EPO updates terms and conditions for online services

To reflect extensive upgrades to our online services, we'll be asking all users to accept the new Terms and conditions for EPO online services electronic infrastructure in the months ahead on a tool-by-tool basis. These updated terms and conditions set out user obligations concerning their use of the European Patent Office's (EPO) online services electronic infrastructure, which consist of services, software downloads and user authentication methods. They relate to topics such as the registration process, security measures and intellectual property rights on the information and tools provided.


These updated contractual provisions replace the previous Terms and conditions for EPO smart cards, smart card readers and the Terms for loan and use of OLF software. Patent law requirements for online procedures under the EPC and PCT remain unaffected, as do the terms and conditions of use for the EPO's website. The new terms and conditions will apply to all new registrations under the recently launched Customer Identity and Access Management platform. Existing platform users will also be asked to accept the new terms and conditions.

Under its Strategic Plan 2023, the EPO has already taken several steps to enhance its digital services. We're also planning to introduce new types of security tokens for multifactor authentication such as mobile phone apps, which will eventually replace smart cards. These technical advances are all covered by the new terms and conditions.

Want to find out more? Please consult the brief overview at the beginning of the new terms and conditions.