Alphabetical Keyword Index
Alphabetical Keyword Index
A revised version of this publication entered into force. |
Pagesetting A‑IX, 5.1
Parameters F‑IV, 4.11
Implicit disclosure and parameters G‑VI, 6
Unusual parameters F‑IV, 4.11.1
Partial entitlement C‑IX, 2.3
Partial European search report B‑VII, 1.1
Partial transfer of right by virtue of a final decision A‑IV, 2.7
Participation of members of the division from different locations E‑III, 8.2.2
Participation of parties and their representatives from different locations E‑III, 8.2.1
Particularly relevant documents B‑X, 9.2.1
Parties to opposition proceedings D‑I, 6
Parties' written submissions A‑VII, 3.1
Patent applications
Accelerated prosecution of European patent applications E‑VIII, 4
European patent applications filed before 1 April 2009 A‑III, 11.3
European patent applications filed on or after 1 April 2009 A‑III, 11.2
Extension and validation of European patent applications and patents to/in states not party to the EPC A‑III, 12
Preclassification, IPC and CPC classification of European patent applications B‑V
Unpublished patent applications B‑IX, 2.2
Patent Cooperation Treaty (Applications under the ~ (PCT)) E‑IX
Patent documents arranged for systematic access B‑IX, 2
Patent family system B‑IX, 2.4
PCT minimum documentation B‑IX, 2.1
Search reports B‑IX, 2.3
Unpublished patent applications B‑IX, 2.2
Patent family members B‑X, 11.3
Patent family system B‑IX, 2.4
Patent proprietor
Adherence to the text of the European patent submitted or approved by the patent proprietor D‑VI, 2
Communications from the opposition division to the patent proprietor D‑VI, 4
Decision concerning the admissibility of an opposition, the patent proprietor being a party D‑IV, 5.5
Invitation to the patent proprietor to submit comments and communication of opposition to the other parties concerned by the formalities officer D‑IV, 5.2
Notifications to and observations by the patent proprietor D‑IV, 1.5
Procedure where the patent proprietor is not entitled D‑VII, 4
Rejection of the opposition as inadmissible by the opposition division, the patent proprietor not being a party D‑IV, 3
Revocation of the patent in the event that the patent proprietor no longer wishes the patent to be maintained as granted D‑VIII, 1.2.5
Patent Prosecution Highway (PPH) E‑VIII, 4.3
Patent specification
Publication of the patent specification C‑V, 10
Withdrawal before publication of the patent specification C‑V, 11
Patentability B‑VIII, 1, , G‑I, G‑III, 1
Considerations relating to specific exclusions from and exceptions to patentability B‑VIII, 2
Exceptions to patentability G‑II, 4
Industrial application G‑III
Inventions G‑II
Inventive step G‑VII
Non-prejudicial disclosures G‑V
Novelty G‑VI
Observations by third parties D‑I, 6, E‑VI, 3
Patentability requirements G‑I, 1
State of the art G‑IV
Subject-matter excluded from patentability under Art. 52(2) and (3) B‑VIII, 2.2
Technical progress, advantageous effect G‑I, 2
Patentable biotechnological inventions G‑II, 5.2
Conditions for valid payment A‑X, 7.1.1
Date considered as date on which payment is made A‑X, 4
Fee payments lacking a legal basis A‑X, 10.1.1
Indication of the purpose of payment in the case of claims fees A‑X, 7.3
Indication of the purpose of the payment in the case of designation fees A‑X, 7.2
Late payments A‑X, 10.1.2
Methods of payment A‑X, 2
Payment by credit card A‑X, 4.4
Payment in due time A‑X, 6
Late payment of fees A‑X, 6.2
Period for payment considered observed A‑X, 6.2
Payment of designation fee A‑III, 11.2.2
