Alphabetical Keyword Index
Alphabetical Keyword Index
A revised version of this publication entered into force. |
Oath E‑IV, 3.2.2
Taking of evidence on oath E‑IV, 3.2.1
Objection of lack of support F‑IV, 6.3
Objection to an expert E‑IV, 1.8.2
Objection under Rule 43(2) or Rule 137(5) F‑IV, 3.3
Objections arising from missing essential features F‑IV, 4.5.1
Objections to unsearched inventions F‑V, 5.2
Objective of the search B‑II, 2
Obligation to give reasons H‑III, 3.1.2
Observations by third parties D‑I, 6, E‑VI, E‑VI, 3
Examination by the EPO of its own motion E‑VI, 1
Examination of observations by third parties C‑VII, 6
External complaints E‑VI, 4
Late-filed submissions E‑VI, 2
Obvious combination of features? G‑VII, An., 2
Obvious selection? G‑VII, An., 3
Obviousness G‑VII, 4
Offensive and non-offensive use G‑II, 4.1.2
Official language
Official languages, of the Contracting States A‑X, 9.2.1
Official languages, of the EPO A‑VII, 1.1, E‑IX, 4.3
Use of an official language E‑V, 1
Omission of matter from publication F‑II, 7.5
Only variants of the invention are incapable of being performed F‑III, 5.1
Opening of oral proceedings E‑III, 8.3, E‑III, 8.3.2
Checking the identity and authorisations of participants at oral proceedings E‑III, 8.3.1
Late arrival, non-appearance and failure to connect E‑III, 8.3.3
Opening of the substantive part of the proceedings E‑III, 8.4
Amendments made in response to the search opinion C‑III, 2.1
Analysis of the application and content of the search opinion B‑XI, 3
Basis of the search opinion B‑XI, 2
Comments and amendments in response to the search opinion B‑XI, 3.3
Decision on the form of the opinion E‑IV, 1.8.1
Establishment and issue of the technical opinion E‑XIII, 5.4
Evaluation of an expert opinion E‑IV, 4.7
No search opinion is issued B‑XI, 7
Opinions of the search division B‑III, 1
Opinions in relation to the search report B‑III, 1.1
Opinions on matters relating to limitation of the search B‑III, 1.2
Positive opinion B‑XI, 3.9
Priority claim and the search opinion B‑XI, 4
Provisional opinion accompanying the partial search results F‑V, 4.1
Request from a national court for a technical opinion concerning a European patent E‑XIII
Response to the search opinion A‑VI, 3, C‑II, 3.1
Scope of the technical opinion E‑XIII, 2
Search opinion B‑XI, B‑XI, 1.1
Search opinion in cases of a limitation of the search B‑XI, 6
Search opinion is part of the EESR B‑XI, 1
Technical opinion E‑XIII, 1
Transmittal of the search report and search opinion B‑X, 12
Unity in relation to the search opinion B‑XI, 5
Use of "P" and "E" documents in the search opinion B‑XI, 4.1
Opponent D‑I, 6, D‑III, 6, D‑IV,, D‑IV,
Continuation on the death or legal incapacity of the opponent D‑VII, 5.2
Death or legal incapacity of an opponent D‑VII, 5.2
Request for oral proceedings by an opponent whose opposition is to be rejected as inadmissible or is deemed not to have been filed E‑III, 2.1
Opposition D‑III
Accelerated processing of oppositions E‑VIII, 5
Activity of the opposition division D‑IV, 2
Admissibility in opposition and limitation proceedings H‑VI, 2.1.1
Admissibility in opposition procedure H‑II, 3
Amendments in reply to the notice of opposition H‑II, 3.1
Amendments not related to the grounds for opposition H‑II, 3.2
Appeal against the fixing of costs by the opposition division D‑IX, 2.2
Appeals against the decision of the opposition division on the fixing of costs E‑XII, 4
Basis of this ground for opposition D‑V, 6.1
Changes in claim category in opposition H‑V, 7
Communication in the event of deficiencies as described in D‑IV, 1.2.1 which, if not remedied, will lead to the opposition being deemed not to have been filed D‑IV, 1.3.1
Communication in the event of deficiencies as described in D‑IV, 1.2.2 which, if not remedied, will lead to rejection of the opposition as inadmissible D‑IV, 1.3.2
Communications from the opposition division D‑VI, 4.1
Communications from the opposition division to the patent proprietor D‑VI, 4
Content of the notice of opposition D‑III, 6
Continuation after the opposition has been withdrawn D‑VII, 5.3
Decision concerning the admissibility of an opposition, the patent proprietor being a party D‑IV, 5.5
Decision concerning the awarding of costs by the opposition division D‑II, 4.2
