX, 2.7
Communication under Rule 71(3) C‑V, 1
Claims fees due in response to Rule 71(3) communication C‑V, 1.4
Communication under Rule 71(3) other information in the communication under Rule 71(3) C‑V, 1.5
Examining division resumes examination after approval of the text further communication under Rule 71(3) C‑V, 6.2
Grant and publishing fee C‑V, 1.2
Text for approval C‑V, 1.1
Translations of the claims C‑V, 1.3
Communications and notifications E‑II
Communications E‑II, 1
Notification E‑II, 2
Communications concerning formal deficiencies A‑V, A‑V, 1
Amendment of application A‑V, 2
Correction of errors in documents filed with the EPO A‑V, 3
Communications from the opposition division to the patent proprietor D‑VI, 4
Communications from the opposition division D‑VI, 4.1
Invitation to file amended documents D‑VI, 4.2
Reasoned statement D‑VI, 4.1
Communications/oral proceedings after resumption C‑V, 4.7.1
Higher-ranking request not admissible and/or not allowable C‑V,
Examination for deficiencies in the notice of opposition and communications from the formalities officer arising from this examination D‑IV, 1
Examination procedure at least one communication in examination E‑IX, 4.1
Examining division proposes amendments in second Rule 71(3) communication C‑V, 4.6.3
Extent of the formalities officer's obligation to issue the above communications D‑IV, 1.3.3
Filing of applications by means of electronic communication A‑II, 1.2
First communication C‑III, 4
Form of decisions, communications and notices E‑II, 1.3
Invitation to the patent proprietor to submit comments and communication of opposition to the other parties concerned by the formalities officer D‑IV, 5.2
Issue of communications by the formalities officer as a result of examination for deficiencies D‑IV, 1.3
Issuing a further communication (no refusal) C‑V, 15.4
Minutes as the first communication in examination C‑VII, 2.5
Noting and communication of loss of rights E‑VIII, 1.9.2
Number of communications E‑II, 1.2
Opposition division's communications D‑VI, 3.1
Request for amendments or corrections in reply to the Rule 71(3) communication C‑V, 4
Request for amendments or corrections in reply to the Rule 71(3) communication no payment of fees or filing of translations necessary C‑V, 4.1
Response filed before first communication in examination C‑II, 3
Response to communication pursuant to Rule 58 filed with the appeal E‑XII, 7.4.4
Rule 137(4) communication and response thereto H‑III, 2.1.1
Rule 161 communication issued before 1 April 2010 E‑IX, 3.3.3
Second Rule 71(3) communication based on higher-ranking request initially rejected in first Rule 71(3) communication C‑V, 4.6.2
Second Rule 71(3) communication reversing the amendments proposed by the examining division in first Rule 71(3) communication C‑V, 4.6.1
Standard marks for indicating amendments or corrections by the divisions further communication with the applicant C‑VIII, 5
Time limits for response to communications from the examiner C‑VI, 1
Voluntary reply to Rule 161(1) communication E‑IX, 3.3.4
Comparative test results E‑IX, 4.3.1
Compensation E‑IV, 1.10.2
Competence E‑IV, 2.3
Complete search despite of lack of unity B‑VII, 2.2
Complete text for auxiliary request available H‑III, 3.3.5
Complete text for auxiliary request not yet available H‑III, 3.3.4
Completeness of the search B‑III, 2.1
Compliance of amendments with other EPC requirements H‑IV, 5
Compliance of amendments with other EPC requirements in examination proceedings H‑IV, 5.2
Compliance of amendments with other EPC requirements in limitation proceedings H‑IV, 5.4
Examination of the description and/or drawings H‑IV, 5.4.2
Points to be disregarded H‑IV, 5.4.3
Compliance of amendments with other EPC requirements in opposition proceedings H‑IV, 5.3
Composition and duties of the examining division E‑XIII, 3
Composition E‑XIII, 3.1
Duties E‑XIII, 3.2
Compositions B‑IX, 4.1, D‑II, 2, E‑XIII, 3.1, G‑II, 4.2
Chair D‑II, 2.3
Composition and duties of the examining division E‑XIII, 3.1
Exceptions to patentability G‑II, 4.2
Legally qualified examiners D‑II, 2.2
Non-patent literature arranged for library-type access B‑IX, 4.1
Opposition division D‑II, 2
Substances and compositions G‑II, 4.2
Technically qualified examiners D‑II, 2.1
Compound units F‑II, An. 2, 5
"Comprising" vs. "consisting of" F‑IV, 4.20