Payment of fees A‑III, 13.1
Late payment of fees A‑X, 6.2
No deferred payment of fees, no legal aid, no discretion A‑X, 8
Request for amendments or corrections in reply to the Rule 71(3) communication no payment of fees or filing of translations necessary C‑V, 4.1
Payment or transfer to a bank account held by the European Patent Organisation A‑X, 4.1
Payments to replenish a deposit account A‑X, 4.2.2
Purpose of payment A‑X, 7, A‑X, 7.1.2
Time limit for payment of extension and validation fees A‑III, 12.2
Application documents filed under Rule 56 EPC, Rule 56a EPC, Rule 20.5 PCT or Rule 20.5bis PCT B‑XI, 2.1
Applications under the Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT) E‑IX
Erroneous elements filed under Rule 20.5bis PCT C‑III, 1.3
International (PCT) searches B‑II, 4.4
Missing elements and parts filed under Rule 20.5 and 20.6 PCT C‑III, 1.2
PCT minimum documentation B‑IX, 2.1
Reduction and refunds of fees in respect of international (PCT) applications E‑IX, 2.6
Response to PCT actions prepared by the EPO C‑II, 3.2
Review by the EPO under Art. 24 PCT and excuse of delays under Art. 48(2) PCT E‑IX, 2.9.2
Review by the EPO under Art. 25 PCT E‑IX, 2.9.1
Pendency of the earlier application A‑IV, 1.1.1
Period allowed for remedying deficiencies A‑III, 16.2
Period for payment considered observed A‑X, 6.2
Amount of fee payable A‑X, 6.2.4
Debit orders filed with a competent national authority A‑X, 6.2.3
Fees paid by bank transfer - application of Art. 7(3) and (4) RFees A‑X, 6.2.1
Noting of loss of rights A‑X, 6.2.5
Safety provision for late replenishment of deposit accounts A‑X, 6.2.2
Periodicals, records, reports, books, etc. B‑IX, 3.1
Person skilled in the art B‑X, 9.2.1, D‑III, 5, D‑V, 4, F‑II, 4.1, F‑III, 1, F‑III, 2, F‑III, 3, F‑III, 6.3, F‑IV, 6.4, G‑I, 1, G‑VII, 1, G‑VII, 3
Categories of documents (X, Y, P, A, D, etc.) B‑X, 9.2.1
Common general knowledge of the skilled person G‑VII, 3.1
Invention G‑VII, 1
Inventions relating to biological material F‑III, 6.3
Inventive step G‑VII, 3
Patentability G‑I, 1
Sufficiency of disclosure F‑III, 1, F‑III, 2, F‑III, 3
Support in description F‑IV, 6.4
Persons entitled to appeal and to be parties to appeal proceedings E‑XII, 5
Persons entitled to file a divisional application A‑IV, 1.1.3
Persons entitled to file an application A‑II, 2
Persons participating in the consultation C‑VII, 2.2
Photographs A‑IX, 1.2, F‑II, 5.3
Drawings F‑II, 5.3
Graphic forms of presentation considered as drawings A‑IX, 1.2
Physical requirements A‑III, 3, E‑IX, 2.3.2
Documents making up the application, replacement documents, translations A‑III, 3.2
Examination of formal requirements A‑III, 3
Instructions in Chapter A‑III ("Examination of formal requirements") E‑IX, 2.3.2
Physical requirements of applications filed by reference to a previously filed application A‑III, 3.2.1
Physical requirements of late-filed application documents or correct application documents or parts A‑III, 3.2.2
Physical requirements other documents A‑III, 3.3
Physical values, units F‑II, 4.13
Plant and animal varieties or essentially biological processes for the production of plants or animals G‑II, 5.4
Essentially biological processes for the production of plants or animals G‑II, 5.4.2
Plant varieties G‑II, 5.4.1
Exceptions to patentability G‑II, 5.4
Plants, patentability G‑II, 5.2
Processes for the production of plants G‑II, 5.4
Plurality of independent claims in different categories F‑V, 3.2.2
Plurality of independent claims in the same category F‑V, 3.2.1
