III. Filing the request for unitary effect
How and where to file the request for unitary effect
72The request for unitary effect should preferably be filed online. This is not only reliable, efficient, secure and fast, it also has the advantage of reducing the clerical and administrative burden. Detailed descriptions of the various options and guidance on which one to choose can be found on the EPO's website, as can information about the EPO's online services.
73You can also file your request for unitary effect in person or by postal services. In these cases, too, it is strongly recommended that you use Form 7000, reading the explanatory notes carefully before completing it. Duly completing Form 7000 will ensure that you provide all the information required for a valid request. Requests can be filed with the EPO at its headquarters (Isar) and PschorrHöfe buildings in Munich, its branch at The Hague and its Berlin sub-office, but not at its sub-offices in Vienna and Brussels. The EPO's addresses can be found on the EPO's website. Requests cannot be filed with the central industrial property office or competent authority of an EPC contracting state (see Rule 6(1) UPR, which unlike Article 75(1) EPC, exclusively mentions the EPO).
74If the period for filing a request for unitary effect under Rule 6(1) UPR has not been observed, you can request re-establishment of rights in respect of this one-month period under Rule 22(1) UPR. For information on requesting re-establishment of rights, see point 83 below.