Computer print-out E‑II, 2.1
Computer programs F‑II, 4.12, G‑II, 3.6
Description (formal requirements) F‑II, 4.12
List of exclusions G‑II, 3.6
Computer-implemented business methods B‑VIII, 2.2.1
Computers (Programs for ~) G‑II, 3.6
Concept of "clear allowability" H‑II, 2.7.1
Conciseness, number of claims F‑IV, 5
Conditions A‑X, 9.2.1
Conditions for valid payment A‑X, 7.1.1
Conditions regarding the paper used A‑IX, 3
Conduct of oral proceedings E‑III, 8, E‑III, 8.2
Admission of the public to proceedings E‑III, 8.1
Closure of oral proceedings E‑III, 8.11
Discussion of the facts and of the legal position E‑III, 8.9
Facts, evidence or amendments introduced at a late stage E‑III, 8.6
Handwritten amendments in oral proceedings E‑III, 8.7
Non-appearance of a party E‑III, 8.3
Opening of oral proceedings E‑III, 8.3
Opening of the substantive part of the proceedings E‑III, 8.4
Participation of members of the division from different locations E‑III, 8.2.2
Participation of parties and their representatives from different locations E‑III, 8.2.1
Recording E‑III, 8.2.4
Right of the other members of the division to put questions E‑III, 8.10
Submissions by the parties E‑III, 8.5
Technical problems E‑III, 8.2.3
Use of Rule 137(4) for amendments filed during oral proceedings in examination E‑III, 8.8
Conducting file inspections A‑XI, 2.2
Confidentiality C‑VII, 3.2
Confidentiality of the request A‑XI, 2.4
Confirmation A‑II, 3.1
Confirmation of the intention to proceed further with the application C‑II, 1.1
Conflict between abstract and source document B‑VI, 6.3
Conflict with national rights of earlier date G‑IV, 6
Conflict with other European applications G‑IV, 5
Commonly designated states G‑IV, 5.3
Double patenting G‑IV, 5.4
Euro-PCT applications G‑IV, 5.2
State of the art pursuant to Art. 54(3) G‑IV, 5.1
Conflicting applications B‑VI, 4
National prior rights B‑VI, 4.2
Potentially conflicting European and international applications B‑VI, 4.1
Conflicts between Art. 123(2) and Art. 123(3) H‑IV, 3.5
Conflicts between Art. 123(3) and other requirements of the EPC H‑IV, 3.6
Consequences for the applicant F‑V, 4.2
Consequences of non-payment of the designation fee A‑III, 11.2.3, A‑III, 11.3.2
European patent applications filed before 1 April 2009 A‑III, 11.3.2
European patent applications filed on or after 1 April 2009 A‑III, 11.2.3
Conservation of evidence E‑IV, 2
Competence E‑IV, 2.3
Decision on the request and the taking of evidence E‑IV, 2.4
Request for the conservation of evidence E‑IV, 2.2
Requirements E‑IV, 2.1
Taking and conservation of evidence E‑IV
Consideration of the contents of the IPER E‑IX, 4.3.3
Consideration of time limits E‑X, 1.2
Considerations relating to specific exclusions from and exceptions to patentability B‑VIII, 2
Methods for treatment of the human or animal body by surgery or therapy and diagnostic methods practised on the human or animal body B‑VIII, 2.1
Subject-matter excluded from patentability under Art. 52(2) and (3) B‑VIII, 2.2
Consistent use of reference signs as between description, claims and drawings A‑IX, 7.5.4
Consistent use of reference signs as between drawings A‑IX, 7.5.5
Consolidation of proceedings E‑VII, 4
Consultations C‑VII, 2
Consultation of a legally qualified examiner C‑VIII, 7
Consultation of the European Patent Register A‑XI, A‑XI, 4
Communication of information contained in the files A‑XI, 3
Inspection of files A‑XI, 2
Issuance of certified copies A‑XI, 5
Consultation with other examiners B‑I, 2.1
Informal nature of consultations C‑VII, 2.3
Minutes as the first communication in examination C‑VII, 2.5
Minutes of a consultation C‑VII, 2.4
Persons participating in the consultation C‑VII, 2.2
Contact between the applicant and the search division B‑II, 1.1
Content E‑X, 2.7
Accorded date of filing and content of the application still subject to review G‑IV, 5.1.2
Analysis of the application and content of the search opinion B‑XI, 3
Consideration of the contents of the IPER E‑IX, 4.3.3
Content of a European patent application (other than claims) F‑II
Abstract F‑II, 2
Checklist for considering the abstract F‑II, An. 1
Description (formal requirements) F‑II, 4
Drawings F‑II, 5
Prohibited matter F‑II, 7
Request for grant F‑II, 3
Sequence listings F‑II, 6
Title F‑II, 3