Points to be disregarded H‑IV, 5.4.3
Position of the examining division B‑XI, 1.2
Positive opinion B‑XI, 3.9
Positive statements B‑XI, 3.2.2
Positive statements/suggestions C‑III, 4.1.2
Positive WO‑ISA, SISR or IPER E‑IX, 3.3.2
Postal services
Filing of applications by delivery by hand or by postal services A‑II, 1.1
Notification by postal services E‑II, 2.3
Potentially conflicting European and international applications B‑VI, 4.1
Published European applications as "E" documents B‑VI, 4.1.1
Published international applications (WO) as "E" documents B‑VI, 4.1.2
Potentially conflicting patent documents B‑X, 9.2.6
Precedence of opposition proceedings D‑X, 7.1
Preclassification (for file routing and distribution) B‑V, 2
Incorrect preclassification B‑V, 2.1
Preclassification, IPC and CPC classification of European patent applications B‑V
CPC classification of the application B‑V, 4
Definitions B‑V, 1
IPC classification of the application B‑V, 3
Preclassification (for file routing and distribution) B‑V, 2
Predictable disadvantage G‑VII, 10.1
Prefixes and their symbols used to designate certain decimal multiples and submultiples F‑II, An. 2, 1.3
Preliminary examination E‑XIII, 5.2
International preliminary examination E‑IX, 1, E‑IX, 4.3.3
International preliminary examination report (IPER) F‑V, 7.3
Reduction of the examination fee where the international preliminary examination report is being drawn up by the EPO A‑X, 9.3.2
Preliminary remarks General Part, 1
Preparation of a decision to maintain a European patent in amended form D‑VI, 7.2
Decision on the documents on the basis of which the patent is to be maintained D‑VI, 7.2.2
Procedural requirements D‑VI, 7.2.1
Request for publishing fee, translations and a formally compliant version of amended text passages D‑VI, 7.2.3
Preparation of oral proceedings E‑III, 5
When can summons to oral proceedings be issued in substantive examination? E‑III, 5.1
Preparation of substantive examination D‑IV, 5
Communication of observations from one of the parties to the other parties D‑IV, 5.4
Decision concerning the admissibility of an opposition, the patent proprietor being a party D‑IV, 5.5
Examination of the admissibility of an intervention and preparations in the event of an intervention D‑IV, 5.6
Filing of amended documents in reply to the notice of opposition D‑IV, 5.3
Inadmissibility at a later stage D‑IV, 5.1
Invitation to the patent proprietor to submit comments and communication of opposition to the other parties concerned by the formalities officer D‑IV, 5.2
Preparation of the decision D‑VI, 7
Preparation of a decision to maintain a European patent in amended form D‑VI, 7.2
Preparation of the search report B‑IV, 3.1
Presentation of the sheets of drawings A‑IX, 4
Numbering of sheets of drawings A‑IX, 4.2
Usable surface area of sheets A‑IX, 4.1
Presentations of information G‑II, 3.7
User interfaces G‑II, 3.7.1
Preventing publication A‑VI, 1.2
Principle of equity D‑IX, 1.4
Basic principles H‑IV, 3.1
Basic principles of decisions E‑X, 1
General principles in opposition proceedings E‑VI, 2.1
Principles relating to the exercise of discretion E‑VI, 2.2.3
Printing quality F‑II, 5.2
Prior art
Citation of prior art in the description after the filing date H‑IV, 2.2.7
Closest prior art and its effects on the search B‑IV, 2.5
Combining pieces of prior art G‑VII, 6
Determination of the closest prior art G‑VII, 5.1
Evaluation of prior art documents cited in search report and late priority claim C‑III, 7
Information on prior art E‑IX,
Non-unity and prior art F‑V, 3.1
