1.3 Issue of communications by the formalities officer as a result of examination for deficiencies
1.3.3 Extent of the formalities officer's obligation to issue the above communications
A revised version of this publication entered into force. |
Although formalities officers are not obliged to do so, they may notify the opponent of deficiencies as described in D‑IV, 1.2.1(i) and D‑IV, in good time before the expiry of the time limits within which it is still possible to remedy the deficiencies. However, the opponent can seek no legal remedy against failure to issue these communications, which is to be regarded merely as a service afforded the opponent by the EPO so as largely to obviate any adverse legal consequences. Deficiencies as described in D‑IV, 1.2.1(ii) and D‑IV, must in any event be officially notified to the opponent, since this is a statutory requirement. Should this communication inadvertently be omitted notwithstanding deficiencies of this type in the notice of opposition, opponents may submit the missing particulars on their own initiative at any time, even after the expiry of the opposition period without suffering adverse legal consequences.