Alphabetical keyword index
16th edition: this version presents the text in force on 1 July 2020. |
elected Office
EPO as an ~ pursuant to the PCT A 153(1); R 159
embryos R 28
emergency conditions A 63(2)(a)
employee, invention by A 60(1)
employees of the EPO
appeals by ~ A 13(2)
appointment A 10(2)(g), A 11
appointment of senior ~ A 11
Berlin sub-office/branch at The Hague PCen I
conditions of employment A 33(2)(b)
disciplinary authority over senior ~ A 11(4)
disciplinary authority over the ~ A 10(2)(h)
disputes between the ~ ,the Contracting States and the EPOrg A 13; PPI 23(3), PPI 24
duties and charges on personal goods PPI 6
duties of office A 12
entry, stay and departure PPI 11
immunities A 8; PPI 14, PPI 17
liability A 9(3)
pension scheme A 33(2)(c)
professional secret A 12
promotion A 10(2)(g)
salaries PPI 16(1)
salary scales A 33(2)(b)
Service Regulations for permanent ~ A 33(2)(b)
social security PPI 18
tax on salaries and pensions PPI 16
disputes between the ~ and the employee concerning the right to the grant of an EP PR 5(2)
Enlarged Board of Appeal
allocation of duties R 13
as a department charged with the procedure A 15(g)
decision and opinion A 112; R 111
petition for review A 112a
responsibilities A 22(1)
Rules of Procedure A 23(4); R 13(2)
entitlement to the grant of an EP A 61; R 14, R 16, R 78, PR 1ff
procedure R 16
errors in documents R 139
European divisional application
additional fee R 38(4); RFees 2(1).1b
designation of Contracting States A 76(2)
entries in the Register of European Patents R 143(1)(k)
fees R 6(1), R 36(3)-(4), R 38(4), R 51(3); RFees 2(1).1b
inspection of files A 128(3)
language R 36(2)
refund of search fee RFees 9(2)
subsequent designation of the inventor R 60(2)
time limit for identifying the inventor R 60(2)
European law for the grant of patents A 1
European patent
amendments A 101(3)(a), A 123
as an object of property A 71-74, A 148
Contracting States A 3
conversion into a national patent A 135,
designation of Contracting States A 79, A 149
designation of the inventor R 20
entitlement to file an EP appl. A 58
examination of the opposition A 101
extent of protection A 69, A 70(3),(4); A 1, A 2 Protocol on the Interpretation of Article 69 EPC
for a group of Contracting States A 142
grant of ~ for one or more Contracting States A 3
grounds for opposition A 100
grounds for revocation A 138
inspection of files R 145, R 149
keeping of files R 147
lapse R 143(1)(p)
limitation A 105a- A 105c, A 138(2)
maintenance A 101
name A 2
prior right A 139(1)
publication A 14(7), A 98; R 73
rejection of the opposition A 101(2)
renewal fees A 37(b), A 39, A 141
request for grant R 41
right to a ~ A 60
rights conferred by a ~ A 64
see claims
see priority
term A 63
text A 70, A 101, A 113(2); R 70(2), R 71, R 71a
transfer during the opposition period or during opposition proceedings R 85
unity A 118
European patent application
abstract A 78(1)(e), A 85
additional fee R 38(2), R 51; RFees 2(1).1a
amino acid sequences R 30
application, see filing
application documents R 49
as an object of property A 71ff, A 148; R 22ff, R 85, R 142
assignment A 72
authentic text A 70
by persons not having the right to an EP A 61; R 16
claims fees R 45
common representative R 41(3), R 151
contractual licensing A 73
conversion into a national patent application A 135-137
deficiencies A 90; R 55, R 60, R 70a, R 71
designation of Contracting States A 79, A 149 see designation
designation of the inventor A 81; R 20
disclosure of the invention A 83
documents filed subsequently R 50
drawings A 69(1), A 78(1)(d); A 1, A 2 Protocol on the Interpretation of Article 69 EPC; R 43(6),(7), R 56
entitlement to grant in respect of only part of the matter disclosed in the ~ R 18, R 78
equivalence A 66
examination as to formal requirements A 90; R 60
examination by a central industrial property office of the Contracting States PCen IV
examination on filing A 90
examination on filing and examination as to formal requirements A 16, A 90
extent of protection A 69, A 70(3),(4); A 1, A 2 Protocol on the Interpretation of Article 69 EPC
filing A 61, A 75, A 76; R 17, R 35, R 36
filing of the translation A 14(2), A 90(3); R 6(1), R 36(2), R 49(1), R 57(a)
formalities examination, see examination as to formal requirements
further processing A 121; R 135; RFees 2(1).12
information on prior art R 70b, R 141
inspection of files A 128; R 145, R 149
international application as ~ A 150, A 153(5); R 159, R 160
keeping of files R 147
languages A 14(1)-(6); R 3, R 36(2)
limitation of the option to withdraw the ~ R 15
mention of the inventor A 81; R 20
multiple or joint applicants A 59
nucleotide sequences R 30
persons entitled to file ~ A 58
physical requirements R 57
prior right A 139(1)
prohibited matter R 48
protection, see extent of protection
provisional protection A 67
provisions governing the application R 35-40
publication A 93, A 153(3),(4); R 48-50, R 68
restitutio in integrum, see re-establishment of rights
refusal A 61(1)(c), A 90(5), A 97(2)