Non-unity and prior art under Art. 54(2) F‑V, 3.1.2
Non-unity and prior art under Art. 54(3) F‑V, 3.1.1
Requesting information on prior art (not confined to priority) C‑III, 6
Prior right
National prior rights B‑VI, 4.2, C‑IV, 7.2
Prior use
Matters to be determined by the division as regards prior use G‑IV, 7.2
Public prior use G‑IV, 1
Priority B‑VI, 3, F‑VI, F‑VI, 1.2, G‑IV, 3, G‑IV, 5.1
Applications giving rise to a right of priority A‑III, 6.2
Certified copy of the previous application (priority document) F‑VI, 3.3
Claiming priority F‑VI, 3
Conflict with other European applications G‑IV, 5.1
Copy of the previous application (priority document) A‑III, 6.7
Copy of the priority application A‑II, 5.4.3, A‑II, 6.4.2
Copy of the search results for the priority or priorities A‑III, 6.12, C‑II, 5
Correct application documents based on priority application, no change in the filing date A‑II, 6.4
Date of priority A‑IV, 1.2.1, A‑IV, 1.2.2, A‑IV, 2.5, C‑IX, 1.1, C‑IX, 2.1, F‑VI, 1.2, G‑IV, 3, G‑IV, 5.1
Declaration of priority A‑III, 6.5, F‑VI, 3.1, F‑VI, 3.4
European Patent Application F‑VI
Examination of the priority document A‑III, 6.4
Examining the validity of a right to priority F‑VI, 2.1
Further action upon examination of replies further action where a request for a translation of the priority application was sent earlier in examination proceedings C‑IV, 3.1
Intermediate publication of the contents of the priority application F‑VI, 2.4.1
Late-filed missing parts when priority is claimed A‑II, 5.4.1
Later-filed correct application documents or parts when priority is claimed A‑II, 6.4.1
Loss of right to priority A‑III, 6.10
Missing parts are completely contained in the priority application A‑II, 5.4.2
Missing parts based on the priority application, no change in filing date A‑II, 5.4
Multiple priorities A‑III, 6.3, A‑III, 6.7, E‑VIII, 1.5, F‑VI, 1.5
Non-entitlement to right to priority A‑III, 6.9
Period of priority A‑III, 6.1, A‑III, 6.6, A‑III, 6.9, E‑IX,, F‑VI, 1.3, F‑VI, 3.6
Priority claim F‑III, 6.4
Correcting an existing priority claim A‑III, 6.5.2
Deficiencies in the priority claim and loss of the priority right A‑III, 6.5.3
Doubts as to the validity of the priority claim B‑VI, 5.3
Evaluation of prior art documents cited in search report and late priority claim C‑III, 7
Filing a new priority claim A‑III, 6.5.1
Priority claim not valid F‑VI, 2.3
Priority claim of a divisional application A‑IV, 1.2.2
Withdrawal of priority claim E‑VIII, 8.2, F‑VI, 3.5
Priority claim and the search opinion B‑XI, 4
Use of "P" and "E" documents in the search opinion B‑XI, 4.1
Priority date
Date of filing or priority date as effective date G‑IV, 3
Determining priority dates F‑VI, 2
Effect of change in priority date E‑VIII, 1.5
Filing and priority date B‑VI, 5
Some examples of determining priority dates F‑VI, 2.4
Verification of claimed priority date(s) B‑VI, 5.1
Priority date as effective date F‑VI, 1.2
Date of filing or priority date as effective date G‑IV, 3
Priority documents A‑VII, 3.3, A‑XI, 5.2, E‑IX,, F‑VI, 3.4, H‑IV, 2.2.6
Claim to priority E‑IX,, F‑VI, 3.4
Content of the application as "originally" filed H‑IV, 2.2.6
Derogations from the language of the proceedings in written proceedings A‑VII, 3.3
Issuance of certified copies A‑XI, 5.2
Priority documents issued by the EPO A‑XI, 5.2
Priority period A‑III, 6.6
Re-establishment of rights in respect of the priority period F‑VI, 3.6
Priority right F‑VI, 1.2, F‑VI, 1.5, F‑VI, 2.2, G‑IV, 3
Deficiencies in the priority claim and loss of the priority right A‑III, 6.5.3