Units recognised in international practice as determined by the President under Rule 49(2) F‑II, An. 2
Content of the abstract A‑III, 10.2, F‑II, 2.3
Content of the application as "originally" filed H‑IV, 2.2, H‑IV, 2.3
Applications filed by reference to an earlier application H‑IV, 2.3.1
Applications resulting from a decision under Art. 61 H‑IV, 2.3.3
Citation of prior art in the description after the filing date H‑IV, 2.2.7
Claims filed after the date of filing H‑IV, 2.2.4
Clarifications H‑IV, 2.2.8
Divisional applications H‑IV, 2.3.2
Erroneously filed application documents or parts under Rule 56a H‑IV, 2.2.3
Features described in a document cross-referenced in the description H‑IV, 2.2.1
International applications H‑IV, 2.3.4
Missing parts of the description or missing drawings filed under Rule 56 after the date of filing H‑IV, 2.2.2
Priority documents H‑IV, 2.2.6
Sequence listings filed after the date of filing H‑IV, 2.2.5
Trade marks H‑IV, 2.2.9
Content of the extended European search report (EESR) B‑VIII, 3.3, B‑VIII, 4.3
More than one independent claim per category (Rule 62a) B‑VIII, 4.3
No meaningful search possible B‑VIII, 3.3
Content of the notice of opposition D‑III, 6
Content of the publication A‑VI, 1.3
Contents of prior-art disclosures B‑VI, 6
Citation of documents corresponding to documents not available or not published in one of the official EPO languages B‑VI, 6.2
Conflict between abstract and source document B‑VI, 6.3
Incorrect compound records in online databases B‑VI, 6.5
Insufficient prior-art disclosures B‑VI, 6.4
Definitive content F‑II, 2.2
Form and content E‑X, 1.3, F‑II, 5.1
Form and content of claims F‑IV, 2
Intermediate publication of the contents of the priority application F‑VI, 2.4.1
Continuation of proceedings D‑VII, 4.2
Continuation after a final decision D‑VII, 4.2.1
Continuation regardless of the stage reached in national proceedings D‑VII, 4.2.2
Continuation of the opposition proceedings in the cases covered by Rule 84 D‑VII, 5
Continuation after the opposition has been withdrawn D‑VII, 5.3
Continuation in the case of surrender or lapse of the patent D‑VII, 5.1
Continuation on the death or legal incapacity of the opponent D‑VII, 5.2
Contracting States
Contracting states to the EPC General Part, 6
Designation of contracting states A‑III, 11, A‑IV, 1.3.4
Different claims, description and drawings for different States G‑IV, 6
Different texts in respect of different contracting states H‑III, 4
Indication of the contracting states A‑III, 11.3.6
Limitation is different for different contracting states because the claims as granted were different for different contracting states D‑X, 10.2
Limitation results in the claims becoming different in different contracting states D‑X, 10.1
Opposition proceedings where the claims as granted are different for different contracting states H‑III, 4.5
Taking of evidence by courts or authorities of the contracting states E‑IV, 3
Contribution to the known art B‑XI, 3.5
Convention, on international exhibitions A‑IV, 3.1
Conventional symbols A‑IX, 9
Conversion A‑IV, 6
Conversion fee A‑IV, 6
Conversion into a national application A‑IV, 6
Request for conversion A‑IV, 6
Request for conversion into a national application A‑IV, 6
Co-operation (Legal ~) E‑IV, 3.1
Copies to be made available with the search report B‑X, 11
"&" sign B‑X, 11.3
Citation of video and/or audio media fragments available on the internet B‑X, 11.6
Electronic version of document cited B‑X, 11.2
Patent family members B‑X, 11.3
Reviews or books B‑X, 11.4
Summaries, extracts or abstracts B‑X, 11.5
Copy of the international application E‑IX, 2.1.2
Copy of the previous application (priority document) A‑III, 6.7
Certified copy of the previous application (priority document) F‑VI, 3.3
Copy of the priority application A‑II, 5.4.3, A‑II, 6.4.2
Correct application documents based on priority application, no change in the filing date A‑II, 6.4.2
Missing parts based on the priority application, no change in filing date A‑II, 5.4.3
Copy of the search results for the priority or priorities A‑III, 6.12, C‑II, 5
Claim to priority A‑III, 6.12
Formal requirements to be met before the division starts substantive examination C‑II, 5
Correct application documents based on priority application, no change in the filing date A‑II, 6.4
Copy of the priority application A‑II, 6.4.2