Register of European Patents A 127
registration of a transfer R 22
registration of licences R 24
registration of licences and other rights R 22-24
renewal fees A 86
request A 78(1)(a)
request for examination A 94; R 69, R 70
requirements A 78
re-establishment of rights A 122; R 136
rights conferred by an EP appl. after publication A 67
transfer and constitution of rights A 71; R 23
unity A 118
unity of invention A 82; R 44, R 64, R 137
- see amendments
- see description
- see patent claims
- see priority
European Patent Bulletin A 129(a)
correction/cancellation of the mention of the inventor R 21
languages A 14(7)
mention of the grant of an EP A 97(3); R 71a
mention of the publication of the European search report R 69(1)
European Patent Convention
accession A 166
amendments A 10(2)(c)
certified true copies A 178(1)
denunciation A 174
disputes between Contracting States concerning application and interpretation A 173
duration A 171
entry into force A 169
initial contribution A 170
integral parts A 164(1)
interpretation A 173, A 177(2)
languages A 177
notifications A 178
provisions prevailing A 164(2)
ratification A 165
revision A 172
signature A 165
territorial field of application A 168
transmission A 178
European Patent Office A 10-25
administrative services R 9(2)
administrative structure R 9
as designated Office A 153(1); R 159
as elected Office A 153(1); R 159
as organ of the EPOrg A 4(2)(a)
as receiving Office A 151; R 157
branch at The Hague A 6(2), A 10(2)(b)
communications with the authorities of the Contracting States R 148
departments A 15
exchanges of information between the EPO and the central industrial property offices A 130
instances R 11ff
internal administrative instructions A 10(2)(a)
international preliminary examination A 152; R 158
International Searching Authority A 152; R 158
languages A 14
organisation R 8ff
President A 5(2), A 10; PPI 13
publications A 129
seat A 6(2)
special departments A 143
sub-offices A 7; PCen I(1)(c), PCen I(3), PCen V(1),(2)
Vice-Presidents A 10(3), A 11(2); R 9(2)
European Patent Organisation A 4, A 5ff
agreement between the International Patent Institute and the ~ PCen I
archives PPI 2
budget A 40(1), A 42, A 46, A 47, A 48
conference of ministers A 4a
disputes between the ~ and employees A 13
duties in respect of goods PPI 5, PPI 6
establishment A 4(1)
financial provisions A 37ff
immunities A 8; PPI
legal status A 5
liability A 9
official activities PPI 3(4)
organs A 4(2)
own resources A 38
premises PPI 1
privileges A 8; PPI
procedural instruments PPI 1(3)
proper administration of justice PPI 20
property A 5(2); PPI 3(2), PPI 3(3)
representation A 5(3)
revenue A 37(d), A 40(1), A 49(1),(2)
seat A 6(1)
social security scheme PPI 18
task A 4(3)
transfer of goods and provision of services PPI 7
European patent specification
declaration of priority in the published ~ R 52(5)
languages A 14(7)
mention of the inventor R 20(1)
new A 101(3), A 103, A 105c; R 87, R 96
publication A 98, A 103, A 105c; R 73
translation A 65
European patent with unitary effect A 142, A 145, A 146
European qualifying examination A 134(2)(c); A 134a
European search report A 92, A 153(6)A 153(7); R 61-66, R 70a
comments by the applicant R 70, R 70a
content R 61
international search report takes the place of the ~ A 153(6)
language of the proceedings R 61(5)
mention of the publication of the ~ in the European Patent Bulletin R 69(1)
publication A 16, A 93(2); R 68, R 69
response to extended European search report R 70a
supplementary ~ A 153(7); R 70a(2), R 161(2)
subject-matter searched R 63
transmittal R 65
where the invention lacks unity R 64, R 164
conservation of ~ R 123
language R 3(3)
not submitted in due time A 114(2); R 116(1)
by the examining division R 10, R 70-72
- see international preliminary ~
examination as to formal requirements A 16, A 90; R 10, R 11(3), R 56-60
examination by the EPO of its own motion A 114
examination fee A 94(1); R 70;RFees 2(1).6,RFees 11
refund RFees 11
examination on filing A 16, A 90(1),(2); R 10, R 55-R 60
examination procedure A 94ff; R 14, R 70, R 71, R 78, R 142
examining divisions
allocation of duties R 10, R 11(1)
appeals lying from decisions of the ~ A 21(1),(3), A 106(1)
as a department charged with the procedure A 15(c)
decisions A 97; R 71, R 91, R 95, R 111, R 123(4), R 159
organisation R 9(1)
responsibilities A 18(1), A 25; R 11(2), R 10, R 159
certificate of ~ R 25, R 159(1)(h)
displaying inventions at ~ A 55(1)(b), A 55(2)
expenditure of the EPOrg
authorisation A 43
cover A 37
examination A 49(1)
provisional budget A 47
shown in the budget A 42
unforeseeable ~ A 44
access to biological material R 32, R 33
assisting the Administrative Council A 26(2)
commissioning R 121
immunities A 8; PPI 12, PPI 15, PPI 17
reimbursement of expenses R 122(2),(3)
taking of evidence A 117; R 117-120, R 150
testimony and statements R 124
extension A 76(1), A 100(c), A 123(2),A 123(3), A 138(1)(c),(d)
extracts see Register of European Patents