6. Subject-matter of the European patent extending beyond the original disclosure
6.1 Basis of this ground for opposition
A revised version of this publication entered into force. |
This ground for opposition under Art. 100(c) refers back to Art. 123(2) and stipulates that the subject-matter of a European patent may not extend beyond the content of the application as filed. In the case of a patent granted on the basis of a European divisional application (Art. 76(1)), two criteria apply: the subject-matter must not extend beyond the content of the earlier application as filed (Art. 76(1)), and it must not extend beyond the content of the divisional application as filed (Art. 123(2)) (see T 873/94). Similar considerations apply to applications filed under Art. 61. In the case of a patent granted on an application filed in a language other than an official language of the EPO either in accordance with Art. 14(2) or in accordance with Rule 40 (see Rule 40(3)), the original text will, as provided for in Art. 70(2), constitute the basis for determining whether the subject-matter of the European patent extends beyond the content of the application as filed. However, unless, for example, the opponent adduces proof to the contrary the opposition division may, under Rule 7, assume that the translation referred to in Art. 14(2) or Rule 40(3) is in conformity with the original text of the application.