Requesting information on prior art (not confined to priority) C‑III, 6
Restoration of priority E‑IX,
Right to priority F‑VI, 1
Right to priority F‑VI, 1.2
Situation in which it has to be checked whether the application from which priority is actually claimed is the "first application" within the meaning of Art. 87(1) F‑VI, 2.4.4
State of the art at the search stage B‑VI, 3
Translation of the priority application A‑II, 5.4.4, A‑II, 6.4.3
Validly claiming priority F‑VI, 1.3
Problem-solution approach G‑VII, 5
Claims comprising technical and non-technical features G‑VII, 5.4
Could-would approach G‑VII, 5.3
Determination of the closest prior art G‑VII, 5.1
Formulation of the objective technical problem G‑VII, 5.2
Procedural aspects H‑VI, 3.3
Amendments in the case of non-unity further procedural aspects concerning Euro-PCT applications H‑II, 6.4
Procedure after searching B‑IV, 3
Documents discovered after completion of the search B‑IV, 3.2
Errors in the search report B‑IV, 3.3
Preparation of the search report B‑IV, 3.1
Procedure for amendments to documents H‑III, 2
Amendment by submitting missing documents or by filing replacement pages H‑III, 2.2
Amendments made by the EPO at the request of a party H‑III, 2.4
Amendments using copies H‑III, 2.3
Indication of amendments and their basis under Rule 137(4) H‑III, 2.1
Withdrawal of amendments/abandonment of subject matter H‑III, 2.5
Procedure for the examination of the opposition D‑VI
Additional search D‑VI, 5
Adherence to the text of the European patent submitted or approved by the patent proprietor D‑VI, 2
Communications from the opposition division to the patent proprietor D‑VI, 4
Examination of the opposition during oral proceedings D‑VI, 6
Invitation to file observations D‑VI, 3
Preparation of the decision D‑VI, 7
Request to adjourn opposition proceedings D‑VI, 8
Procedure for the fixing of costs D‑IX, 2
Appeal against the fixing of costs by the opposition division D‑IX, 2.2
Fixing of costs by the opposition division D‑IX, 2.1
Procedure formalities officer A‑III, 16.1
Procedure in examination proceedings E‑III,, E‑III, 8.7.2
Handwritten amendments in oral proceedings E‑III, 8.7.2
Late arrival, non-appearance and failure to connect E‑III,
Procedure in opposition proceedings E‑III,, E‑III, 8.7.3
Handwritten amendments in oral proceedings E‑III, 8.7.3
Late arrival, non-appearance and failure to connect E‑III,
Procedure in the case of lack of unity during search F‑V, 4
Consequences for the applicant F‑V, 4.2
Provisional opinion accompanying the partial search results F‑V, 4.1
Procedure in the case of lack of unity during substantive examination F‑V, 5
Objections to unsearched inventions F‑V, 5.2
Review of non-unity findings F‑V, 5.3
Procedure on filing A‑II, 3
Confirmation A‑II, 3.1
Filing with a competent national authority A‑II, 3.2
Receipt A‑II, 3.1
Procedure prior to searching B‑IV, 1
Analysis of the application B‑IV, 1.1
Documents cited or supplied by the applicant B‑IV, 1.3
Formal deficiencies B‑IV, 1.2
Procedure up to substantive examination D‑IV
Activity of the opposition division D‑IV, 2
Examination for deficiencies in the notice of opposition and communications from the formalities officer arising from this examination D‑IV, 1
Preparation of substantive examination D‑IV, 5
Rejection of the opposition as inadmissible by the opposition division, the patent proprietor not being a party D‑IV, 3
Termination of opposition proceedings in the event of inadmissible opposition D‑IV, 4
