Chapter V – Biotechnological inventions
Rule 2838
Exceptions to patentability
16th edition: this version presents the text in force on 1 July 2020. |
(1) Under Article 53(a), European patents shall not be granted in respect of biotechnological inventions which, in particular, concern the following:
(a) processes for cloning human beings;
(b) processes for modifying the germ line genetic identity of human beings;
(c)39 uses of human embryos for industrial or commercial purposes;
(d) processes for modifying the genetic identity of animals which are likely to cause them suffering without any substantial medical benefit to man or animal, and also animals resulting from such processes.
(2)40 Under Article 53(b), European patents shall not be granted in respect of plants or animals exclusively obtained by means of an essentially biological process.
13.12.2007 - 30.06.2017Decision of the Administrative Council of 07.12.2006 (CA/D 10/06), (OJ EPO 2007, 8 and Special edition 1/2007)01.07.2017 -CA/D 6/17 (OJ EPO 2017, A56)
EPC EPC 1973 R. 28 R. 23d