How to make best use of the Unitary Patent System
The event focuses on the implications of the Unitary Patent system, highlighting how growth-oriented tech businesses can leverage its benefits to monetize intellectual property. It will explore how both the Unitary Patent and traditional European/national patent systems can be used to support different business cases and IP transactions.
Organized in collaboration with the European Innovation Council (EIC/EISMEA), this online seminar offers practical insights for business decision-makers, IP professionals in SMEs, and the interface to their advisors and investors as well as technology licensing offices.
Organised by
European Patent Academy
Organised by
European Patent Academy
Registration deadline
This seminar is part of the series 'From lab to market'.
In collaboration with the European IP Helpdesk, this series aims to equip participants with the knowledge they need to leverage IP assets for business success. Delving into real-world examples of both new and established businesses that have developed strategic IP management capabilities, the seminars will demonstrate how it can give them a competitive edge.
This series of online seminars is aimed at business decision-makers and IP professionals in high-growth technology businesses from different sectors, and particularly at SMEs. To maximise your learning experience, you can attend individual seminars or the entire series.
Course prerequisites
Participants are required to have basic knowledge of the patent system (consult this site for further reference).
The programme is available here. The online course room will take place on 21 November and will be organised as follows (all times CET):
14h Welcome - Stephanie Weber, European IP Helpdesk
14h05 Introduction - Raquel Xalabarder, EPO ; Viorel Peca, EIC
14h15 Overview to invention protection in Europe - Stefan Luginbühl, EPO
14h40 Q&A
14h45 Why patent protection strategies matter - Martin Wilming, Hepp Wenger Ryffel
15h Q&A
15h05 Navigating the options: Best practices for patent protection and
agreements - Mariella Massaro, Suvi Julin, and Robert Alderson, Berggren
15h30 Q&A
15h35 Break
15h45 Introduction to Unified Patent Court and national courts - Stefan Luginbühl, EPO
16h Q&A
16h05 Enforcement strategies for SMEs - Jennifer Burdman, Sauvegarder Investment Management
16h20 Q&A
16h25 Business needs driving legal needs - Panel discussion
16h45 Q&A - SME as discussion partner
16h50 Key takeaways - Adela Dvorakova, EIC ; Thomas Bereuter, EPO
17h End of event
Watch the recording and access the slides on the EIC website.
Event Timezone
European Patent Academy
European Patent Office
Bob-van-Benthem-Platz 1
80469 Munich