Alphabetical keyword index
16th edition: this version presents the text in force on 1 July 2020. |
date of filing
entry in the Register of European Patents R 143(1)(b)
in the European search report R 61(3)
new EP appl. A 61
of a divisional application A 76(1)
re-dating R 56
rights of the same date A 139
date of priority A 61(2), A 76(1), A 89
in the European search report R 61(3)
rights of the same date A 139
- see date of filing
death or legal incapacity R 84, R 142(1), R 152, R 154(2)(a)
decisions R 111
corrections of errors R 140
drafts excluded from inspection R 144(b)
fixing the amount of costs A 104(3)
in Contracting States on the right to the grant of an EP PR 9, PR 10
grounds or evidence A 113
notification A 119; R 111(1), R 126(1)
partial transfer of rights by virtue of final ~ R 18, R 78
subject to appeal A 106
declaration of priority see priority
deficiencies see corrections and rectification
appeal R 101
disclosure of ~ by the Examining Division A 94(3); R 71
examination on filing as to formal requirements A 90; R 55-60
notice of opposition R 77(1),(2)
delivery of mail see notification
departments of the EPO see European Patent Office, special departments of the EPO
dependent claims see claims
Budapest Treaty on the International Recognition of the Deposit of Microorganisms R 34
depositary institution R 33
equivalence of European filing with national filing A 66
instruments of accession and ratification A 165(2), A 166(3), A 172(3)
microbiological material R 31-34
depositary institutions see deposit, list of depositary institutions
deputy chairman of the Administrative Council A 27
description A 78(1)(b)
amendment A 123(1),(2), A 138(2); R 3(2), R 4(6), R 58, R 70(2), R 70a, R 71, R 79(1),(3), R 80, R 81, R 137, R 161
content R 42
correction R 139
different ~ for different Contracting States R 18, R 78, R 138
for determining the extent of protection A 69(1); A 1, A 2 Protocol on the Interpretation of Article 69 EPC
presentation R 49
sequence listings R 30
- see application documents
designated Office
EPO as ~ pursuant to the PCT A 149(2), A 153; R 159
joint ~ A 149
of Contracting States A 61, A 76(2), A 79, A 80; R 16, R 17, R 40, R 41, R 68(3), R 71, R 73, R 82, R 87, R 155
designation fee A 79(2); R 39;RFees 2(1).3,
European divisional application A 76; R 36(4)
new EP appl. R 17(2)
diagnostic methods A 53(c), A 54(4),(5)
diagrams R 46(3)
different applicants see applicants
grouping R 9
Directorates-General R 9
disciplinary authority
over other employees A 10(2)(h)
over professional representatives A 134a; R 153
over senior employees A 11(4)
insufficient ~ A 100(b), A 138(1)(b)
of the invention A 83; R 31(1)
summary of the ~ R 47(2)
excluded from patentability A 52(2)(a)
dislocation in delivery of mail R 134(2)
between Contracting States concerning the EPC A 173
between the EPOrg and employees of the EPO A 13
concerning immunities PPI 23, PPI 24
concerning the right to grant PR 1-PR 11
divisional application see European divisional application
confirmation R 2
excluded from file inspection R 144
filing of documents R 2
mentioned in search report R 61(1)-(4), R 65
name, signature, seal R 2, R 113
notification R 125
number R 157(2)
requests for ~ R 83
transfer PPI 10
amendments A 123(1),(2), A 138(2); R 3(2), R 18, R 58, R 70(2), R 70a, R 71, R 78, R 79, R 80, R 81, R 100(1), R 137, R 138, R 161
as part of an EP appl. A 78(1)(d)
correction R 139
different ~ for different Contracting States R 138
for determining extent of protection A 69(1),
A 1, A 2 Protocol on the Interpretation of Article 69 EPC
in the description R 42(1)(e)
in the request for grant R 41(2)(i)
invitation to file ~ in amended form during opposition proceedings R 81
late-filed or missing ~ A 90; R 56
prohibited matter R 48(1)(a),(2)
publication of ~ in the abstract R 47(4)
- see application documents
on goods imported and exported by the EPOrg PPI 4, PPI 5, PPI 6, PPI 7
duties of office
of the employees of the EPO A 12