Procedure where the patent proprietor is not entitled D‑VII, 4
Continuation of proceedings D‑VII, 4.2
Department responsible D‑VII, 4.4
Interruption of time limits D‑VII, 4.3
Stay of proceedings D‑VII, 4.1
Procedures before the competent authority E‑IV, 3.4
Procedures in cases of lack of unity B‑VII, 2
Complete search despite of lack of unity B‑VII, 2.2
Request for refund of further search fee(s) B‑VII, 2.1
Supplementary European search B‑VII, 2.3
Adjournment of oral proceedings due to lack of time E‑III, 8.11.2
Admissibility in opposition and limitation proceedings H‑VI, 2.1.1
Admissibility in the examination procedure at an advanced stage of the proceedings H‑II, 2.4
Admission of the public to proceedings E‑III, 8.1
Amendments filed in preparation for or during oral proceedings E‑VI, 2.2.2
Amendments filed in reply to a Rule 71(3) communication further course of proceedings H‑II, 2.5.2
Ancillary proceedings D‑II, 4.3
Art. 61 applications and stay of proceedings under Rule 14 A‑IV, 2
Auxiliary requests in examination proceedings H‑III, 3.3
Auxiliary requests in limitation proceedings H‑III, 3.5
Auxiliary requests in opposition proceedings H‑III, 3.4
Cancellation or maintenance of oral proceedings E‑III, 7.2
Cases in which the proceedings may be interrupted E‑VII, 1.1
Change of date of oral proceedings E‑III, 7.1.3
Change of date of oral proceedings at the instigation of the division E‑III, 7.1.2
Change of date, cancellation or maintenance of oral proceedings E‑III, 7
Changing the date of oral proceedings E‑III, 7.1
Checking the identity and authorisations of participants at oral proceedings E‑III, 8.3.1
Closure of oral proceedings E‑III, 8.11
Communications/oral proceedings after resumption C‑V, 4.7.1
Compliance of amendments with other EPC requirements in examination proceedings H‑IV, 5.2
Compliance of amendments with other EPC requirements in limitation proceedings H‑IV, 5.4
Compliance of amendments with other EPC requirements in opposition proceedings H‑IV, 5.3
Conduct of oral proceedings E‑III, 8, E‑III, 8.2
Consolidation of proceedings E‑VII, 4
Continuation of proceedings D‑VII, 4.2
Continuation of the opposition proceedings in the cases covered by Rule 84 D‑VII, 5
Continuation regardless of the stage reached in national proceedings D‑VII, 4.2.2
Correction of the decision to grant while opposition proceedings are pending H‑VI, 3.3
Costs arising from oral proceedings or taking of evidence E‑IV, 1.9
Date of the stay of proceedings A‑IV, 2.2.2, D‑VII, 4.1.1
Decision on closure of the opposition proceedings D‑VIII, 2.5
Decisions which do not terminate proceedings D‑VIII, 2.2, E‑X, 3
Derogations from the language of the proceedings in oral proceedings A‑VII, 4, E‑V
Derogations from the language of the proceedings in written proceedings A‑VII, 3
Details and special features of the proceedings D‑VII
Different text where a transfer of right takes place pursuant to Art. 61 in examination proceedings H‑III, 4.3.1
Different texts where a transfer of the patent in respect of certain designated states takes place in opposition proceedings H‑III, 4.3.2
Examination of the opposition during oral proceedings D‑VI, 6
Examination proceedings (ex parte) E‑III,
Format of oral proceedings E‑III, 1.2
Further action upon examination of replies further action where a request for a translation of the priority application was sent earlier in examination proceedings C‑IV, 3.1
General principles in opposition proceedings E‑VI, 2.1
Handwritten amendments in oral proceedings E‑III, 8.7
Influencing the speed of examination proceedings C‑VI, 2
