Alphabetical keyword index
16th edition: this version presents the text in force on 1 July 2020. |
taking of evidence A 117, A 131(2); R 117-124, R 150
exemption from ~ for the EPOrg PPI 4
income of the EPOrg PPI 4(1)
property of the EPOrg PPI 4(1)
salaries and pensions PPI 16, PPI 17
technical means of communication R 2, R 35(2), R 125(2)(d)
technical opinion A 25
fee for a ~ RFees 2(1).20, RFees 10
technical problem
specification of the ~ in the request for grant R 42(1)(c)
territorial effect of the EP A 3
text of the EP see European patent
text of the EP appl. see European patent application
The Hague see branch at The Hague
methods for treatment by ~ A 53(c)
third parties A 115; A 112a(6), A 122(5); R 114
time limits (general) A 120ff; R 131-136
amending of ~ A 33(1)(a)
failure to reply within a time limit A 121, A 122;
interruption R 142(4)
observation of time limit for payment RFees 7
stay of proceedings R 14, R 78
transfer of rights A 71, A 72, A 74, A 148(2); R 22
during the opposition period or during opposition proceedings R 85
to more than one person R 151(2)
at the time of conversion into a national patent A 137
authentic text of EP appl. or EP A 70
certification R 5
corrected ~ A 70(4)(a)
costs of publication A 65(2)
divisional application R 36(2)
filing of the ~ of an EP appl. A 14(2), A 90(3); R 6(1)
in language of proceedings of documents which have to be filed within a time limit A 14(4); R 3(1), R 6(2)
in oral proceedings R 4(1),(3),(5)
included in the application documents R 49(1)
language of proceedings A 14(2),(3); R 6(1)
legal authenticity R 7
letters rogatory R 150(2)
original ~ A 70(4)(b)
period for supplying the ~ A 65(1)
previous application giving rise to priority A 88(1); R 53(3)
reduction of fees R 6(3)
specification of European patent A 65, A 70(4)(a)
time limits R 6
~ of claims A 14(6), A 67(3), A 70(4)(a); R 50(1), R 71, R 82
~ of international application A 153(4); R 159(1)(a), R 160
transmittal A 77, A 135(2),(4), A 153; R 33(5),
R 37, R 134(2), R 157(3), R 155
transmittal fee
for an international application R 157(4); RFees 2(1).18
international application pursuant to the Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT) A 150-153; R 157-165
international arbitration ~ PPI 23, PPI 24
typing mistakes see errors in documents