Decision on the inadmissibility of an opposition or intervention D‑VIII, 2.1
Decisions of the opposition division D‑VIII
Deficiencies which may no longer be remedied in accordance with Rule 77(1) and (2), resulting in the opposition being rejected as inadmissible D‑IV, 1.4.2
Deficiencies which may no longer be remedied, as a result of which the opposition is deemed not to have been filed D‑IV, 1.4.1
Deficiencies which, if not remedied, lead to the opposition being deemed not to have been filed D‑IV, 1.2.1
Deficiencies which, if not remedied, lead to the opposition being rejected as inadmissible D‑IV, 1.2.2
Derogations from language requirements D‑III, 4
Examination for deficiencies in the notice of opposition D‑IV, 1.2
Examination for deficiencies in the notice of opposition and communications from the formalities officer arising from this examination D‑IV, 1
Examination of oppositions D‑II, 4.1
Examination of the grounds for opposition D‑V, 2.2
Examination of the opposition during oral proceedings D‑VI, 6
Fees for limitation/revocation, opposition, appeal, petition for review A‑X, 5.2.6
Filing of amended documents in reply to the notice of opposition D‑IV, 5.3
Filing of opposition after decision on limitation D‑X, 7.2
Final decisions on an admissible opposition D‑VIII, 1
Fixing of costs by the opposition division D‑IX, 2.1
Form of the opposition D‑III, 3.1
Forwarding of the notice of opposition to the formalities officer D‑IV, 1.1
Grounds for opposition D‑III, 5
Impartiality of the examining or opposition division E‑XI
Invitation to file the translation in examination/opposition A‑III, 6.8.2
Invitation to the patent proprietor to submit comments and communication of opposition to the other parties concerned by the formalities officer D‑IV, 5.2
Meaning of opposition D‑I, 1
Notice of intervention of the assumed infringer D‑I, 5, D‑VII, 6
Notices of opposition filed by fax D‑III, 3.3
Notices of opposition filed electronically D‑III, 3.2
Opposition after surrender or lapse D‑I, 2
Opposition cases with different texts where a transfer of rights by virtue of a final decision pursuant to Art. 61 takes place in examination proceedings H‑III, 4.3.3
Opposition Divisions D‑II
Administrative structure D‑II, 1
Allocation of duties and appointment of members of the opposition division D‑II, 3
Allocation of individual duties D‑II, 7
Allocation of tasks to members D‑II, 5
Composition D‑II, 2
Decisions taken by the examining or opposition divisions E‑X, 2
Duties and powers of members D‑II, 6
Tasks of the opposition divisions D‑II, 4
Opposition division's communications D‑VI, 3.1
Opposition fee D‑III, 2
Opposition D‑III, 2
Opposition procedure (Admissibility in ~) H‑II, 3
Opposition proceedings
Auxiliary requests in opposition proceedings H‑III, 3.4
Compliance of amendments with other EPC requirements in opposition proceedings H‑IV, 5.3
Continuation of the opposition proceedings in the cases covered by Rule 84 D‑VII, 5
Correction of the decision to grant while opposition proceedings are pending H‑VI, 3.3
Costs D‑IX, 1.1
Decision on closure of the opposition proceedings D‑VIII, 2.5
Different texts where a transfer of the patent in respect of certain designated states takes place in opposition proceedings H‑III, 4.3.2
Documents D‑IV, 5.6, E‑III, 8.7.1
General principles in opposition proceedings E‑VI, 2.1
Intervention in opposition proceedings D‑I, 5, D‑IV, 5.6, D‑VII, 6
Late-filed requests in opposition proceedings H‑II, 3.5
Opposition proceedings (inter partes) E‑III,
Opposition proceedings where the claims as granted are different for different contracting states H‑III, 4.5
Oral proceedings D‑VI, 3.2, D‑VI, 7.1, D‑VI, 7.2.3, E‑III, 3, E‑III, 8.1, E‑VIII, 3.1.1
Parties D‑I, 6
Parties to opposition proceedings D‑I, 6
Precedence of opposition proceedings D‑X, 7.1
Procedure in opposition proceedings E‑III,, E‑III, 8.7.3
Relation to opposition proceedings D‑X, 7
Request to adjourn opposition proceedings D‑VI, 8
Revocation proceedings D‑X, 2.1
Termination of opposition proceedings in the event of inadmissible opposition D‑IV, 4
Procedure for the examination of the opposition D‑VI
Rejection of the opposition D‑VIII, 1.3
Rejection of the opposition as inadmissible by the opposition division, the patent proprietor not being a party D‑IV, 3