Interruption of proceedings E‑VII, 1.3
Interruption, stay and consolidation of the proceedings E‑VII
Language of proceedings A‑IV, 1.3.3, A‑VII, 1.3, A‑VII, 2, A‑VII, 3.2, A‑VII, 4, A‑VII, 8, B‑X, 3.2, E‑IX, 2.1.3
Late-filed requests after summons to oral proceedings in examination H‑II, 2.7
Late-filed requests in opposition proceedings H‑II, 3.5
Legal character and effect of the stay of proceedings D‑VII, 4.1.2
Minutes of oral proceedings E‑III, 10
Opening of oral proceedings E‑III, 8.3, E‑III, 8.3.2
Opening of the substantive part of the proceedings E‑III, 8.4
Opposition cases with different texts where a transfer of rights by virtue of a final decision pursuant to Art. 61 takes place in examination proceedings H‑III, 4.3.3
Opposition proceedings (inter partes) E‑III,
Opposition proceedings where the claims as granted are different for different contracting states H‑III, 4.5
Oral proceedings C‑VII, 5, D‑VI, 1, E‑III, H‑III, 3.4.2, H‑III, 3.5.3
Oral proceedings at the instance of the EPO E‑III, 4
Oral proceedings at the request of a party E‑III, 2
Parties to opposition proceedings D‑I, 6
Persons entitled to appeal and to be parties to appeal proceedings E‑XII, 5
Precedence of opposition proceedings D‑X, 7.1
Preparation of oral proceedings E‑III, 5
Procedure in examination proceedings E‑III,, E‑III, 8.7.2
Procedure in opposition proceedings E‑III,, E‑III, 8.7.3
Public proceedings E‑III, 8.1
Relation to opposition proceedings D‑X, 7
Request for further oral proceedings E‑III, 3
Request for oral proceedings by an opponent whose opposition is to be rejected as inadmissible or is deemed not to have been filed E‑III, 2.1
Request for oral proceedings to be held on EPO premises E‑III, 1.3
Request to adjourn opposition proceedings D‑VI, 8
Request to hold on-site oral proceedings at a particular site E‑III, 1.4
Requesting postponement during oral proceedings E‑III, 8.11.1
Requests to change the date of oral proceedings E‑III, 7.1.1
Resumption E‑VII, 1.3, E‑VIII, 1.4
Resumption after final decision in entitlement proceedings A‑IV,
Resumption of proceedings E‑VII, 1.4
Resumption of the proceedings for grant A‑IV, 2.2.5
Resumption regardless of the stage of entitlement proceedings A‑IV,
Rule 137(4) and oral proceedings H‑III, 2.1.3
Sequence of proceedings D‑VII, 1
Stay of proceedings D‑VII, 4.1
Stay of proceedings for grant A‑IV, 2.2
Stay of proceedings under Rule 14 due to pending national entitlement proceedings E‑VII, 2
Stay of proceedings when a referral to the Enlarged Board of Appeal is pending E‑VII, 3
Submissions filed in preparation for or during oral proceedings E‑VI, 2.2
Summons to oral proceedings D‑VI, 3.2, E‑III, 6
Summons to oral proceedings as the first action in examination C‑III, 5
Termination of opposition proceedings in the event of inadmissible opposition D‑IV, 4
Use of computer-generated slideshows in oral proceedings E‑III, 8.5.1
Use of Rule 137(4) for amendments filed during oral proceedings in examination E‑III, 8.8
When can summons to oral proceedings be issued in substantive examination? E‑III, 5.1
Withdrawal of the request for oral proceedings E‑III, 7.2.2
Written submissions during oral proceedings by videoconference E‑III, 8.5.2
Producing evidence C‑VII, 4.2
Product claim
Product claim to method claim H‑V, 7.2
Product claim to use claim H‑V, 7.1
Product claim with process features F‑IV, 4.12.1
Product-by-process claim F‑IV, 4.12
Product claim with process features F‑IV, 4.12.1
Products F‑IV, 3.1, F‑IV, 4.12, G‑II, 4.2, G‑II, 5.4, G‑II, 5.5.1
