Alphabetical keyword index
16th edition: this version presents the text in force on 1 July 2020. |
Paris Convention A 87
patent applications see European patent application, international patent application, national patent application
patent claims see claims
patent classification see International Patent Classification
Patent Cooperation Treaty see PCT
patent documentation PCen VI
patent proprietor see proprietor of the patent
patent specification see European patent specification
lack of ~ A 97(2), A 100(a), A 101, A 138(1)(a)
observations by third parties A 115; R 114
patentable inventions A 52
date to be considered as the date on which ~ is made RFees 7
incomplete ~ RFees 8
methods RFees 5
particulars concerning ~ RFees 6
Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT) A 150-153;
Pension Scheme Regulations A 33(2)(c); PPI 23(3)
disputes about the ~ A 13
taxation PPI 16(2)
permanent employees see employees
Service Regulations for ~ A 33(2)(b)
person skilled in the art A 56, A 69, A 83, A 100(b), A 138(1)(b); R 31
petition for review by the Enlarged Board of Appeal A 22, A 112a; R 51(5)(a), R 104-110,
R 126(1), R 143(1)(y); RFees 2(1).11a
composition R 109
content of the ~ R 107
criminal acts R 105
examination R 108
fee R 110; RFees 2(1).11a
fundamental procedural defects A 112a(2); R 104
objection R 106
remedy of deficiencies R 108
patentability R 27
processes for the production of ~ A 53(b); R 26
plant varieties
definition R 26
exceptions to patentability A 53(b)
police regulations see security
postal services see notification
precedence of provisions A 164; PR 11(1) PCen VII
preliminary examination see international preliminary examination
preservation of acquired rights if a Contracting State ceases to be party to the EPC A 175
President of the EPO A 11, A 12, A 49(4), A 134(5); PPI 13, PPI 16
functions/powers A 5(3), A 10, A 11(3), A 29(2), A 33(4), A 46(1), A 48, A 49(3), A 112(1)(b), A 119,
A 134(6), A 143(2), A 145(1); R 2,
R 9(2), R 11, R 9(2), R 30, R 53, R 54, R 67(1), R 68(2), R 73(2), R 87, R 125(2)(d), R 127, R 126(1), R 129(2), R 134(1), R 143(2), R 144(d), R 145(2), R 152(1); RFees 3(1) RFees 3(2), RFees 4(2), RFees 5(2), RFees 9(2), RFees 12
immunities PPI 1(2), PPI 13, PPI 19(2)
Presidium of the Boards of Appeal R 12
previous filing see filing
~ laid down by the President RFees 3(2)
generally recognised ~ of procedural law A 125
prior art see state of the art
prior right see rights
prior use
declaration of ~ A 88(1); R 41(2)(g), R 52, R 143(1)(i)
deficiencies in claiming ~ R 59
multiple priorities A 88(2),(3)
period of ~ A 87(1), A 122; R 136
priority date see date of priority
priority documents A 88(1); R 52, R 54, R 163(2)
priority right A 87, A 88(3),(4), A 89, A 90
privileges and immunities see immunities
procedural law A 125
departments of the EPO charged with the ~ A 15
procedure up to grant A 90-98; R 55-74, R 142
stay of proceedings R 14, R 143(1)(s)
between the employee and the employer PR 4, PR 5
interruption and continuation R 142, R 143(1)(t)
resumption R 142, R 143(1)(t)
stay R 14
- see oral proceedings
- see written proceedings
as subject-matter of the EP A 64(2)
products A 53(b) A 53(c), A 54(4),(5), A 64(2)
professional representatives see representatives
programs for computers A 52(2)(c)
EP appl. and EP as an object of property A 71ff, A 148; R 22 ff, R 85, R 142
taxes PPI 4(1)
property of the EPOrg A 5(2), A 49(1),(3); PPI 3(2), 3PPI(3)
proprietor of the patent
death or legal incapacity R 142(1)(b),(c),(3)
entry in the Register of European Patents R 143(1)(f)
information about the opposition R 79(1)
~ is not entitled A 99(4); R 14, R 78
extension of ~ A 69, A 123(3), A 138(1)(d)
extent of ~ A 69, A 70(3),(4); A 1, A 2 Protocol on the Interpretation of Article 69 EPC
provisional ~ A 67
rights conferred by an EP A 64(2)
simultaneous ~ A 139(3)
protest R 158(3)
protest fee R 158(3);RFees 2(1).21
Protocols A 164
provisional protection A 67, A 153(2)-(5)
provisions governing the application R 41-50
information to the ~ and official authorities A 127-132; R 143-147
information to the ~ in the event of conversion R 156
publication of guidance for the ~ A 10(2)(a)
public prior use see prior use
exchange of ~ A 132
periodical ~ A 129
transmission PPI 8
publishing, fee for R 71, RFees 2(1).7, RFees 2(1).8