Later-filed correct application documents or parts when priority is claimed A‑II, 6.4.1
Translation of the priority application A‑II, 6.4.3
Correct application documents or parts filed after the search has started A‑II, 6.7
Correcting an existing priority claim A‑III, 6.5.2
Corrections H‑II, 2.6
Amendments and corrections , H‑II, 2.6
Amendments or corrections should be reasoned C‑V, 4.3
Amendments/corrections admitted and allowable - second Rule 71(3) communication sent C‑V, 4.6
Amendments/corrections filed in second Rule 71(3) period C‑V, 4.10
Correction and certification of the translation A‑VII, 7
Correction of deficiencies A‑III, 16
Period allowed for remedying deficiencies A‑III, 16.2
Procedure formalities officer A‑III, 16.1
Correction of description, claims and drawings H‑VI, 2.2.1
Correction of erroneously filed application documents or parts A‑II, 6, A‑II, 6.1, A‑II, 6.2
Additional fee for pages A‑II, 6.8
Claims fee A‑II, 6.9
Correct application documents based on priority application, no change in the filing date A‑II, 6.4
Correct application documents or parts filed after the search has started A‑II, 6.7
Filing date changes A‑II, 6.3
On invitation A‑II, 6.1
Same-day corrections A‑II, 6.6
Withdrawal of correct application documents or parts A‑II, 6.5
Without invitation A‑II, 6.2
Correction of errors A‑V, H‑VI
Amendment of application A‑V, 2
Communications concerning formal deficiencies A‑V, 1
Correction of errors in the decision to grant C‑V, 7
Correction of formatting/editing errors H‑VI, 4
Correction of the translations of the claims H‑VI, 5
Errors in publication H‑VI, 6
Correction of errors in decisions H‑VI, 3
Admissibility H‑VI, 3.1
Allowability of the correction of bibliographic data H‑VI, 3.2
Correction of the decision to grant while opposition proceedings are pending H‑VI, 3.3
Procedural aspects H‑VI, 3.3
Correction of errors in documents filed with the EPO A‑V, 3, H‑VI, 2
Admissibility H‑VI, 2.1
Allowability H‑VI, 2.2
Missing parts of description, missing drawings or correction of erroneously filed application documents filed as corrections under Rule 139 H‑VI, 2.2.2
Request for amendments or corrections in reply to the Rule 71(3) communication C‑V, 4
Request for amendments or corrections in reply to the Rule 71(3) communication no payment of fees or filing of translations necessary C‑V, 4.1
Standard marks for indicating amendments or corrections by the divisions C‑V, An.
Standard marks for indicating amendments or corrections by the divisions further communication with the applicant C‑VIII, 5
Standard marks for indicating amendments or corrections by the divisions further ways to accelerate examination C‑VI, 3
"Corresponding documents" B‑X, 9.1.2
Costs D‑IX, E‑VI, 2.2.5
Appeal against the fixing of costs by the opposition division D‑IX, 2.2
Appeals against the apportionment of costs E‑XII, 3
Appeals against the decision of the opposition division on the fixing of costs E‑XII, 4
Charging of costs D‑IX, 1
Costs arising from oral proceedings or taking of evidence E‑IV, 1.9
Costs of taking evidence E‑IV, 3.5
Costs to be taken into consideration D‑IX, 1.3
Decision concerning the awarding of costs by the opposition division D‑II, 4.2
Decisions on the apportionment of costs D‑IX, 1.2
Enforcement of the fixing of costs D‑IX, 3
Fixing of costs by the opposition division D‑IX, 2.1
Procedure for the fixing of costs D‑IX, 2
Could-would approach G‑VII, 5.3
CPC classification of the application B‑V, 4
Creations G‑II, 3.4
Aesthetic creations G‑II, 3.4
Crediting of fees paid voluntarily C‑V, 4.2
Crediting of fees under Rule 71a(5) A‑X, 11, C‑V, 6.3
Crediting of claims fees A‑X, 11.2
Crediting of fees under Rule 71a(5) further processing fee and crediting of fees A‑X, 11.4
Examining division resumes examination after approval of the text C‑V, 6.3
Fees A‑X, 11
Separate crediting of the fee for grant and publishing and claims fees A‑X, 11.3
Crediting of the fee for grant and publishing A‑X, 11.1
Separate crediting of the fee for grant and publishing and claims fees A‑X, 11.3
Criteria for admissibility of auxiliary requests H‑III,
Criteria for admitting such amendments H‑II, 2.5.1
Cross-references between prior-art documents G‑IV, 8
Cross-sections A‑IX, 7.3
Hatching A‑IX, 7.3.2
Sectional diagrams A‑IX, 7.3.1
Currencies A‑X, 3