First or further medical use of known products G‑VI, 7.1
Intermediate and final products F‑V, 3.2.7
Products that may be claimed for a further medical use G‑VI, 7.1.1
Professional representatives (List of ~) A‑VIII, 1.2
Programs for computers G‑II, 3.6
Data retrieval, formats and structures G‑II, 3.6.3
Database management systems and information retrieval G‑II, 3.6.4
Examples of further technical effects G‑II, 3.6.1
Information modelling, activity of programming and programming languages G‑II, 3.6.2
List of exclusions G‑II, 3.6
Prohibited matter A‑III, 8, A‑IX, 6, E‑IX, 2.3.7, F‑II, 7, G‑II, 4.1.1
Categories F‑II, 7.1
Content of a European patent application (other than claims) F‑II, 7
Disparaging statements A‑III, 8.2, F‑II, 7.3
Examination of formal requirements A‑III, 8
Instructions in Chapter A‑III ("Examination of formal requirements") E‑IX, 2.3.7
Irrelevant or unnecessary matter F‑II, 7.4
Matter contrary to "ordre public" or morality F‑II, 7.2
Matter contrary to "ordre public" or morality G‑II, 4.1.1
Morality or "ordre public" A‑III, 8.1
Omission of matter from publication F‑II, 7.5
Proper names, trade marks and trade names F‑III, 7
Property (Use on non-public ~) G‑IV, 7.2.3
Proprietor of the patent
Death or legal incapacity E‑VII, 1.1
Joint proprietors D‑I, 6
Proprietor of the patent is not entitled D‑I, 6
Prosecution of the application by a third party A‑IV, 2.4
Assessment of impermissible extension of the protection conferred H‑IV, 3.4
Extent of protection F‑IV, 4.12
Protection conferred by the patent as granted H‑IV, 3.2
Provisional protection E‑IX, 2.5.1
Provisional opinion accompanying the partial search results F‑V, 4.1
Provisional protection E‑IX, 2.5.1
Admission of the public to proceedings E‑III, 8.1
Information to the public D‑I, 8
Matter contrary to "ordre public" or morality F‑II, 7.2, G‑II, 4.1
Morality or "ordre public" A‑III, 8.1
Public availability of biological material F‑III, 6.2
State of the art made available to the public "by means of a written or oral description, by use, or in any other way" G‑IV, 7
State of the art made available to the public in writing and/or by any other means G‑IV, 7.4
Burden of proof other "print equivalent" publications G‑IV,
Non-traditional publications G‑IV,
Publication of a new specification of the patent D‑VII, 7
Publication of application A‑VI, A‑VI, 1
Content of the publication A‑VI, 1.3
Date of publication A‑VI, 1.1
Instructions in Chapter A‑VI ("Publication of application; request for examination and transmission of the dossier to examining division") E‑IX, 2.5
Preventing publication A‑VI, 1.2
Publication in electronic form only A‑VI, 1.4
Publication of application no publication A‑VI, 1.2
Request for examination and transmission of the dossier to the examining division A‑VI, 2
Response to the search opinion A‑VI, 3
Separate publication of the European search report A‑VI, 1.5
Publication of bibliographic data before publication of the application A‑XI, 2.6
Publication of the international application E‑IX, 2.5.1
Publication of the patent specification C‑V, 10
Withdrawal before publication of the patent specification C‑V, 11
Published European applications as "E" documents B‑VI, 4.1.1
Published international applications (WO) as "E" documents B‑VI, 4.1.2
Purpose of examination C‑I, 4
Purpose of payment A‑X, 7, A‑X, 7.1.2
Indication of the purpose of payment in the case of claims fees A‑X, 7.3
Indication of the purpose of the payment in the case of designation fees A‑X, 7.2
Purpose of the abstract F‑II, 2.1