Request for oral proceedings by an opponent whose opposition is to be rejected as inadmissible or is deemed not to have been filed E‑III, 2.1
Several oppositions D‑IV, 5.2
Signature of the notice of opposition D‑III, 3.4
Submission in writing D‑III, 3
Substantive examination of opposition D‑V
Territorial effect of the opposition D‑I, 3
Time allowed for filing notice of opposition D‑III, 1
Time limit for filing notice of opposition D‑III, 1, D‑IV,
Optional features F‑IV, 4.9
Oral disclosure, use, exhibition, etc. as state of the art B‑VI, 2
Oral proceedings C‑VII, 5, D‑VI, 1, E‑III, H‑III, 3.4.2, H‑III, 3.5.3
Adjournment of oral proceedings due to lack of time E‑III, 8.11.2
Amendments filed in preparation for or during oral proceedings E‑VI, 2.2.2
Auxiliary requests in limitation proceedings H‑III, 3.5.3
Auxiliary requests in opposition proceedings H‑III, 3.4.2
Cancellation or maintenance of oral proceedings E‑III, 7.2
Change of date of oral proceedings E‑III, 7.1.3
Change of date of oral proceedings at the instigation of the division E‑III, 7.1.2
Change of date, cancellation or maintenance of oral proceedings E‑III, 7
Changing the date of oral proceedings E‑III, 7.1
Checking the identity and authorisations of participants at oral proceedings E‑III, 8.3.1
Closure of oral proceedings E‑III, 8.11
Communications/oral proceedings after resumption C‑V, 4.7.1
Conduct of oral proceedings E‑III, 8
Costs arising from oral proceedings or taking of evidence E‑IV, 1.9
Delivery of the decision E‑III, 9
Derogations from the language of the proceedings in oral proceedings A‑VII, 4, E‑V
Examination of the opposition during oral proceedings D‑VI, 6
Format of oral proceedings E‑III, 1.2
Handwritten amendments in oral proceedings E‑III, 8.7
Late-filed requests after summons to oral proceedings in examination H‑II, 2.7
Minutes of oral proceedings E‑III, 10
Opening of oral proceedings E‑III, 8.3, E‑III, 8.3.2
Oral proceedings at the instance of the EPO E‑III, 4
Other procedures in examination C‑VII, 5
Preparation of oral proceedings E‑III, 5
Request for further oral proceedings E‑III, 3
Request for oral proceedings by an opponent whose opposition is to be rejected as inadmissible or is deemed not to have been filed E‑III, 2.1
Request for oral proceedings to be held on EPO premises E‑III, 1.3
Request to hold on-site oral proceedings at a particular site E‑III, 1.4
Requesting postponement during oral proceedings E‑III, 8.11.1
Requests to change the date of oral proceedings E‑III, 7.1.1
Rule 137(4) and oral proceedings H‑III, 2.1.3
Submissions filed in preparation for or during oral proceedings E‑VI, 2.2
Summons to oral proceedings E‑III, 6
Summons to oral proceedings as the first action in examination C‑III, 5
Use of computer-generated slideshows in oral proceedings E‑III, 8.5.1
Use of Rule 137(4) for amendments filed during oral proceedings in examination E‑III, 8.8
When can summons to oral proceedings be issued in substantive examination? E‑III, 5.1
Withdrawal of the request for oral proceedings E‑III, 7.2.2
Written submissions during oral proceedings by videoconference E‑III, 8.5.2
Oral proceedings at the request of a party E‑III, 2
Request for oral proceedings by an opponent whose opposition is to be rejected as inadmissible or is deemed not to have been filed E‑III, 2.1
Order E‑X, 1.3.1
Date of receipt of the debit order A‑X, 4.2.4
Debit orders filed with a competent national authority A‑X, 6.2.3
Debit orders for deposit accounts held with the EPO A‑II, 1.5
Manner and order of presentation F‑II, 4.10
Order of claims F‑IV, 4.23
Order to take evidence E‑IV, 1.4
Ordre public
Inventions contrary to ordre public G‑II, 4.1
Matter contrary to "ordre public" or morality F‑II, 7.2, G‑II, 4.1
Morality or "ordre public" A‑III, 8.1
Organisation and composition of the documentation available to the search divisions B‑IX, 1.1
Payment or transfer to a bank account held by the European Patent Organisation A‑X, 4.1
Origin of an invention G‑VII, 9
Original application no longer pending C‑IX, 2.2
Other procedures in examination C‑VII
Consultations C‑VII, 2
Examination of observations by third parties C‑VII, 6
Oral proceedings C‑VII, 5
Taking of evidence C‑VII, 4
Use of email C‑VII, 3
Overcoming a technical prejudice? G‑VII, An., 4