EPO meets with Abbott and Boeing


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The European Patent Office (EPO) recently met with Abbott and Boeing, two key applicants with a vital interest in the European market. These discussions are part of the 50 planned user meetings in 2024 under the Quality Action Plan initiative "deepened dialogue with our users". The meetings provide the EPO with valuable insights and help to identify areas for improvement.

Both delegations expressed their gratitude for the EPO’s openness and transparency and indicated a desire to continue technical-level exchanges. 


Chief IP Counsel, Mrs. Gael Tisack, led the Abbott delegation that visited the EPO’s Munich headquarters on 14 June. The delegation highly praised the quality of the EPO’s work, noting that EPO sets “the gold standard worldwide” for prior art searches. They also provided positive feedback on the technical expertise of the EPO’s examiners and the ever-improving exchanges with them, aiding the efficiency and excellent standard of the search and examination procedure. Part of the operational discussions focused on opposition where Abbott is active both as proprietor and opponent. 

Abbott was ranked high in the Patent Index 2023. It is a multinational health care company focused on medical devices, medicines, diagnostics, and nutrition. Its medical devices business is a global leader in cardiovascular, diabetes care, and neuromodulation. 


A Boeing IP delegation met the EPO via videoconference on 18 June. The parties discussed how the EPO plays a key role in ensuring quality for enforceable patents. The discussion included dialogue on the consistency of the examination approach taken across various divisions, as well as positive feedback on the quality and timeliness of the EPO’s searches. The parties agreed that this meeting is the start of the dialogue.

Boeing was ranked 74th in the Patent Index 2023 with 318 filings. Boeing develops, manufactures and services commercial airplanes, defense products and space systems for customers in more than 150 countries. As a top U.S. exporter, the company leverages the talents of a global supplier base to advance economic opportunity, sustainability and community impact. Boeing employs more than 170,000 people across the United States and in more than 65 countries.