Alphabetical keyword index
16th edition: this version presents the text in force on 1 July 2020. |
labour inspection PPI 20
language of proceedings A 14(3)-(7), A 70(1); R 3-R 4, R 36(2), R 61(5)
exceptions in oral proceedings R 4
Administrative Council A 31
documents from parties R 3(1)
documents which have to be filed within a time limit A 14(4); R 3(1), R 6
EPC A 177
European divisional application R 36(2)
Eur. pat. appl. A 14(1),(2),(6)
European Patent Bulletin A 14(7)
European patent specification A 14(6)
international application A 153; R 157(1)
letters rogatory R 150(2)
Official Journal of the EPO A 14(7)
oral proceedings R 4
Register of European Patents A 14(8)
request for limitation R 92
request for revocation R 92
search report R 61(5)
lapse of the EP R 75, R 84(1), R 143(1)(p)
law and order see security
legal and administrative co-operation see administrative and legal co-operation
legal co-operation A 131; R 117- R 119, R 148-R 150
appeal lying from decisions of the ~ A 106;
as a department charged with the procedure A 15(e)
national ~ PPI 20
letters rogatory A 131(2); R 150
personal ~ of employees A 9(3)
exclusive ~ R 24(a)
sub-licence R 24(b)
contractual ~ A 73
limitation procedure A 105a-A 105c; R 90-96
linguistic errors see errors in documents
list of depositary institutions and experts R 33
list of professional representatives see representatives