Alphabetical keyword index
16th edition: this version presents the text in force on 1 July 2020. |
abstract A 78(1)(e), A 85, A 90(5)
definitive content R 66
filing R 57(d)
publication R 68
accounting officer A 50(c)
accounting period of the EPOrg A 43, A 45
rendering of ~ A 50(a)
belated payment of a renewal fee A 141; R 51; RFees 2(1).5
additional fee for a European patent application R 38(2),(3) ; RFees 2(1).1a
additional fee for European divisional applications R 38(4) ; RFees 2(1).1b
additional international search fee R 158(1)
additional fee for international preliminary examination (PCT) R 158(2)
administration of justice
co-operation between the EPOrg and other authorities PPI 20
administrative and legal co-operation A 131; R 117-119, R 148-150
Administrative Council A 4(2)(b),(3)
advisers A 26(2)
Board A 28
chairmanship A 27
competence, see powers
composition A 26
decisions A 35
decisions on immunities PPI 17
equipment A 32
experts A 26(2)
immunity of participants at meetings of the ~ A 8; PPI 12
languages A 31
members A 26(2)
powers A 10(3), A 11, A 23(1),(4), A 33, A 39(3), A 40(5), A 41(2), A 44(2), A 46(2), A 47(2), A 49(1),(4), A 87(5), A 130(3), A 134a, A 145(1), A 146, A 149a, A 153(7), A 166(1)(b), A 172(2), A 173(1); R 12(6); PPI 16(1), PPI 17, PPI 19(2), PPI 24(1),PPI 24(2), PPI 25, PCen I-VIII
premises A 32
Rules of Procedure A 29(4),(5), A 33(2)(e)
select committee A 145
staff A 32
terms of office A 27(2)
voting rights A 34
voting rules A 35, A 36; PCen VIII
weighting of votes A 36; PCen VIII
administrative fees R 22(2), R 23(2), R 74, R 145(2), R 146;RFees 3(1), 3RFees(3)
administrative structure of the EPO R 9
by the Contracting States A 41, A 50(b)
Agreement A 30(1),(2), A 33(4); PCen IV(1)(d),(2)(c)
~ between the International Patent Institute and the EPOrg PCen I(1)(a)
Hague ~ PCen I(1)(a)
~ between the EPOrg and WIPO A 152
agreements by EPO/EPOrg A 33(4), A 132(2), A 152 ;
special ~ A 142- A 149a; PCen IV(1)(d),(2)(c)
industrial application A 57
amending budget A 10(2)(d), A 36, A 42(1), A 46(2), A 48
EP and EP appl. A 123, A 138(2); R 3(2), R 4(6), R 18, R 58, R 70(2), R 70a, R 71,
R 78(2), R 79(1),(3), R 80, R 81, R 115(2),
list of professional representatives R 154
amendments and corrections R 137-140
amino acid sequences
EP appl. relating to ~ R 30
exceptions to patentability R 27
modifying the genetic identity of ~ R 28
processes for the production of ~ A 53(b); R 26(5)
animal varieties
excluded from patentability A 53(b)
by employees A 13(2)
content of the notice of ~ R 99
decision in respect of appeals A 111; R 102
decisions subject to ~ A 106; R 97, R 98;
deficiencies R 101
interlocutory revision A 109
persons entitled to ~ A 107
rejection as inadmissible R 101
review by the Enlarged Board of Appeal A 112a(1)
surrender or lapse of the patent R 98
time limit and form of appeal A 108
appeal feeRFees 2(1).11,
reimbursement R 103
appeals procedure A 106-A 112a; R 97-103
persons entitled to appeal and to be parties to appeal proceedings A 107
~ is not entitled A 61; R 14-18, R 78
~ is not the inventor R 19(3)
claims against the ~ PR 1(1), PR 2
comments by the ~ during the examination procedure R 70(2)
death or legal incapacity of the ~ R 142(1)(a),(b)
entries in the Register of European Patents R 143(1)(f)
identity R 40(1)(b)
information about the publication of the European
search report R 69
information in the request for grant R 41(2)(c)
residence PR 3
re-establishment of rights A 122, R 136
response of ~ to the extended search report R 70a, R 161(1)
right to an EP A 60(3)
joint ~ A 118
multiple ~ A 59, A 118; R 41(3), R 72
by persons not having the right to an EP A 61; R 16
entitled persons A 58
- see European patent application
- see international application
- see national patent application
application documents
filed subsequently R 50
for international (Euro-PCT) applications R 159(1)(b)
general provisions R 49
parts R 49
application fee see filing fee
national ~ on conversion A 137(2)(a)
assets of the EPOrg A 49(3)
assignment of EP appl. A 72; R 22
attorney-client evidentiary privilege R 153
auditing of accounts A 49, A 50(a)
authorisations A 133(3); R 152
information to the public or official ~ A 127-132; R 143-147
authorities of the Contracting States
- see central industrial property offices
awarding of costs see costs